Must-See Alert: Martin Durkin's explosive new film: "Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth)"

Posted by $ DriveTrain 11 months ago to Science
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Given that this month was co-opted some fifty years ago as "Earth Month" by the Cult Of Green, and that we're roughly ten days away from Lenin's Birthday - a.k.a. "Earth Day" - filmmaker Martin Durkin has given us a massive, intensely important new film which absolutely demolishes the entire edifice of the anthropogenic cooling... ermm, warming... ermm, changing... ermm, something-something... ermm, whatever... climate crisis scare.

Durkin's one consistent point of ineptitude is in choosing titles - "Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth)" is hardly something that rolls smoothly off the tongue or fits nicely onto a bumpersticker, but it's marginally better than the title he gave to his 2007 film: "The Great Global Warming Swindle" - which latter was recognizable to maybe 23 aging aficionados of '70s Punk and absolutely nobody else on earth. And hopefully this time he's vetted every one of the (truly staggering) roster of respected scientists who're featured thoroughout the film - so that they don't come back later with "Oh, I didn't really mean what I said in the film," to the delight of the Climate Catastrophism Faithful.

I urge everyone here to set aside 90 minutes, pull up a chair, grab a brew, and witness the demolition of the Chicken Little Cult Of Falling Sky. If you are as blown away by it as I am, I also urge you to do some Olympic-class pot-banging about it to everybody in your networks on every blog, "social" media site and net entity you can. People need to see this - and you know it's going to be vigorously suppressed.

If you have not already seen it, I urge you too to set aside an additional hour to watch Danish CERN physicist Henrik Svensmark's astonishing 2008 film "The Cloud Mystery." Svensmark is featured prominently in Durkin's film, but "The Cloud Mystery" goes into some depth on Svensmark's game-changing discovery that Solar and interstellar radiation - and their profound effect on cloud formation - are the single greatest driver of climate change, and have been for time immemorial. And we human beings have exactly zero to do with climate change. Zero. Unfortunately it's only available at BluTube, and has gotten a faith-based "'Nuthin' ta see here folks, move right along" notice from the "UN" plastered at the bottom of it in, fittingly, blue:
No matter. It's a film containing absolutely vital material, which needs to be seen by every human being on this planet, particularly academicians and politicians (if you'll excuse the sullying of the concept of "human being.")

If America actually had higher education, these two films - along with the voluminous work on green misanthropy by economist George Reisman, author and editor Robert Bidinotto and author Alex Epstein - would be mandatory course material. So we the people need to fill in the educational gaps by publicizing these. Loudly,

"Your mission, should you choose to accept it..."
SOURCE URL: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8w693y

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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 10 months, 4 weeks ago
    Here's how I support the enviro-nazis every earth day. I wait until early afternoon, then I go gas up my car. I then get on I-465 and go the 60 miles around Indianapolis in one direction; I exit and get back on the other direction, and circle the city again. I then fill my tank again before going home. I've been doing that for about a decade.
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  • Posted by mikeofallon 10 months, 4 weeks ago
    Watch Drs Will Happer, John Christy, Richard Lindzen, Judith Curry and many other of the TOP physicists. More politicians are now silent on the issue, waiting til it's politically safe to speak out. "Higher" education will get another black eye over this nonsense about CO2 killing us.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 11 months ago
    See this. Pour a glass of wine, sit, and push “play”…
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 10 months, 4 weeks ago
      Oh, but there is Mann-Made climate change.....
      Every day, just before rain is predicted, here on the East coast of New Hampshire, dozens of high flying jets spew a witches brew of chemicals. I have hundreds of photographs to prove it.
      This past Sunday, one jet flew across the sky every minute for 12 minutes, creating a perfect, evenly spaced, stripped pattern, with a random jet coming by, in parallel, leaving absolutely no trail what-so-ever! Again, I took dozens of pictures and videos.

      In these photographs are side-by-side images of jets, at the same altitude and direction, one spewing some vapor that trails, horizon to horizon, lasting long after the jet has past, the other jet leaving a vapor trail the length of your upraised finger.

      Over and over again, every day before a rain event is scheduled. Toxins are sprayed down on us.
      I went down to the Carolina coast last month, I photographed the same contrasting images.

      GeoengineeringWatch dot org has the list of chemicals according to whistleblowers. Nano-particle-sized Barium (Ba) and Aluminum (Al) [Get it, it spells BAAL] as well as a long list of other minor chemicals.

      Now that we know for sure they are spraying this poison down upon us on almost a daily basis, the question we must all ask: WTF are they doing this for? This shit is killing everything, all living matter, plant and animal.
      This is far worse than most people realize, or willing to admit. Yet who is asking the hard questions? Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?

      We have a situation where some government entity is literally poisoning us, any mention of it is treated with distain and worse. We are called nuts, and conspiracy theorists. Shut up you racist! All that poison is normal!
      To that point, children cartoons now sport chemtrails in their background images to program their fragile, egg-shell minds into thinking this is normal. Pure Evil.

      Educate yourself people. Mann is intentionally changing the climate in ways that may very well be irreversible.
      People need to start asking the question: Why Are They Doing This?
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  • Posted by freedomforall 11 months ago
    Thanks, DriveTrain. It's a great movie documentary.
    This link works for me:

    This review posted earlier :
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    • Posted by $ 11 months ago
      In looking up the release date of the film I'm getting a smattering of dates, from 2023 to March of this year to just last week. No matter, it's here and as I said, since the collectivist efforts to suppress it are already under way, it's essential that each one of us who's seen it promotes it everywhere we can, before it's shoved down the Memory Hole like Durkin's "Swindle" was - also the ClimateGate scandal of 2007, which nobody ever talks about.

      I intentionally linked to the Dailymotion site rather than Google/YouTube for precisely that reason - Google/YouTube has a history of blocking anything that upsets the collectivist apple cart (they've even banned mild-mannered Dennis Prager's "PragerU" videos!) Though YT is in no danger of folding for boycotts - because in the case of most videos it's the only game in town - if the same video is available elsewhere I watch it at that other site as a matter of principle.

      In addition to alerting people to the film everywhere we can, we need to try to get our politicians to watch it too. Because from where I sit there has been a near-catastrophic obliviousness among politicians who should know better, to the fact that this "climate crisis" cult is the new vehicle of choice for the monsters trying to destroy Western Civilization, and has been their vehicle of choice since the 1989 collapse of the Berlin Wall and global implosion of socialism.
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