Right from the pages of Atlas Shrugged.
Posted by TeeStar 10 months, 3 weeks ago to Government
Th is so chilling. These guys will be around until October 2025.
We are learning a valuable lesson about voting responsibly.
We are learning a valuable lesson about voting responsibly.
SOURCE URL: https://twitter.com/i/status/1782450782463275258
Our governor may be old, even sounds old when she talks, but unlike Trudeau and thet soon gone senile ole' crook Buyme, she sho' loves makin' our'n state attractive fer pullin' in new business n' industries.
So y''all come on down!
(Psst! Ah not really talks dis way, but thar be times ah enjoys puttin' on like ah do. Ah do says "y'all" lots though).
Turdo wants to stop all that, apparently in the name of progress. Bureaucrats will track each atom of plastic from monomer to polymer to carbon dioxide. (Yes, the science in that last sentence is off center.)
I am not saying Canada has it right, but it is a problem.