Professor says we can stop emissions with a pandemic that kills billions
Posted by freedomforall 10 months ago to Politics
"Let’s just say, hypothetically, that someone wanted an excuse to reduce global population, or limit competing tribes and religions, there’s a scientific hat for that. Climate Change is the ultimate excuse for mass death — done in the nicest possible way and for the most honorable of reasons. But isn’t that what they all say: Jim Jones, the Branch Davidians, Heavens Gate — death makes the world a better place?
The cult that pretends it isn’t a cult sells itself as “science”. I mean, what is the worst thing you can think of? Would that be one degree of warming, or the Black Death?
In Bill McQuire’s mind the catastrophe is not when billions of innocent people die.
One hundred years from now, what would our great grandchildren prefer: that the world was slightly cooler or they were never born at all? If you hate humans it’s a terrible dilemma…
Culling for the climate. Thirty years of telling us that humans are bad has consequences. As Elon Musk said” They want a holocaust for humanity.” It turns out a televised diet of one-sided climate projection by mendicant B-Grade witchdoctors might be a dangerous thing for mental health. If only Bill McQuire had seen a skeptic on TV?"
"Let’s just say, hypothetically, that someone wanted an excuse to reduce global population, or limit competing tribes and religions, there’s a scientific hat for that. Climate Change is the ultimate excuse for mass death — done in the nicest possible way and for the most honorable of reasons. But isn’t that what they all say: Jim Jones, the Branch Davidians, Heavens Gate — death makes the world a better place?
The cult that pretends it isn’t a cult sells itself as “science”. I mean, what is the worst thing you can think of? Would that be one degree of warming, or the Black Death?
In Bill McQuire’s mind the catastrophe is not when billions of innocent people die.
One hundred years from now, what would our great grandchildren prefer: that the world was slightly cooler or they were never born at all? If you hate humans it’s a terrible dilemma…
Culling for the climate. Thirty years of telling us that humans are bad has consequences. As Elon Musk said” They want a holocaust for humanity.” It turns out a televised diet of one-sided climate projection by mendicant B-Grade witchdoctors might be a dangerous thing for mental health. If only Bill McQuire had seen a skeptic on TV?"
the Earth is still recovering from the last Ice Age and the Little Ice Age
Does me dino have to write that tired old line again?
Which is, just ask the dinosaurs and the woolly mammoths. No, I think not.
i am NOT asking pelosi anything
Me dino would ask her about her tipped-off gay hubby's insider trading if the DOJ wasn't weaponized.
These people are Satanic Luciferian Genocidal Globalist Peedo Banksters. Prove me wrong on any word in that description. Bitch about all the nuances that they throw at us, the basic fact remains those in charge want you dead. They play the long game and finally people are awakening to that reality.
If I heard someone say something like that tweet in person I’d probably get in their face.
Humanity is a natural species of the planet and if it is time for it go extinct, then there it is. No need for creepy doomsday professors to keep stirring s**t up.
calls that "natural species" idea into question