Champagne in the Tank (and only for the wealthy)

Posted by freedomforall 4 months, 2 weeks ago to Government
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"You may have heard of what are styled “eFuels” – by which is meant a kind of manufactured gasoline that is “carbon neutral.” By which is meant that no more “carbon” is “emitted” by burning it than is removed during the manufacture of it.

The process involves splitting water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen using electricity generated by not burning anything; i.e., solar panels and wind turbines. Voila – “green” hydrogen. “Carbon” is also “captured” – that is, taken out of the air by various means – and that can be used to “offset” whatever “carbon” is generated in the making/use of the “eFuels.”

You can imagine what this is going to cost.

Estimates project $20 per gallon.

The end-goal is not “carbon neutral” fuels anymore than the drugs pushed into hundreds of millions of people’s bodies was meant to “stop the spread.” Both are means-toward-ends. “Carbon neutrality” is the carrot placed just ahead of the donkey, who stupidly believes he’ll get to eat it if he just takes another step forward.

The donkey never gets to eat the carrot, of course – no matter how many steps he takes forward."

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  • Posted by mhubb 4 months, 2 weeks ago
    plants take "carbon" out of the air also
    and you can burn plants (Trees, other types) for fuel, heat, to run power plants

    plant life is also solar powered
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