The Buydem Bureaucracy Dictates By 2031 Every Car a Prius – or a [EV] Device
Posted by freedomforall 9 months, 1 week ago to Politics
"The federal apparat no one elected just decreed that all new vehicles must average 50.4 miles-per-gallon by 2031 – which is the apparat’s method of effectively outlawing the manufacture of every vehicle that isn’t a small hybrid such as a Prius or a battery powered device by 2031.
It’s as clever as it is vicious. The apparat – the arrogant minions who are the apparat – can wash their hands like Pilate and say: We aren’t outlawing anything. People are free to buy whatever they like. And this is true, in a pedantic/legalistic sense. Just as it is true that in most states it isn’t illegal to own a rifle capable of selective fire. It’s just so expensive – due to the enormous fees involved that one must pay to be legally allowed to possess such a rifle – that most people cannot afford to own a selective-fire rifle.
But no “ban” has been imposed, you see.
Similarly, in order to be legally allowed to manufacture vehicles, the car companies must comply with the apparat’s decrees, such as the one just decreed requiring cars to average 50.4 MPG. Any car that averages less becomes a drag on the car manufacturer’s fleet average – and if that average works out to less than 50.4 MPG, the car manufacturer is fined, in order to “discourage” – that is, to punish – the manufacture of any vehicle that does not average 50.4 MPG.
The actual “discouragement” is applied to the would-be purchaser of the vehicle that does not average 50.4 MPG – by making that vehicle more expensive. Via the passing-on of the costs of “noncompliance” – i.e., the fines, which are folded into the price of the vehicle, making the “noncompliant” vehicle more and more expensive, for which the vehicle’s manufacturer is blamed. See that part about vicious and clever."
"The federal apparat no one elected just decreed that all new vehicles must average 50.4 miles-per-gallon by 2031 – which is the apparat’s method of effectively outlawing the manufacture of every vehicle that isn’t a small hybrid such as a Prius or a battery powered device by 2031.
It’s as clever as it is vicious. The apparat – the arrogant minions who are the apparat – can wash their hands like Pilate and say: We aren’t outlawing anything. People are free to buy whatever they like. And this is true, in a pedantic/legalistic sense. Just as it is true that in most states it isn’t illegal to own a rifle capable of selective fire. It’s just so expensive – due to the enormous fees involved that one must pay to be legally allowed to possess such a rifle – that most people cannot afford to own a selective-fire rifle.
But no “ban” has been imposed, you see.
Similarly, in order to be legally allowed to manufacture vehicles, the car companies must comply with the apparat’s decrees, such as the one just decreed requiring cars to average 50.4 MPG. Any car that averages less becomes a drag on the car manufacturer’s fleet average – and if that average works out to less than 50.4 MPG, the car manufacturer is fined, in order to “discourage” – that is, to punish – the manufacture of any vehicle that does not average 50.4 MPG.
The actual “discouragement” is applied to the would-be purchaser of the vehicle that does not average 50.4 MPG – by making that vehicle more expensive. Via the passing-on of the costs of “noncompliance” – i.e., the fines, which are folded into the price of the vehicle, making the “noncompliant” vehicle more and more expensive, for which the vehicle’s manufacturer is blamed. See that part about vicious and clever."
Every time an inventor came up the 100mpg carburetor, or the car that ran on water, they were murdered, or our (so-called) government seized the patent and declared it a national security secret.
There are dozens of documentaries on free energy and what happened to the inventors.
The oil and gas industry is the largest industry in the world. No one, but no one, is going to eat their lunch.
You're a dead man if you try.
The technology for this level or economy has been invented over and over for the last 80 years.
What is crystal clear is this will never come to light, or it would have already happened in the 1940's.
This is all about societal control. Nothing less than another chain on our Liberty and Freedom.
TraitorJoe is just another lying SoS, in a long line of lying SoS's
Using an early version of semiconductor material as the detector (Morray called it "Swedish Stone") he was able to draw from thin air 1 to 2 Kilowatts of power from a breadbox sized device. Endlessly.
All he needed was a length of antenna wire and a firm connection to ground.
He made dozens of demonstrations driving incandescent/florescent lamps and resistance wire style heaters, as the output was very high (RF) frequency and he did not yet have the technology to convert RF frequency to 60hz or DC.
As the story goes, he was approached to buy his patent, when he refused, his laboratory was burned.
He persisted.
He was run off the road serial times.
He persisted.
His house was peppered with machine gun fire, with he and his family in it.
He got the message.
His technology died with him in 1947.
His son tried to recreate the device, but he didn't have his dads, research, he passed in 2022.
There are dozens, if not hundreds, if not thousands of low-cost/free energy inventions that have been suppressed over the lat 90 years.
This Green New Deal is bu!!sh!t. Nothing more, nothing less.
If anything it is a control mechanism.
Oil is the biggest, most profitable industry on the planet, bar none. There is at least 250 years worth supply, as of today.
Most of it here in the good 'ol USA
The elite will forever use oil and gas for their limos, yachts and private jets.
Screw you pissants.
"It's a big club, and you ain't in it" -George Carlin
Met a guy at Wail-Mart who said, "I had one of those," (1992 D250) "and like an idiot I sold it. Wanna sell me yours?" I replied, "Do I look like an idiot?"
100% unconstitutional
but no one cares, no one that can stop these traitors
You have no choice unless you actively revolt against the tyrannical federal government that wants you as its slave.
That's when I'd just love to arrive in a car with an internal combustion engine at a cemetery during 2031 to spit on Crooked Joey's grave.
May also do something else if no one is looking.
Are we and the Amish the wave of the future? Should we also get oxcarts and start training oxen?
The gov is already punishing people with the "gas guzzler" tax. A number of years ago, being a former owner of a '69 GTX 440, I looked at the new Dodge Challenger 6.1L and the sticker had a punishment tax of over $1000. I didn't buy the car.