Moments From A Victory Against Democrats, Republicans Blow It To Attack First Amendment

Posted by $ allosaur 9 months, 3 weeks ago to Humor
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Why? Why? OMG Why?
Me dino has been instructed by those who would be my more experienced for politically correct betters that overcoming anything commie is deemed as not being feasibly Uniparty polite
It is the Grand Old Party's lot to be keen on reaching across the aisle, y'all. And I hope you know that saying RINO is mean for hurtful.
Don't you want to be liked by everybody?
"We realized things were going well for us, so we took corrective action," he who at the get-go proudly proclaimed himself to be a Christian GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson said while at a bank cashing his latest check from a Ukrainian lobbyist.
Asked what the hell was he thinking, Sweet Little Mikey (what the lockstep as radicalized Dems call him now) said, "We were thinking what we can do to immediately enrage our most loyal voters while preventing the destruction of the Democrat Party. Democrats would then want to destroy us first, don't ya know!" It is just good common sense.
The most obvious choice, Sweet Little Mikey said, was to pass a law against free speech.
"Mission accomplished!" Sweet Little Mikey cheered, hopping up and down like the happy little toadie that he is.
Check out the video of The Bee roasting Trump for his Bibles. Don't worry. The Bee sure ain't voting for BribeMe or that Kennedy with a speech impediment.
In the Trending Articles Sidebar is a thriller about African Missionaries who brave the grave dangers of the USA to bring the Gospel to the United Methodist Church.
Plus a bit in which Boeing sadly announces that a whistleblower shot himself in the back while falling off a skyscraper into a wood chipper while wearing cement shoes.
Plus there's assorted useful idiot protestor stuff and 9 Changes Disney Is Bringing To "The Chosen."

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