We live in an empire of lies, propped up by the mainstream media. - Ron Paul
Posted by freedomforall 8 months ago to Politics
Excerpt: "The current Director of the Secret Service has been interviewed expressing her dedication to “diversity” in hiring agents. What if her dedication to DEI goals led to an agency that is more “diverse” but fails at its core mission? Can we rely on the media to inform us of this? Or will they, as usual, just blame it all on the Second Amendment? What if the problem with the Secret Service is that it was moved into the bloated, incompetent, and menacing Department of Homeland Security, the creation of which I strongly opposed when I was in Congress? We shouldn’t count on hearing the truth about the attempted assassination from the mainstream media. No wonder the elites remain determined to censor social media sites like Twitter/X and TikTok. We live in an empire of lies, propped up by the mainstream media. And seeking the truth in this empire of lies is the greatest challenge for us in the moral bankruptcy in which we live."
She ("it" ) is well versed in BS.
I'm boiling it down to this~~D.E.I.= DIE or if a candidate gets lucky (or protected by God) an assassin's shot only clips his ear.
Watching courageous SS agents protect a shot Donald Trump with their bodies made me dino wonder if taller women could have been hired to do that. I have a daughter and a daughter-in-law both slightly taller than exactly six-foot-tall-me but I guess hiring women that tall just ain't Micky Mouse inclusive enough.
I've noticed that Fake News continues to spew lies due to obvious hatred. I even saw a MSN article entitled "God Did Not Save Trump." I didn't bother to read that Schiff.
Anyways, I'm wondering when the Secret Service will so (too?) conveniently screw up to allow another assassination attempt.
Imagine these:
RFK Ducks... Just too late.
RFK Driver thinks the car backfired...
Mrs. Kennedy misses RFK while driving...
RFK... It's a head scratcher what happened.
Could you imagine what the left would have done?
I'm surprised Biden hasn't openly stated he believes the truth is whatever he says it is. Almost immediately after calling for everyone to "tone it down" on inflammatory political rhetoric, he proceeded with the same invective about how Trump and his supporters are a threat to democracy, which is the same type of speech that energizes would be assassins.
If honesty, competence, and sincerity were really important to the American voter, the projected election would be 80% Trump to 10% Biden and 10% RFK, but people no longer think, blindly obeying whatever propaganda feeds their fear. Democrats have become expert at inducing fear.
"...the projected election would be 80% Trump to 10% Biden and 10% RFK,..." Agreed, but I am mystified how the polls and the actual voting are so close all the time. It's hard to accept the country has been running so close to 50/50 for so long.
The blind Democrat vote (vote blue, no matter who) is nearly 30%, with another 15% young voters spoonfed the mythology in their public school indoctrination. That means the party only has to convince less than 10% of the voting population to swing its way, and they spend billions of dollars to make that happen.
The automatic Republican votes, from the small business and farming communities, as well as most of Wall Street, make up an amount similar to the Democrat core voters. Another 15% or so are the Boomers, who got their education from teachers who were steeped in the patriotic fervor of WW II. That means the party has a similar target of swing voters it needs to convince, and spends a lot of money in the effort.
Donald Trump threatens to upset the Democrat apple cart, as he's widening the Republican tent enough that the usual balance and fight for a small percentage of undecided voters could change as a result. This second run has the promise of being "Reaganesque" and possibly beyond, as Trump's VP pick is strong and shares his vision.
why else keep up with the lies and betrayals
and their kids and grandkids will have less
Anything that buoys up and feeds into the bubble universe they live in can stay, as long as it's useful.
Anything that challenges the reality of the bubble universe they live in either gets kicked to the curb, or isn't acknowledged at all.
That applies to their kids and grandkids. They simply don't care.
Bill Gates Father was on the Board of Planned Parenthood. Using those same tools. PP did much better since then. And Gates did phenomenally well.
They consolidated Power/Control over the decades...
Eventually became powerful enough to assassinate another President. And gain control of the media (lookup how Rockefeller BOUGHT controlling interest in all the media).
And ask yourself how, 60 years later, they are doing? Ask yourself if they are better off than you or the average American.
These people want power, and they want to hand it down to the families. They could care less if they rule over the USA or Thunderdome... As long as THEY RULE.
And now that they control the narrative. We are on the verge of a few more amazing breakthroughs... At which point 90% of the population is considered "useless eaters" by them. And their plan is to war them to death, or starve them to death. They do not care which.
So, when they attempt to "Borg" us with technology, etc. They know what percentage will adapt to the genetic manipulation and the control systems they implant.
They need SHEEPLE, and I think they realized it's going to be easier to CHIP/CONTROL while they sell a lie... It's more their style.
that is the problem, making them evil beyond the pale
Well, I think you have to realize that there are many circles in this hellscape. People at the top who profit. Going down to people who just want to stop the pain. We are literally "Rats in a cage".
The ONLY way out of it comes from "War Games".... Don't Play!
and damns them to hell
I am already there. Ignore everything biden and leftist pundits say, and about half of what the right wing pundits say. Its goto to make sense to me, OR I discount it.
The truth is "out there".