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  • Posted by freedomforall 11 months, 4 weeks ago
    The AMA has been a complete fraud from its inception.
    It is a labor union in disguise that purposely restricts supply of services
    through irrational licensing and education that is mostly propaganda
    against competitive effective services.
    Nature magazine is a lying propaganda sheet that has nothing to do
    with the scientific method and supports irrationality.
    The Smithsonian Institute is an arm of the Deep State and does whatever
    needed to expand its own power and wealth.
    These are not examples of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
    They are examples of sociopathic irrational treasonous behavior.
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    • Posted by term2 11 months, 3 weeks ago
      The best way to defeat propaganda is to ignore everything that one cannot independently verify. So much of what people say nowadays is just designed to make you believe what will benefit them.
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  • Posted by $ Commander 11 months, 4 weeks ago
    Core: The process of continuing mastery of expressive language, ephemeral and technical, is the solution.
    Definition, syntax, context to express percepts and conceptualization. This is what it is to be (wise hominid) Homo Sapiens. What we DO with these skills ..... trade.

    One disadvantaged, whatever the causality, in the initiation and pursuit of mastery of expressive languages, shall always be disadvantaged in trade.

    Frustration leading to anger and violence is one of the results of this disadvantage. It is also the key to predatory prompting of control. Narcissistic wet dream environment.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 11 months, 4 weeks ago
      Did you just say the best liars win?
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      • Posted by $ Commander 11 months, 4 weeks ago
        One hundred fifty years of corporate obfuscation and financial rape of this country is proof of your expression. There is always a minority that watches the language and rebuts no matter populous opinion of what is "true" or "fact". The difference between the Prussian models of Realschule and Volkschule (for the elite/for the plebians) is the training in language use and application for commerce and control of commerce. Treaties, laws/rules, finance and the applications of such, provided one is invited into the circle, and how far.

        I've expressed in the past; any species that becomes comfortable with its environment stands the chance of harm in the face of upheaval, even to the point of extinction. Access to definition and meaning are paramount to comprehension. For example; What dictionary / ies would you use to interpret the Constitution for the united States of America?
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 11 months, 3 weeks ago
        Well, FFA, you know the difference between Marketing and Propaganda?

        Simply: Who is doing it!

        So, yes, if you can market easy to make items as though they are hard to make, you can literally steal from people... In the name of convenience.

        With an immersion blender, making Mayo is trivial. But who thinks that way? This generation thinks food comes from packages! LOL.

        I now think we need 2 years of mandatory FARM WORK for our teenagers. Like other countries do Military Service. We require them to actually get their hands dirty and learn how hard some of this is, so that they can have some gratitude.

        But yes... Liars who are PROTECTED by our Overlords. WIN. Think "Climate Change" Lies!
        It has taken me almost 5 years to break down their believes and get them to open their eyes. Because the lies go deep and permeate their being. (And we all KNOW we are damaging the Environment. And we own that guilt. And that is played on, allowing them to transfer it to "climate" without ever putting all the words together!)
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        • Posted by term2 11 months, 3 weeks ago
          Farm work is REAL work. You are right there working with physical nature, which is not like leftist "reality", which can be ignored...
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          • Posted by $ Snezzy 11 months, 3 weeks ago
            We encounter kids who are interested in helping at our farm or in helping us run pony rides. Right now we have a reliable home-schooled helper who is 16 years old, owns and drives a truck, and politely asks questions when unsure about something. Farm work is good for your health, too. Keeps you going. The dairy farmer has to milk his cows twice a day even if he is deathly ill. Solution? Don't get ill, and have emergency agreements with good neighbors.

            We had a couple of neighbor kids (now grown and gone) who wanted to help but were useless, always goofing off or finding ways to ignore our very clear instructions. I don't like paying for work only to have to do it over.
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            • Posted by term2 11 months, 3 weeks ago
              one of the reasons people were more rational is because in past years when most worked on farms, you needed to be rational to exist on a farm. Now that they live in the city, rationality takes a second seta to emotionality.
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  • Posted by term2 11 months, 3 weeks ago
    Today's advertising has far more than 13% black actors in it. So ITS now racist in that it discriminates against white people.
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  • Posted by mhubb 11 months, 4 weeks ago
    claiming the left thinks i a non-starting with me

    example after example of failed socialist / communist states and they still think they can pull it off??

    nope, i do not buy it, not one bit
    if you think you are right, you do not need to lie to convince people you are are right
    and the left lies all the damn time
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 11 months, 3 weeks ago
      To challenge what the left thinks is to point out lies and Schiff that just ain't logical (such as men can get pregnant) can get you cancelled as a racist though that also fails to make any sense.
      Forrest Gump's "Stupid is as stupid does" just jumped into me dino's head.
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    • Posted by term2 11 months, 3 weeks ago
      The left knows that socialism and communism don't work. They don't care, since they never look at the results for the suckers who believed them- only the power it gives the elite who are promoting it.
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 11 months, 3 weeks ago
        I will argue that they TRULY Believe it will work, if only the RIGHT PEOPLE run it.

        I've had the conversations. When I proposed and walked through the logic of raising minimum wage
        causing the increase of the coffee price, he argued only because the owner is greedy. And I said, okay,
        I am going to make you the owner (he didn't want that). But I told him, he does not get paid per hour.
        He gets only the money left-over at the end of the day. But he must run the business by his rules.
        So, I literally broke out the number of cups of coffee, and explained if we raised the price even 10 Cents,
        We lose customers. If we lose 100 customers/day, he goes negative.
        His first response was that he would take his "ill gotten gains" From before, and apply them to keep the store going. (LOL) Literally what he said. So, we put a time on that. (Of course, he assumed this owner made ever PENNY from each sale). he then started, true to form "We don't need registers if they cost so much". We will make people bring their own cups.

