Conservatives on Their Heels

Posted by $ Abaco 11 months, 3 weeks ago to Philosophy
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I really was grabbed by this podcast about Conservatives being on their heels. Listen to this. It puts into words something I've been feeling for a long, long time. Why do I rarely actually vote for a Republican candidate? This is part of the problem. I want to yell to our feeble GOP leaders "DO SOMETHING!!!" No. Conservatives spend a vast majority of their time complaining about what the leftists (Marxists) are doing. Like a football coach after loosing a game griping about how effective the other team was. I also agree with the description of Trump in this podcast. This is key stuff and I think Salsman F'ing nails it here.

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  • Posted by Stormi 11 months, 3 weeks ago
    I am sick of the Republicans getting right to the edge of doing soemthing, they making a deal. I have blocked all Republican Committee email money requests. They ignored Biden's confession election night, of his voter fraud. They allow those Jan. 6 conservative to linger in DC fail for "tresspassing." Trump for 4 years failed to call out the Green New Deal as the scam plagiarized version of UN Agenda 21 that it i, until a week ago! I do not intend to fund them, I do not intend to fall forr hollow promises, and I want them to listen to me, since I seem to do more research than do their minions! Pence was awful, fell all over himself over Fauci demands, not one of our party looked at the grants, looked at Fauci's mask study of 2008, did not read the German Vax study. Why would I fund conpmetentce and self serving politicians. We know Biden and Soros are out for depopulation, lied about the vax, and will never take responsibility. Really just sick of all of them.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 11 months, 3 weeks ago
    This is very much like Ayn Rand asserting that Liberarianism has no philosophy, and is therefore devoid of real value.

    He says "liberal" is clear, and described in the name. Nothing could be further from the truth. People who identify with "Liberal" are anything but liberal about self-defense, firearm rights, free speech, or any fiscal freedom.

    Conservatives are now just pretend, fiscal conservatives, fueled by religion, with all the preferred social restrictions.

    Both those two groups are just groups of people who are born of seeped in their opinions, without the need to develop their own opinions objectively.

    I'm not convinced Trump is really different in basis; however, he is clearly different in what he chooses to implement. Trump is good because he is different than the establishment, and therefore disrupts it. He is not good because he is just good.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 11 months, 3 weeks ago
    A Two Party system is, by design, used to divide people into camps, distract people with narratives, while both the left and the right steal everything that isn't nailed down.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 11 months, 3 weeks ago
    I have a friend who complains and complains about her lack of an income. She doesn't seem to equate having an income with working. Everywhere I go in town just about has a 'We're Hiring' sign out. Yeah they are hiring but no one wants to work!. nb
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    • Posted by $ 11 months, 3 weeks ago
      Yeah, that's a real common thread. We've mentioned it here several times this past year. I'm in the process of joining a major international company right now. I'm no spring chicken. But, I love the work and have a passion for it. At my age I'm still like a sponge of info on this stuff. They had me write my own job description. There is a MASSIVE shortage of engineers from ages 30 to 50. It is very, very strange. I'm going to strike while the iron's hot and I'm still having fun. Maybe pick up another investment here or there...
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  • Posted by GaryL 11 months, 3 weeks ago
    It has been my belief all along there is no difference between R & D in the political realm. Neither side actually stands for what they claim and both are simply power hungry asses. I can't imagine how difficult it is today for a your couple with children to teach them not to lie. They see politicians and the MSM getting away with lies daily yet they thrive.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 11 months, 3 weeks ago
    After decades of trying everything from protests, political commentary, writing books, a short sent on radio, and teaching my children year after year, the proper values to have as an american. I’ll give the bird to the people of this country. I’m a veteran and I believed bullshit but now I see they were not the good guys, it’s likely we never were. I was gullible and naïve. I owe nothing to anyone in this country and seeing the way things are going when it all comes crashing down, I hope I’m not here. I’m annoyed and I’m angry and I question why I should expend even an ounce of energy try to right this ship when no one gave a damn for many years as they viewed my conservatism and capitalism as the problem. These days I suspect folks are too stupid to understand the value of individual freedom.
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    • Posted by $ 11 months, 3 weeks ago
      Well...people are very, very stupid. Frighteningly so. Oh well... The news this morning of MTG initiating the removal of Mike Johnson...I'm all for it! Listen to her reasoning. He's part of the problem. That's all we get fed if we're Republicans...a bunch of different versions of Mitt Romney cucks. This podcasts was loaded with painful truth. The GOP has been tap dancing all over us for years, trying to balance our desires and aspirations with their political correctness and desire for job security.

      Let's start by doing away with Social Security. Just pay me the money you took with no interest and I'll be fine with that. Fair enough, right? Time for action.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 11 months, 3 weeks ago
        Wish MTG could clone herself several thousand times over and infiltrate all three branches of our government.
        In other words, we need a lot more gutsy conservatives like her.
        We bleed from being infected by far too many political weasels who always manage to get themselves reelected.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 11 months, 3 weeks ago
        "Well...people are very, very stupid. Frighteningly so." I'm thinking their stupidity along with hubris and arrogance will be their downfall, but they will make life on the rest of us get a lot tougher before it's over.

        "Let's start by doing away with Social Security. Just pay me the money you took with no interest and I'll be fine with that." I would be fine with that as well, but for now I'll take the payments and consider it a "Return On Investment" (even though "they" squandered my investment long ago). Edit add: I compare it to a private investment I put less money into than SS took over the years that is now paying me more than SS.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 11 months, 3 weeks ago
      "...why I should expend even an ounce of energy try to right this ship when no one gave a damn for many years as they viewed my conservatism and capitalism as the problem." We're in the same campground, AJA, but some of the good folks here in the Gulch and a few others in my life keep me from giving up entirely. I see signs here and there that MAGA is more than just a slogan.
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  • Posted by CrustyOldGeezer 11 months, 3 weeks ago
    'republican partygeenyusis' already know they possess every bit of intelligence allowed in the universe.

    I can cure the Military enlistment/re-enlistment problem with a simple plan that is cheaper than running for a county commissioner seat in western Wyoming, and 100% effective.


    naw, they have the smartest and brightest...
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  • Posted by mhubb 11 months, 3 weeks ago
    we are not

    we know that liberalism is failing
    it has too
    they will run out of money and their system will fail
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    • Posted by $ 11 months, 3 weeks ago
      They ran out of money long ago...Now they're enslaving the future generations.
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      • Posted by mhubb 11 months, 3 weeks ago
        new government
        all past debts are null and void
        all your clowns in government and your kids owe the money

        your families can pay it off with your ill-gotten gains
        after all, you thought you could steal and walk away.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 11 months, 2 weeks ago
    Conservatives are not the same as Republicans. Unlike the monolithic Democratic Party which ditched the somewhat-reasonable Blue Dog Democrats, the Republicans have long been a mix of two platforms: one the constitutional conservative and the other the big-business, tax-and-spend crowd. The Republicans would do well to stop trying to appeal to everyone and focus on one message or the other.

    Personally, I think the Twelfth Amendment should be repealed and we should allow as many political parties as possible so that the parties themselves have to clarify their platform and run on it rather than trying to appeal to everyone.
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