Another 9-0 SCOTUS Decision for Individual Freedom

Posted by $ Thoritsu 11 months, 2 weeks ago to Government
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Fantastic! Another SCOTUS decision for individual freedom. However, again, it overturns lower court decisions. In that case ridiculous decisions limiting a previous SCOTUS precedent regarding Executive actions, in favor of the Government because the actions were Legislative, as if the branch of Government were relevant to the powers of Government limited by the Constitution.

Unbelievable. Something has to change when multiple lower courts are overturned by unanimous SCOTUS decisions. They all ought to be fired or disciplined.
SOURCE URL: https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/supreme-court-issues-9-0-decision-facts-matter-5628706

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  • Posted by freedomforall 11 months, 2 weeks ago
    Traitors deserve execution.
    The lower court judges are traitors for disobeying their vows to protect and defend the US Constitution.
    Impale them now.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 11 months, 2 weeks ago
      Well, Vlad The Impaler DID keep the Muslims of the Ottoman Empire out of Transylvania (modern Romania). Recall reading that inspiration for Bram Stoker's Dracula is still considered a national hero there.
      Vlad had a connection to an Order of the Dragon (Dracul).
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      • Posted by rhfinle 11 months, 2 weeks ago
        Vlad and Charles Martel, 730 years before him, were the greatest heroes of western civilization, for sure.
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        • Posted by $ allosaur 11 months, 2 weeks ago
          Wow! Me dino likes history but I never heard of Charles the Hammer.
          Never heard of Ayn Rand before a very conservative brother Christmas gifted me all three DVDs of Atlas Shrugged.
          Researching her led to my stumbling into The Gulch 10 years and 3 months ago.
          Me dino may be a bit of a joker here but it has also been a very educational experience.
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          • Posted by rhfinle 11 months, 2 weeks ago
            I hated history through high school, although we had a very sweet history teacher. It just didn't 'click'.
            In college my group, the computer nerds/D&D/physics crowd, would sit around in the dorm, get drunk and tell stories. One of them had switched from engineering to history, and he found ways to make the history stories fun and interesting. If you've ever listened to Al Stewart's music, a lot of it is actually history stories. Lance Geiger, the History Guy on youtube, has a similar knack for making it interesting. I once came across a book by the science fiction writer Isaac Asimov, called 'The Dark Ages', which was fascinating as it was an explanation of armaments, catapults, trebuchets, castle crenellations and machicolations, all from an engineering perspective. So now I'm a history/prehistory buff.

            Martel stopped the first Muslim invasion of Europe in 732, They had made it almost to Paris. Vlad the Impaler, 730 years later, did what he did best, to thousands of the first wave of Ottomans invading Bulgaria. The other Ottomans turned around and left.
            In the Philippines, a hundred years ago, there was a Muslim uprising and attempt to take over the islands, which were under American control at the time. General Pershing probably took a cue from Vlad. The story goes, he tied fifty captured Muslims to poles around a pit full of slaughtered pigs. He had his troops dip bullets in pig blood, then shot 49 of them and dumped them in the pit to be buried with the dead pigs.The last one, he cut loose, so he could go back and tell the story. The Muzzies haven't been a problem in the Philippines for a hundred years.
            That religion/government bunch has ZERO respect for the rest of us, and consider it acceptable and honorable to lie, cheat and steal from the 'infidels'. The only thing they understand is violence, and it's the only thing that will stop them from destroying Western civilization.
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            • Posted by mccannon01 11 months, 2 weeks ago
              I've read the same account of Pershing with the addition the executed Muslims were also beheaded and the heads were buried at the body's feet forever facing west (away from Mecca).
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            • Posted by $ allosaur 11 months, 2 weeks ago
              You jogged an ancient dino's memory. I was introduced to the Colt 1911 .45-cal. semiautomatic pistol on Parris Island shortly after Christmas 1969.
              The story that came with it was stopping power proved to be sorely needed against the drugged-up fanatical attacks of Filipinos.
              That caused the U.S. Military to switch to harder-hitting 45 rounds. The first 45s used may have been revolvers, though. I dunno.
              Clint Eastwood's "Man With No Name" used a Colt .45 in a Peacemaker 1880's setting before the last flick prequeled to the Civil War.
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              • Posted by $ 11 months, 2 weeks ago
                45 ACP is only for semi-auto pistols (or less usual revolvers with moon clips). Revolver versions would be 45 Long Colt.

                The 45 ACP was designed (by the great John Mosses Browning) to duplicate the 45 Long Colt ballistics (and it does) in a semi-automatic cartridge.

                Semi auto cartridges have no rim, and register (headspace) in the chamber on the front of the case. A revolver and lever rounds have a rim, and the cartridge registers on the rim when inserted. Rimless cartridges feed better in stacked magazines. Rimmed cartridges can "rim lock".

