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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 months, 1 week ago
    Yes! The state law says we have to have insurance and the insurance companies know it so can rip us at will - and they do. Actually, I figure the insurance companies paid the politicians to enact such laws favorable to insurance companies.
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  • Posted by $ 3 months, 1 week ago
    I recently changed insurance companies to State Farm. They put a something in my car to test if I am a safe driver for 6 months and then I'll get a slight discount from the $300+ dollars a month I am paying. This little do hickey grades on how you accellerate, brake, corner, ets.
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    • Posted by $ 3 months, 1 week ago
      Let me explain. I have had one ticket in my whole life (35 in a 30 mph zone). Little po dunk town in Texas with one cop. I have never caused an accident. I have had my license since I was 14 years old. My 2014 Ford Explorer has 42,637 miles on it. That would indicate i drive fewer than 11 miles a day! What's wrong with this picture?
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      • Posted by $ 3 months, 1 week ago
        This dinky little thing reporting on my driving warns me not to follow too closely or stop too closely to the car in front of me. I learned that in the 8th grade. It comments I accellerate too quickly. You better driving in Houston or you'll get run over. It says I brake too hard. When I put my foot on the brake in this tank I am driving I want to be certain it stops! This is a bunch of baloney. If I don't get my discount i
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        • Posted by freedomforall 3 months, 1 week ago
          This also happened to me, as I explained earlier.
          I switched to a different insurance company after they didn't give me any discount (because I stopped when traffic lights turn red.)
          They aren't nuts. They are liars.
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          • Posted by $ 3 months, 1 week ago
            Well if they play around with me they won't get much business in that pretty new building they just moved into. I have been asked to write articles for the only newspaper in town. Guess what I could do with that?
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            • Posted by freedomforall 3 months, 1 week ago
              State Farm took 15 months to settle a claim for me and I gave up on them.
              (They finally settled at the price I wanted and had to pay an extra $1500 to
              a car repair shop for keeping the wreck all that time.) Morons.
              A friend had a tree fall on his house 2 years ago and he uncovered that the
              State Farm agent was approving unreasonable costs for a friend of his who
              did storm cleanup work. That was reported to the state insurance board.
              Good luck with your issue.
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              • Posted by $ 3 months, 1 week ago
                State Farm agent built a gorgeous building...hired pretty young ladies and set up shop. I decided to try them as I was unhappy with USAA so I'll give them a try. But they better be careful with this 'Safe Driver' crap or I am out the door. Like I said, I have had one ticket in my life and that was a farce. I had a bad experience before USAA also. And I bumped a concrete decorative thingy and they listed me with an at fault accident! Stupid. nb
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