How Anti-white Diversity DEI (aka Racism), and Wokism Broke Disney’s Trust with America. Boycott The Anti-American Mouse.

Posted by freedomforall 9 months, 1 week ago to Politics
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"Disney is one of America’s wokest companies. It sees itself as being out in front on cultural and social issues, especially where Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are concerned. This has been a huge issue in America’s—especially American parents’—loss of trust in the House of Mouse. You can’t watch this clip from Disney programming Vice President Latoya Raveneau bragging about how she pushed LGBTQ messages anywhere she could into Disney’s programming without parents seeing that agenda. Because of this agenda, Disney parks, Disney feature films, Disney animation, and especially the Disney Channel have lost trust with many parents.
Theme park attendance is flatlining. What is the measurement matrix? Waiting times at the most popular attractions at its theme parks, Disney World in Florida and Disneyland in California, are plummeting. Over the all-important Memorial Day 2024 weekend, waiting times at the most popular attractions at both theme parks were at decade lows (with the exception of during COVID-19). In addition, its newest attraction at Walt Disney World in Florida, Tiana’s Bayou Adventure, which replaced Splash Mountain, has been panned by the Disney faithful. This review is typical.
Disney is no longer American parents’ babysitter. Here’s one parent’s open letter to Disney.

I say all this as a baby boomer who grew up with Disney in the 1950s and 1960s (that will give you an idea of how old I am). Disney’s current values are no longer those of its namesake founder, Walt Disney. Parents, especially those in the center and on the right, that are trying to raise their kids with the traditional values that made America great in the last century, no longer trust the House of Mouse. And until there is housecleaning, starting at the top of the C-suite, Disney will not be trusted again.

Putting ideology ahead of entertainment has [ruined a wholesome] American institution.
SOURCE URL: https://amgreatness.com/2024/06/04/how-bob-iger-dei-and-wokism-broke-disneys-trust-with-america/

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  • Posted by mhubb 9 months, 1 week ago
    disney committed suicide long ago
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 9 months ago
      Someone correct me if I got this one wrong...
      I read somewhere the Musketeers (Britney Spears, Antoinette Botachello(sp?), Justin Timberlake, et.el.) were routinely sexually molested for the privilege of being a Musketeer.
      This practice could easily have gone back to the very founding of the show.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 9 months, 1 week ago
    I don't remember the exact words of the disclaimer, but the last time I looked at the Disney channel I wanted to see if they had an archive of old shows from my childhood like "Spin and Marty" or the "Flubber" movies with Fred MacMurray. They did, but they were preceded by a disclaimer saying the programming did not follow DEI guidelines and may not be suitable for viewing. I changed the channel and never looked back. Modern Disney is bent on trashing us all. The company deserves to go under. Disney World should be abandoned to nature's reclamation process.
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  • Posted by mhubb 9 months, 1 week ago
    i just saw a video on Youtube
    naked guy exposing himself to kids

    was not il-legal in the place it was done
    unless some form of sexual gratification was involved (or if the POS was trespassing, he'd be arrested for that only)

    the dad of the kids was incensed beyond words as the cops was explaining why it was not il-legal to expose your self to children

    WHAT the HELL is wrong with our nation????

    me, i'd never vote to convict that dad for any action he'd take
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    • Posted by Dobrien 9 months, 1 week ago
      In one generation we went from kids 5- 15 being able to bike or roam the neighborhood to play with other kids at playgrounds and snap your fingers , no parents allow kids under 13 any freedom with out parental oversight. Everyone knows it’s because of the understanding that a strong potential of Peedos abducting them. The news
      always claims conspiracy when a finger gets pointed somewhere. The only time they gladly tell a story without “debunking” it is if a Catholic priest is involved.
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 9 months, 1 week ago
        We were re-programmed. Fear was used to manipulate us to keep an eye on our kids at all time.

        At 13 I rode my bike 30 miles from my house on more than a few occasions. Without telling my parents. I was even pulled over by police for riding against traffic (he was shocked when I told him my address)...

        And then our daughter... BARELY got to walk to the community pool without one of us. First ,there are no sidewalks in our neighborhood, forcing kids to walk in the street. Making it a bit more dangerous.

        Next, the quality of our neighbors isn't quite the same. Growing up, our PARENTS had a LOT in common. l If one of them came over to complain about one of the kids... We were DOOMED.

        Now, we don't know most of our neighbors. Much less trust them. (I am probably the exception to that rule, but 4-5 houses away, it drops off like a rock).

        Some of the changes were subtle. Hard to notice.

        I remember feeling I was a burden on my family growing up (Just another mouth to feed). And to quote my dad "I could k!ll you and make another one just like you, and nobody would notice"

        We had one child. 80% of my good (well-educated friends from HS era)... Had ZERO children. Heck 3 of my closest friends NEVER got married (only 1 remains, he will never get married. None of the 3 siblings he had will produce offspring, nor get married).

        We have become incredibly selfish, risk-adverse idiots as a nation.

        I watch in horror as I realize that the families that were "better off" than us... Produced ZERO offspring in my generation.

        Interestingly, the poorer families had more children. Children per generation for my family:
        12, 4, 1, ?