        It's as if they cannot comprehend reality at all. To them, there must be a way, because they just KNOW the greedy capitalist is stealing money from the employees. In the end, he suggested he would just sell the business because he doesn't like coffee that much. I said you "can't sell it, because it doesn't turn a profit... And you took a loan out, that you cannot afford unless you are working, and that loan does not go away, because you signed for it in your own name!"

        It's a futile activity. They KNOW they are right, because they have been TOLD they are right. Not because they've worked it out... Because they can NEVER Square the Circle. But they don't have to. Punishing OWNERS doesn't impact them. Because they are NEVER the owners!
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        • Posted by $ rainman0720 11 months, 3 weeks ago
          +1 because that's all I can give you. One of your final points (..."because they have been TOLD they are right.") hits the nail squarely on the head. When I went to school (long ago, in a universe far, far away...), we were taught critical thinking. We didn't have to know every answer; we just need to know how to figure out every answer. I don't know the answer to the question "What is one half of two thirds of one seventh of the value of Pi out to nineteen decimal points?", but given enough time and pencil erasers, I can damn sure figure it out.

          And that's the problem. When I was in school, I was taught HOW to think. Nowadays, kids are taught WHAT to think. And with that, civilization falls.
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          • Posted by CaptainKirk 11 months, 3 weeks ago
            Truth. In fact, the news USED to inform you about what was GOING to happen.
            Then it shifted to "What happened" (Voting is over)
            Then it shifted to "How you should feel about what happened" (Well, a racist won the election, we are all doomed).
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        • Posted by mccannon01 11 months, 3 weeks ago
          "...they TRULY Believe it will work, if only the RIGHT PEOPLE run it." and "They KNOW they are right..." pretty much sums it up, but you could add they will eventually get around to eliminating the WRONG PEOPLE and the people who KNOW they are wrong and can prove it.
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        • Posted by term2 11 months, 3 weeks ago
          I would argue that if they truly believed their proposals would work, that it would be impossible to reconcile the fact that no matter what, they don't work in practice. There are none so blind as those who will NOT see.
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        • Posted by term2 11 months, 3 weeks ago
          But to propose something that you have never considered how it will eventually work indicates to me that you arent interested in whether it will work.

          If you turn the steering wheel on a car, you are very concerned that it will keep you ON the road (the results). You don't just turn the steering wheel in response to some philosophical theory without regard to the result (unless the steering wheel is controlling a car that you are NOT riding in).

          The basic problem is that the purpose of socialism/communism is NOT that it will work for the masses, but that it offers the elite power over other people. The elites usually are not subject to the results, in that they are insulated from whatever the results are given they live in protected areas, have guaranteed government incomes, etc.
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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 11 months, 4 weeks ago
    “Many thought that STEM—the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics—would escape the diversity sledgehammer. They were wrong. The American Medical Association today insists that medicine is characterized by white supremacy. Nature magazine declares that science manifests one of “humankind’s worst excesses”: racism. The Smithsonian Institution announces that “emphasis on the scientific method” and an interest in “cause and effect relationships” are part of totalitarian whiteness.”

    This is nothing more than hatred and jealousy of the Talented merely because they are Talented. And why? Perhaps it is as Alan Turing was quoted in the movie The Imitation Game “Do you know why people like violence? It is because it feels good. Humans find violence deeply satisfying. But remove the satisfaction, and the act becomes... hollow.”

    Maybe just that simple: hatred of the Good, the Talented, and the Successful because it feels good. The philosophy of the equality of sameness (No individual characteristics allowed): if all people were identical with no distinguishable characteristics (sex, IQ, size, speed, strength) and everyone had the same stuff (dwelling, food, clothing) then there would be no need to hate others or to Take their stuff.

    Mediocrity and Blandness for All.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 11 months, 3 weeks ago
    I went to my nieces graduation in Miami (Near that bridge that collapsed... You know the one awarded to that Woman Owned Engineering Business, details are sketchy, by design).

    And I was shocked. There were almost ZERO White Males graduating Medical School. White females, and every other combination. More females than I thought should be there...

    But this was on the heels of attending an Undergraduate Awards Ceremony for our daughter, and that was the first time I noticed. No white males. TBH, I graduated like #2 in the Department and the awards ceremonies back then were like 95% Male, and maybe 30% non-white which represented the makeup of the university and an Engineering Degree. So the changes were significant.

    The sad part is that we know a FEW Doctors/Vets that are female. Only one still practices. Most are in the business for less than 7 years.

    I see the most active Female Doctors in Dermatology (even over Obgyns). Which I found strange. But I learned it is usually one of the least stressful paths. Easy to get back into after having children. Who knows.

    But if you thought a Doctor Shortage (and we have one in FL where it can take weeks to get an appointment at times) was bad before. Wait until the number of Ex-Doctors grows FASTER because of family creation and the ladies wanting to stay home with the kids...

    Finally, just saw a post on one doctor who married another doctor (surgeon) and she is upset that her husband said "No. You cannot quite until you pay off your student loans. And preferably AFTER mine are paid off as well!". She was asking "What did I get into?"

    My Answer... A short-term career for you at the expense of a long-term career for some RANDOM GUY.

    We can't really be this OBVIOUSLY Stupid, can we?
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  • Posted by mccannon01 11 months, 3 weeks ago
    Excellent article. Honesty straight up.

    It would seem there are plenty of folks that can't wait to get back to that romanticized tribal living again. Too bad they never really found out or understood what good old fashioned tribal living really is.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 11 months, 3 weeks ago
    Yeah. If science and math are racist I'm really a bad guy...

    I will repeat what I've been saying for close to a decade now....We are entering a new dark age.
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