Is Mike Johnson another uniparty cuck?
Posted by Dobrien 10 months ago to Government
Another caving into the Marxist infiltrated $$ laundering machine and threat of govt shutdown. Now We have another trillion plus being spent on anything but Americans.
There are no coincidences!
By the way The oh so great RFKjr picked a deep state swamp creature for his VP moneys no problemo . Shanahan was married to Google co-founder and billionaire Sergey Brin from 2018 through January 2022, which reportedly ended after Shanahan had an affair with fellow billionaire and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk (Shanahan and Musk have both denied these allegations).
In 2013, Shanahan founded ClearAccessIP (now known as IPwe), a tech law firm that uses AI to analyze and manage patent portfolios for clients.
Shanahan left the company in 2020 to pursue philanthropy, founding the Bia-Echo Foundation, a private foundation which invests in “reproductive longevity & equality, criminal justice reform and a healthy & livable planet.” WTF is that? DEI seems very collectivist… of course she’s in the club that we aren’t. Obviously this move is gain the silicone valley tech support. They are Embarrassed by the Resident. I think this is more negative for Bydem than Trump.
Shanahan is a longtime donor to Democratic presidential campaigns, giving $2,800 to Marianne Williamson and Pete Buttigieg and co-hosting a fundraiser for Buttigieg, before donating $25,000 to the Biden Victory Fund after he clinched the nomination—but Kennedy said at his announcement on Tuesday that Shanahan left the Democratic Party to join his independent campaign. Rats jumping ship.