        Gift Registries. LOL. It used to be, you were asking for USED gifts. Your best friend made the list, distributed it. Nowadays, the stores make the list, and sell the products NEW each time. Getting a used stroller, crib, etc. Is considered rude. LMAO.

        We've simply lost the plot!
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        • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 months, 1 week ago
          I got dropped off at a buddies house 25 miles or so from mine in high school. After some time, it became apparent he wasn't coming home. I walked to a pay phone and checked for a cab. It was ~$10, which was all that I had (pretty poor as a kid). So I walked home. Left about 11pm, and got home about 4-5 am. My parents were ok with me being out very late. They didn't (and needn't have) worry.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 9 months, 1 week ago
        Me dino grew up during the Fifties.
        I used a bicycle to go to school and at times biked many, many blocks away from home if just to explore the great beyond so to speak.
        As long as I showed up at meal time,, my mother would not even ask where I had been.
        Me dino got around to starting a family during the Eighties.
        Elementary school did not even have bicycle racks. Both my wife and I just felt we HAD TO BE way more super protective of our kids than my parents ever were.
        One afternoon my little daughter carelessly left her bicycle in the front yard. It was stolen way before sunset.
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        • Posted by 9 months, 1 week ago
          I wonder if things would still be safer for everyone if the US population was still under 200 million (and the US budget was under $500 billion.)
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          • Posted by CaptainKirk 9 months, 1 week ago
            FFA, so much has changed. I remember a teacher who made us Pray in school. Even the typical left-wing teacher, though... Back then. Never wished us harm if we disagreed. ZERO Teachers told us our parents were Stupid, Crazy, or Liars.

            Fast Forward to my daughters generation where the teachers would ASK who their parents were voting for, and explaining (in my case) how wrong we were, and that it's not really "my" fault that I have accepted lies...

            Meanwhile... Teachers who are so under paid. That the car lot is filled with BMWs... Oh, those are the tenured teachers... Whose salaries aren't really discussed. Only "New Teacher" salaries are discussed.

            Don't get me started "Class Size Reduction Act" which was really "Hire More Teachers Act"... Or determine READING is not a required class. LOL
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            • Posted by mccannon01 9 months, 1 week ago
              I fondly remember back in the '50s and early '60s we celebrated Christmas in public school and even had Easter parades in grammar school. We had Christmas trees and made decorations to bring home. The greatest of all is we were NEVER subjected to political crap and were actually allowed to have a bonafide childhood. By the '70s all that was changing and education was getting supplanted by left wing extremist indoctrination. Having fun for a child seemed be getting banned piece by piece as the serious brain washing came into play. Meanwhile, as you point out CaptainKirk, the bureaucrats and apparatchiks responsible for all the destruction are raking in the cash.
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            • Posted by $ allosaur 9 months, 1 week ago
              Me dino recalls being "made to pray": in elementary school and through junior high school (now called middle school) in a home room standing to face an American flag in a corner of the room and hand over my heart saying the Pledge Of Allegiance with the rest of the classroom.
              Also I recall a class in which we one by one had to recite The Gettysburg Address to prove we had memorized it.
              Don't recall doing any of that in high school.
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            • Posted by JohnWesley 9 months ago
              I was in school in the '50s and even then the "under-paid teachers" drove the nicest cars. Cops and teachers underpaid, my ASS.
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              • Posted by CaptainKirk 9 months ago
                Again, the "new teachers" take the brunt of this. I said it before, they closed down Summer School (where dumb kids could catch back up in classes they failed), where I lived, because the unions fought for "By Seniority" volunteer summer teaching positions will be filled.
                At the time, new teachers were making $9/hr. A summer school teacher worked 2 months (80 hrs and would cost roughly $800, if you could use a new teacher). Unfortunately, the experienced teachers were making $40/hr ($80K/yr), and THEY would volunteer. So (80hrs cost $3,200 per teacher).
                THEN those teachers would get THAT added to their ANNUAL compensation, which was then AVERAGED out higher to determine their raises (at least COLA applied to that), and then to their future RETIREMENT earnings.

                Regardless. Because of rules, and for teacher protection, there also had to be a minimum number of teachers, a little staff, and usually a police officer. Well, it was easier to just give the kids a passing grade.

                What opened my eyes to all the lies... Was when I would watch the news and hear them cover how little the teachers get paid... WHILE I KNEW the salaries of so many teachers.

                Mark my words. A few teachers changed my life for the better, and deserved what they made. But MANY of the highest paid teachers were the least caring, least effective, and 100% protected by the union. Sadly, they were mostly the female teachers. Not sure why... But the male teachers just seemed to put more into it. (Maybe I enjoyed those classes more, maybe they were more MATHY). Clearly NOT all female teachers were phoning it in.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 9 months, 1 week ago
      You asked an excellent Question. “ WHAT the HELL is wrong with our nation????” It is a tough Question to answer without the background that led us to this position. You will find the answer to who what where how and why. Excerpt from Urania part 1 by Will Zoll During the first six months of President Trump’s first term in office, he sought counsel with his Generals on a very strange issue. That issue was transgenderism:
      The link provided is first of a 7 part series . Each part is about a fifteen to 20 min read.
      This LGBTQ insanity is not organic but it is organized. Why are corporations walking in lock-step with woke idealism, is it because customers want to spend their $ there. Nope they have been given the marching orders.
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