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- 2Posted by $ 25n56il4 1 year, 1 month agoIt just dawned on me. Was Ukraine part of the plot all along. Get us involved, drain our resources. I am just a bit tired of all this.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 2Posted by $ AJAshinoff 1 year, 1 month agoAnd fill our nation with potential foreign combatants in the meantime.Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 1 month agoCould be part of a plan. I recall part of Ronald Reagan's plan to bring down the USSR was to outspend them militarily and economically and it was a factor in its final collapse. Maybe Putin et al have taken a page out of Reagan's playbook and are using it on us. Of course our own politicians are going along with their plan. TREASON is afoot.Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 1 month agoNo surprise here. I heard on the radio the US Ukraine budget has now outspent the budget for the US Marine Corps.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|