And then they refused to acknowledge they were lied to

Posted by CaptainKirk 7 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
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This is indirect information from monitoring near-family conversations after the debate. There was panic in the air after the debate. First, how could Joe get so bad so quickly? (No, they could not even think they were lied to, and that the Hurr report was BEFORE Biden took office).

Second, getting them to ask how long he has likely been like this is met with "He had a bad night..." Copium? He was fine for the State of the The Union. (Did you watch it? No. We caught the summary... ROTFLMAO).

Biden has dementia. He does not stutter. He loses himself.

But the final take away should scare you:
1) He's still better than Trump.
2) Trump is just evil and disgusting
3) Maybe they can replace him

Keep in mind. Trump is a Republican. And knowing these people, I know that if Tulsi Gabbard ran as the Republican, they would be 100% AGAINST her... Because of the R!

Vote Blue, no matter what, no matter who.

They are apoplectic because they can see Biden losing.
And worse, losing to Trump. Here come the dark ages.

But there was NO POINT that they could accept that the Media and the Dems have been lying to them this whole time.
It's those darn Conservatives that were exaggerating things.

To the Democrat Party. Good job. you have paralyzed your voters from every thinking for themselves. They believe that abortions=health care, and School Choice=Slavery. Kudos.
Not sure how you did it... But it's really clear.

These people will NOT reach over to the conservatives in the family and ask a reasonable question (seeking information). All questions are they "How dare you support Trump?", "How did we raise you so badly?". "You realize you are voting against your own self-interest?".

So... I put that out there... Because I truly do not know if we can heal this divide. I am at the point where they will have consequences they cannot tolerate, and they will reach out for help, and I will smile and tell them "Sorry. I just sent that much money as a Donation to pay Trumps Legal Fees! Nothing left for you!" (which is truly sad)

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  • Posted by mhubb 7 months, 3 weeks ago
    a certain part of the population will vote D or R no matter what

    historically democrats have ALWAYS been the party of treason, lies and racism.

    to vote democrat, you must be
    welfare parasite
    government worker (close to parasite)
    hate America
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  • Posted by freedomforall 7 months, 3 weeks ago
    In general, I agree.
    But it's not the R that matters because the Deep State can control that slightly-less-left-wing faction, too.
    Its the C as in Constitutional and Conservative and Consequences that really sets them off.
    The "divide" would take 20 to 40 years to solve for re-education to reverse the brainwashing.
    That is not likely to happen at all without substantial reduction in all government power;
    elimination of many executive branch departments, restriction of corruptive influences (aka $$$),
    and reversal of many unconstitutional laws and bureaucratic rules.
    Peaceful secession is more likely and that is near zero probability with the corruption at state level.
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    • Posted by 7 months, 3 weeks ago
      Yes, and lets remove this "Standing" requirement when challenging "bad actions on behalf of government".

      Imagine if we could get a judge to say to the IRS: "No, you cannot sue this citizen. You PERSONALLY have not been hurt, therefore you have no standing!"
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      • Posted by mhubb 7 months, 3 weeks ago

        how can a tax payer not have standing in ANYTHING that uses tax money?

        how can any parent not have standing in a case related to forces "vaccine" shot for their children??

        the courts use this "standing" lie when they do not want to address something
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  • Posted by $ Snezzy 7 months, 3 weeks ago
    Ever try asking someone if they've heard of "Let's you and he fight?"

    How do people get themselves into anti-reality positions? How can we get them to see who's lying and who's not? Maybe have them listen to George Carlin's skit, "It's a big club, and you ain't in it."

    In philosophical terms (dear to our friend Miss Rand) we are working with applied epistemology: "How do you know it's true? How do you know what to believe? Who tells you this stuff?"

    I'll bet there will be a lot of statements such as, "Well, everybody knows (whatever the supposed truth). Besides, "The Science Is Settled."

    I find it difficult to debate with those who disagree with me, at least in "stand-up" real time. If someone disagrees with me I tend to remain silent rather than argue.

    My wife reminds me that the Hegelian and Marxist view is that objective reality does not exist. Only what is in your mind is real. She reports of a class she took long ago, one of those feel-good sessions that her employer would send people to, as a one-week seminar for first-time managers. It was at a college in Louisiana. There was a railway track near the building. The lecturer stressed that reality was only in the mind. My wife had an epiphany. She said, "Since that's what you believe, give me your money and your car keys, and write me a holographic will leaving me everything you own. Go lie on that railroad track out in back of the campus. The train is due in about ten minutes. If you do not believe the train exists, then it's not there." The class roared with laughter, and the lecturer slunk away in defeat.

    Oh, and my wife became a fairly good manager, and later learned from VP John Vandervort at Gillette the method of asking the employees on the shop floor to describe their jobs, rather than telling them what to do.
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  • Posted by $ gharkness 7 months, 3 weeks ago
    You left out the part where "Trump told nothing but lies during the entire debate." I have been hearing "Trump's lies," for so long I forget to insist that someone name exactly what the lies are and EXACTLY the proof that they are such. We're just supposed to consider it "agreed," I think.

    There is no point in the foreseeable future (IMO) where the two sides are going to be willing to tolerate each other. It's only going to get worse.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 7 months, 3 weeks ago
    My fear is that they won't "reach out for help" but will raise holy hell...resulting in a summer of shit burning up. Maybe laughing WW3. We'll see.
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    • Posted by DrZarkov 7 months, 3 weeks ago
      That urge to rage is quiet now, due to shell shock over the horrifying performance of a President everyone was told is "sharp as a tack, and on his game."

      They may try something at the Republican convention, but I suspect the real fireworks will be in Chicago, with protestors outside and a different kind of fireworks inside. If the DNC tries to run a "virtual" convention that will be seen as cowardly.

      Unfortunately, if the fraud machine can't pull off the impossible, and Trump wins the election, the reaction will be violent nationwide. That will backfire, and not in a pleasant way, as conservatives being attacked will use deadly force in defense, and we will be as close to another civil war as possible.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 7 months, 3 weeks ago
        Hmmm. If Trump wins and the burning and looting begins, he should stand up and declare, "I will pardon anyone who shoots a vandal or a looter!" and let the people decide.
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 7 months, 3 weeks ago
        Where I live the trouble makers simply won't make it. Just like that country song, "Try That in a Small Town!" Doesn't fly here, and everybody's armed. Hell, when I took my wife out for lunch yesterday a lady at the table next to us was open-carrying a revolver. They don't f-around here...
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  • Posted by NealS 7 months, 3 weeks ago
    The scarry part is the people's acceptance and excuses for Biden's mental deficiency. These people support only the big "D", and could care less about the country or the people in it. It's all about power, winning, and feelings for themselves. I can't be around those that could give a hoot about the rest of us, especially when they flaunt it in our faces. I relate my teaching and experience to my time in Vietnam. We all were on the same side, having the same goals, and protecting each others back, no matter what, period. Our lives should be the same here and now, getting along with the majority. Today will have to result in WWIII, where we will have to come together to fight a common enemy, or in a civil war where we end up fighting each other. Something has to give and I'm not about to give in to destroying the principles of my country in order to achieve it.
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