Theft is theft, regardless of what the act is called. A=A

Posted by freedomforall 9 months, 2 weeks ago to Philosophy
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"Ayn Rand – channeling Aristotle – tried to get people to see the principle underlying seemingly disparate things; her purpose (and his) being to encourage people to think in terms of principles in order to get them to see that seemingly disparate things are often the same things.

Theft, for instance. The defining principle is the taking of another’s property; this taking does not become not-taking by calling it “taxes” rather than theft. Once this is understood, much else follows."
SOURCE URL: https://www.ericpetersautos.com/2024/04/11/since-we-cant-agree/

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    Posted by Dobrien 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    Theft through taxation in the US started when the Prussian Bankster Cabal was handed our Currency and banking . This has led to a devaluing of our money at the same time the theft of our earnings occurs. Oh but that’s just the obvious actions of these Prussian Mobsters. The moral and mental decay of the people is planned, coordinated and implemented with the intent of genocidal Globalists. BTW one might ask who are these Prussians ? Henry Kissmyassinger is one Bush family another ( don’t forget they were the Scherff’s before the name change) so are the Rockefeller’s so are the European and British Royalty. Think of the WHO or the WEF. Did they form organically?
    Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar (British trained) Obama was trained by the Fabian Society The Fabian Society is a British socialist organisation whose purpose is to advance the principles of social democracy and democratic socialism via ...
    Hitler was chosen by a Prussian General to do the Prussians bidding back in 1921. George Soros is a tool of the Prussian Rothschilds. 8 top NAZIS were selected to help run NATO when it was formed. Prussia’s tactic is to infiltrate and blackmail and compromise leaders to kill off as many of us as they can.
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 9 months, 2 weeks ago
      Taxes = Theft
      National Theft Day is right around the conner.

      The icing on the cake is knowing your stolen property is going to Crimaliens, encouraged to invade our country by the millions, in order to garner more unconstitutional and illegal DemoCrap Voters
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      • Posted by NealS 9 months, 2 weeks ago
        Thanks for the reminder. I've been waiting for the last minute, but your reminder just reminded me that I have forgotten. Will do it today, if I remember. Bye!
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    Just as a "Law" not worthy, not meeting the criteria of having the backing of nature and creation, is in fact, not a law to be abided.

    Man made laws punish the many, because of a few, in favor of a few or to aggrandize the man that made the law.
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  • Posted by LarryHeart 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    The ONLY reason for every socialist give away is to buy votes and create permanent voting blocks. Period. That is why these programs make no sense.
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  • Posted by chad 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    The useful idiots (little socialists) will argue that if individuals refuse to pay their taxes the country they believe to represent liberty and rights of the individual will not be able to support itself and sustain its direction toward total statism. They are correct. The country in its current iteration could not function without theft. Almost 80% of all earnings are taxed and goes to support a corrupt and murderous regime, installing and supporting other murderous regimes around the world. It is past the point of turning it around or redirecting it.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    Taxation is theft but the least of our problems. When 63 cents of every tax dollar is used to pay only the interest on our 34 trillion dollar debt then when does it end? As far as I am concerned I will enjoy the ride for my remaining few years and have my kids circle their wagons. The American Dream will be the American Nightmare shortly.
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  • Posted by $ Snezzy 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    The concept of property, personal property, is well understood even by horses. "You are thinking about eating my food," is the complaint that our pony Katie makes to our pony Rascal, even if Rascal cannot get near Katie and is merely eating his own food.

    Property must be defended or abandoned, and the defense has a cost. It at least costs the time and the mental effort needed to avoid abandoning it. Insurance was developed, long ago in China, so I have heard, to replace the catastrophic loss of a raft of good being shipped down the river by a known and smaller loss. Ten merchants might pool their goods onto ten rafts, Loss of one raft would mean loss of one tenth of a person's goods. The fellow who saw to the accounting of distributing onto the rafts would get a small fee for his effort.

    Proper government, objective government we might say, would necessarily have a cost, a small cost.

    Production of value comes from farming, mining and manufacturing. Defense, transportation and insurance are necessary costs born by the producers. Education, philosophy (including law) and invention (including the arts and sciences) enable future production. Only defense and law need be provided by a government.

    Suggestions on how we should best fund the defense of our property are welcome.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 9 months, 2 weeks ago
      Funding of the federal govt through tariffs. States could have a type of tariff for the natural resources and other production some type of royalty or value added. . More on funding defense of our country below.

      If you are talking about an individual’s property vs an armed criminal syndicate . Keep as low under the radar as you can and befriend your neighbors. What can anyone do to defend against a criminal syndicate law enforcement? Ruby or Wacko answers that. Now they have drones . Good grief. Best to out the criminals.

      As for the US first kick the UN right in the nuts and then in the ass out of our country canceling all ties or treaties. Immeadiatly cxl all treasury debt held by the Bankster Cabal, The WEF , and any of the guilty billionaires by theft like Gates and Zuckerberg and the rest of the Tech oligarchs colluding with the criminals to infringe our rights. Then Do the same to NATO . bust it up into a thousand pieces.. Immediate detaining of all illegal aliens and then either deport or send them to Gitmo as enemy combatants.
      Build reefs with the millstone neckties of all the treasonous collaberators in this insurrection of Nov 5 2020 electiontheft, all the way to the state level.
      FuQ with the elections and it’s straight to jail. We the people our vote is our property , period , no one is exempt from serious penalty for tampering in the elections.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    So true, and it is a very slilppery slope, the devious way liberals go from shiplifting, to squatting, to rights in court, to eventually taking your property for UN ownership under NWO. From the right to decide your lgiht bulb, to your right to object to a shady vaccine, it is all theft. Much as in Anthem, away goes the lights for control at night, to books, which your need not know how to read or reasearch. it is all theft, and it is all wrong, but that is the method of dictators.The censor what you can post, call you a conspiracty theorist, becasue you have done your homwork, thus stealing your right to be seen obejectively on baisis of content. That is what we are dealing with , and courts, esp. Soros courts, know just how Nazis worked.
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