                The revolver that was damned in the Philippines was the 38 Smith and Wesson (S&W), which is a wimpy, earlier version of a 38 Special.
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                • Posted by $ allosaur 11 months, 2 weeks ago
                  A S&W 38 is the revolver I was issued the few times I had to transport inmates during my 21 years as an Alabama Corrections Officer and a couple of semi-retired security jobs I picked up afterwards before I fully retired May of 2013. (Not to mention other firearms).
                  During one of those latter jobs I got to carry a Kimber .45 semiautomatic that I owned at the time at a downtown Birmingham job. I've traded in or just plain sold different firearms from time to time.
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                  • Posted by $ 11 months, 2 weeks ago
                    Yes, but your S&W 38 was a 38 Special, not 38 S&W round.
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                    • Posted by $ allosaur 11 months, 2 weeks ago
                      Yep, that's what my ammo looked like there on the right. Up until now I didn't really know there was much of a difference.
                      Thanks. Seems like I learn something new here every day.
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                      • Posted by $ 11 months, 2 weeks ago
                        I like H&R revolvers. My first pistol was an H&R model 666. My grandfather had a model 999. Great pistols, but their center fires are only 38 S&W. I was going to buy one, until my brother pointed this all out to me. So, H&R 22s for me. They were made right in MA, in one of a few factories, Fitchburg, Gardner, Worcester. My office is in Fitchburg. That is a cool connection too. I have several of them.
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                        • Posted by $ allosaur 11 months, 2 weeks ago
                          Me dino was born in Fitchburg. My dad's company moved my family to Dothan, AL, when I was a 4 million years old little whipper snapper.
                          My folks would not allow weapons in the house. My first pistol was a H&R HK4 .380 bought after my life my was threatened during my 7-year career as a newspaper reporter during the Seventies. Got my journalism degree with the GI Bill education after the Marines taught me how to shoot all kinds of stuff. Raised my kids to be shooters.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 11 months, 2 weeks ago
    I proposed that Every Time a Lower Court Judge gets Overturned. There should be a ding. And the percentage of times they get overturned should SCALE the impact.

    The impact should make a PERMANENT Percentage deduction to their paycheck.

    Something like:
    1%,2%,4%,16%,32% (doubling on each event).
    Then you multiple it by by the RATIO of Overrulings::Appeals

    So, if you get overruled once, no big deal.
    But if you are 5 for 5, you are losing 32% of your check for life, and that much of your retirement.

    Now, if you are overruled 5 times out of 10.
    You are back down to 16%

    But any judges desire to be a crackpot.

    Furthermore, Once your salary is reduced by 50% or more, you should be removed/impeached.

    Because MAYBE Soros is paying for some consulting we don't know about.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 11 months, 2 weeks ago
      3 strikes and you are out, impeached and never to hold any position in any courtroom again.
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 11 months, 2 weeks ago
        Honestly FFA, you have to give room to be wrong, or to miss the mark.

        But ZERO Tolerance when you are simply obstructing justice.

        I proffered publicly that Florida should have a Death Penalty for Activist Judges! So I might be slightly off the Middle. LMAO.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 11 months, 2 weeks ago
          I have a basic disgust with all lawyers, judges, and politicians.
          They are bad enough when they follow the SCOTUS' already
          power-biased perverted idea of constitutional limits.
          If they actually betray the constitutional limits on government
          power 3 times I don't want them ever to judge me or any other
          innocent patriot.
          I'd toss 5 of the SCOTUS right now for treason and every single
          judge at any level who blocked any investigation into the obviously
          corrupted 2020 election.
          I have no use for corrupt scum who are supposed to be servants
          of the people.
          They have allowed and approved of the spread of unconstitutional
          government power. They are enemies of liberty and a real threat
          to the American republican form of limited government.
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          • Posted by CaptainKirk 11 months, 2 weeks ago
            I like where the term Freelancer comes from.
            I think Lawyers should fight to the death for their clients. That would clean things up pretty quick.

            We replaced the Justice System with a Legal System, and Corruption.

            We failed to realize our Education Systems were taken over, and no longer creating the kinds of Citizens our forefathers wanted.

            We have some blame in this. When that becomes clear. Then the actions required to fix this will be even more clear to enough people, to actually make the changes.

            The constitution LIMITS government, not US!
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  • Posted by freedomforall 11 months, 2 weeks ago
    So this judgement restricts local governments.
    Does it also restrict state and federal governments, too?
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    • Posted by $ 11 months, 2 weeks ago
      ALL! Gorgeous opinion! Even the ultimate cynic, FFA, would like reading it ;) Straight interpretation of the "Takings Clause", now applies to all level of government, and all branches of government, after this pathetic government tried to skirt the prior precedent, asserting it was limited to the Executive (bureaucrats) Branch.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 11 months, 1 week ago
    I have often posited that one of the feedback provisions within the Judiciary Branch should be that if a judge has a certain number of their decisions overturned by the Supreme Court in a given year, they are immediately defrocked and must petition to be re-instated through appointment and Senatorial approval.
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