Protecting your anonymity – smart phones

Posted by jack1776 11 months, 4 weeks ago to Technology
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Because of a post by nonconformist I have become emboldened to share what I’m doing to protect my anonymity and replace my digital online presence. Hopefully others will join in on their solutions as well. I’ll include desktop and open-source solutions and it seems that nonconformist has a lot to add.

I’m sure almost everyone here knows the smart phone is a device to market you, much like the famous Yakov Smirnoff, In America, you use your smart phone but in Soviet Russia the phone uses you. Its sad that we are now Soviet Russia… Most people I ask if they have noticed items in which they spoke about but never search for online being marketed to you, most will say yes. I found a solution and I’ve been using this solution for about 6 months and I’m very happy with the results.

I switched from an Android based phone to Graphene OS based phone and I’m never looking back. I have almost everything I had before but without the spyware, bloat, forced software that can’t be uninstalled and with incredibly useful security features, baked in out of the box. Since I switched, I have stopped being the product and now I’m the owner of my phone.

The process is incredibly easy to set up, just a few steps. You purchase an unlocked Google Pixel phone and connect it to your PC, then start here, with the web installer documentation: https://grapheneos.org/install/web

It comes with nothing installed… You must set up everything but that is a positive. You install Google Play and set up an anonymous account for Google Play, or you can use an account you own, it’s up to you.

Graphene OS takes a different approach to security, everything on the phone runs in its own isolated space called a sandbox, even the Google Play runs in its own sandbox. Full details on sandboxed Google Play: https://grapheneos.org/features#sandb...

Android auto will not work on Graphene OS, Android auto is the only application I have found not to work, it requires too many privates to the OS and is incapable of working without destroying the security features of Graphene OS. I haven’t missed it as it really didn’t function all the well to begin with.

Graphene OS has the ability to shutdown phone features when not in use, the microphone, camera and location services can be turned off as needed.

The OS can have multiple profiles with different software installed for different occasions, these are isolated from each other.

By removing our ability to be controlled and monitored by the big tech companies, we are regaining our freedom.

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  • Posted by mccannon01 11 months, 4 weeks ago
    This stood out: "Most people I ask if they have noticed items in which they spoke about but never search for online being marketed to you, most will say yes." YES! It's down right creepy.
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    • Posted by 11 months, 4 weeks ago
      Ask others, most people have noticed this... I'm guessing that its listening to our conversations and processing for key words, like “Instant pot”, a case that happened to me and my wife. Then you get ads for Instant pot. Fast forward to totalitarian government / tech partnership and its listening for keywords you say between your wife and close friends that shouldn’t be said in public.
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  • Posted by fairbro 11 months, 3 weeks ago
    Thank you for this. Just yesterday I was looking for Linux Smartphone on ebay, but they are expensive and don't work very well.

    How about Calyx, is that another good alternative to humanity's ogre, Gulag Google?
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    • Posted by 11 months, 3 weeks ago
      Checked it out seems like they are both developing in the same space...


      Noticed the sandbox wasn't a feature, which is the major feature disallowing.one application from knowing what you're doing with other applications. The Google Play store is still available in Graphene but its running in a sandbox while Calyx seems to have a replacement.
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  • Posted by GaryL 11 months, 3 weeks ago
    Many of us are just not tech savvy enough to do all of this stuff, especially us older folks who use our smartphones for mostly just dumb phone conversations and maybe texting and emails. I use Iphones and have considered building a small cover box with some sound proofing that might keep the microphone from hearing most of what I say here at home but still allow me to hear call and text tones. Just last week a buddy and I were talking about watching for sales on ice fishing gear and both of our Iphones were on the table. That very evening he started getting notifications on his phone for ice fishing gear on sale. I am curious as to why I didn't get any such notices and have to assume it is because I don't have many apps on my phone nor do I use my phone for online searching or purchases while he does everything on his phone.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 11 months, 3 weeks ago
      I'm with you GaryL. However, I did recently use my overpriced way high tech Iphone to get a rebate on a case of beer, which in the old days I would have had to fill out a form and mail it in. Now let's see if I actually get a rebate.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 11 months, 3 weeks ago
    Unfortunately all cell phones come with a government controlled chip. This allows it to be activated remotely and access to the microphone and camera at the hardware level. Disabling said chip is $5,000 fine and up to 5yrs in prison... Per phone.

    If all I did was tell you how to disable it. They could project it over as many phones as they could assume did it... And I never see daylight again.

    That's the ONLY problem with these solutions.
    But with that said. THIS IS STILL better than than letting the Govt and ALL Major Tech Companies have full access...
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    • Posted by nonconformist 11 months, 3 weeks ago
      I don't think that's true, at least not in the typical case. It might be illegal, if you don't own the device.

      I've heard they bugged Assange laywer (or somebody) phone but they had to get physical access to it and solder something in.

      Using an always on modem on a device that you are constantly carrying around everywhere is a security risk anyway. It allows you to be constantly tracked. What we need is an 'open source' community wireless network built by everyone putting up antennas and hardware on their property that runs open source software. That way, no one entity controls it and the tracking wouldn't be possible to organize. Although, you guys might not like that idea because it is 'collectivism'.
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 11 months, 3 weeks ago
        There are a lot of things built into the phones.
        Burner phones, for example, when Charged, ping towers, even if off. Because most people are dumb enough to charge the phone in their car, or their house.

        The problem is that our government doesn't want people knowing what is happening.

        Just like "it takes 2 minutes to trace a phone call" (only in the movies...)

        Remember, the govt goals and big tech goals are 100% in alignment.
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    • Posted by 11 months, 3 weeks ago
      Please provide a link to your source?
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 11 months, 3 weeks ago
        Wow, it was 20yrs ago.
        I know the White Hat Hacker who published it refused to come to a Vegas convention as he found out the Feds were coming after him.
        At this point, it may no longer be a specific chip, but a feature of the chipset.
        But My 10 minutes of searching could not find it.
        Interesting that ChatGPT was QUICK to point out it was a conspiracy theory. That BOTHERED me.

        It was in years, near the one episode where one of the hackers ordered an ATM delivered to his house. Learned he could connect a bluetooth keyboard and gain access to the ATM... LOL

        I used to follow those...
        But I did not keep a trail...
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