Secession? Conservatives Escape Democrat-Run Baton Rouge With Creation Of New City
Posted by freedomforall 8 months, 2 weeks ago to Politics
"The battle started a decade ago with conservative parents in the eastern areas of Baton Rouge, Louisiana seeking the right to send their children to better public schools. Their requests for a redistricting to build a new school in their area was denied by the city. Year after year Louisiana public schools have been rated some of the worst performing schools in the US, not just in education but also in safety.
Then there was the ongoing threat of rising crime combined with persistent Democrat controlled leadership; the policies of progressives directly contributed to repeat offenders being released onto the streets. Conservative residents, feeling that Baton Rouge leaders had no intention of representing their interests or listening to their concerns, decided they had to take drastic measures to make a change.
The result was an effort of citizens in the east to break away from Baton Rouge entirely and create their own city, called St. George. The problem for Democrats was that citizen proponents of the new city would be taking away access to their money, their businesses and their children. This was apparently unacceptable.
The corporate media and elements of the Democratic Party immediately launched a propaganda effort to paint the breakaway community (and other movements like it) as "white flight" and a new form of segregation. Their argument was that the petitions for St. George were racially motivated and a return to the Jim Crow era of Louisiana politics.
Keep in mind, the St.George movement started in 2014, well before the full bore institution of woke propaganda in Democrat run public schools districts. In hindsight, the people in eastern Baton Rouge timed their efforts perfectly and there are a lot of reasons to leave, as the city has only become worse in the past ten years."
"The battle started a decade ago with conservative parents in the eastern areas of Baton Rouge, Louisiana seeking the right to send their children to better public schools. Their requests for a redistricting to build a new school in their area was denied by the city. Year after year Louisiana public schools have been rated some of the worst performing schools in the US, not just in education but also in safety.
Then there was the ongoing threat of rising crime combined with persistent Democrat controlled leadership; the policies of progressives directly contributed to repeat offenders being released onto the streets. Conservative residents, feeling that Baton Rouge leaders had no intention of representing their interests or listening to their concerns, decided they had to take drastic measures to make a change.
The result was an effort of citizens in the east to break away from Baton Rouge entirely and create their own city, called St. George. The problem for Democrats was that citizen proponents of the new city would be taking away access to their money, their businesses and their children. This was apparently unacceptable.
The corporate media and elements of the Democratic Party immediately launched a propaganda effort to paint the breakaway community (and other movements like it) as "white flight" and a new form of segregation. Their argument was that the petitions for St. George were racially motivated and a return to the Jim Crow era of Louisiana politics.
Keep in mind, the St.George movement started in 2014, well before the full bore institution of woke propaganda in Democrat run public schools districts. In hindsight, the people in eastern Baton Rouge timed their efforts perfectly and there are a lot of reasons to leave, as the city has only become worse in the past ten years."
1) Now that the white "oppressors" have left, black Baton Rouge can now show the whole world how great they really are.
2) With the recent emancipation of all the white slaves, what is black Baton Rouge going to do all on its own?
Couldn't possibly be policy could it? From the article: "Advocates for St. George argue that the move was never racially motivated, only policy motivated. Everything Democrats touch eventually turns to rot. This has been consistently proven with the top most violent cities in the US being managed by Democrats and the top worst cities for school safety in the US managed by Democrats. "
I'm confused.
why can't We Americans??