RFK Being Left Out of Debates

Posted by $ Abaco 5 months ago to Politics
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Looks like neither Trump nor Poopy Pants want a piece of Kennedy. The last two debates w T and PP were hot messes. Even when PP exposed his soft underbelly (laptop is Russian disinformation) Trump didn’t finish him. I don’t think I’ll watch these again. It’s just a sick exercise…like watching cars crash into each other…

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  • Posted by freedomforall 5 months ago
    In this world where the Deep State censors everyone who opposes its insane
    war-mongering policies, no third party is allowed to fairly compete, and every
    candidate is hand picked to be completely controlled by the Deep State, war
    machine, banking cartel, Wall St.

    There will never be a debate, just more propaganda bread and circuses.
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 5 months ago
    RFK needs something more than his family name to run on.
    When BuyDumb picks the venue, the Leftist "moderator" and a switch to shut off President Trumps microphone...
    There is zero need for President Trump to debate TraitorJoe.
    The debate was over before it started.
    Trump wins.
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  • Posted by bkeiber 5 months ago
    Debate?...Ummmhh, let's wait and see. Did everyone notice the "rules" for this staged event? No audience. Two CNN monitors. Muted microphones for the opponent as each man speaks. It sounds to me like nothing but an opportunity for each one of them to give campaign speeches as there is no interaction between the two. His handlers will make Dufus slug down two or three Red Bull's so he can stay alert and read off the teleprompter. Boorring!
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  • Posted by mhubb 5 months ago
    not a RFKjr fan
    but if he is on ballots, he should have been included

    biden the usurper set the rules, Trump accepted them (or else likely no debates)
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 5 months ago
      "Trump accepted them (or else likely no debates)."
      Me dino's conclusion too.
      Trump is counting on that senile crooked traitor to keep sticking his foot into his stupid mouth.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 5 months ago
        Likely unless the "moderator" (aka state censor pretending to moderate) follows the
        censored script and silences all opposing views as the media has done for the past
        4+ years.
        I can visualize the "moderator" holding up large signs for Joe to read and mutter,
        but it's just as likely that there will be a digital Joe and a digital Donald being
        broadcast to the easily fooled serfs.
        With no audience to record the live "debate" who will know other than Trump?
        Bread and Circuses continues until the ultimate collapse.
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        • Posted by $ allosaur 5 months ago
          No argument about such potential possibilities from me dino.
          I would not even be surprised should the usurper's handlers find a way to bail him out of any and all the debates should they cook up a way to claim it is all Orange Man Bad's fault for their own default.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 5 months ago
    IMHO, these so called debates will be just as much a planned circus as the Soviet kangaroo court going on in NYC at this time. Why doesn't Trump bring up a few demands of his own? Is he sleeping through this or does he believe Xiden will simply self destruct no matter how fixed the whole affair is?
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    • Posted by mccannon01 5 months ago
      Just to add a bit. I know Bill Cosby really screwed up, but he did come up with some decent humor back in the day. One was a "coin toss" deciding historical events (Custer lost the toss with Sitting Bull, etc.) so this debate set up must be from a coin toss Trump lost.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 4 months, 4 weeks ago
    The Donald has made a demand. He demands that Po Jo's handlers do not fill their boss up with injections of hoppy juice so that the real Jo can be seen and heard. Good luck with that...
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