My wife and I ate dinner last Friday night with a couple of her friends before going to see AS3. Although the friends agree with us on > 90% of what Galt's Gulch stands for, they had the problem that I used to have - a compulsive desire to please others at our own expense. There are so many people who agree with our Constitutional values and yet are so misguided toward excessive charity. Talking about AS3 over dinner was a wonderful opportunity to correct this problem.
I never consider giving away things extorted from the people who earned them to be charity. Others would, and do. The worst of these profess their greatness to social equalism.
There are so many people who agree with our Constitutional values and yet are so misguided toward excessive charity. Talking about AS3 over dinner was a wonderful opportunity to correct this problem.
I never consider giving away things extorted from the people who earned them to be charity. Others would, and do. The worst of these profess their greatness to social equalism.