Try to Imagine . . . Being Free From Fedgov Tyranny

Posted by freedomforall 9 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
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"Try to imagine what it would be like to keep what you worked for. Not just some of it. All of it. Imagine not “owing” anything to people you’ve never even met, let alone incurred a debt to. Imagine being morally as well as legally responsible for yourself and your dependents only. Imagine others being responsible for themselves and theirs. Imagine not having to worry about your retirement because you weren’t forced to finance the retirement of others all the days of your working life.

The same as regards health care – which almost everyone would be able to afford because they would only be obliged to pay for their own. The few who legitimately could not afford it – anticipating the howls of Left and Right – could be affordably taken care of by the charity of the rest of us, who could afford it – because we would not have been impoverished by being forced to take care of those who could have and should have taken care of themselves.

Try to imagine what it was like to live in America when Ben Franklin was alive."

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  • Posted by mhubb 9 months, 3 weeks ago
    as stated before
    we Working People are slaves to the welfare class

    healthcare CANNOT be a 'Right"
    healthcare REQUIRES someone to act, to do something, making those people that provide such care slaves to your "RIGHT" to have that care
    a RIGHT cannot depend upon the required actions of another, so this so-called "right" is a lie, used to buy votes
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