Speaker Johnson pushing $95 billion of foreign aid boondoggles that America cannot remotely afford, and which provide zero benefit to America. The Republican party is truly beyond redemption. TREASON.

Posted by freedomforall 9 months, 1 week ago to Politics
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"Using the most optimistic forecast, the public debt will reach $140 trillion at minimum by 2054. In turn, that would cause interest payments on the public debt with rates no higher than those which prevailed between 1986 and 1997 to reach $10 trillion per year.

You simply don’t need paragraphs, pages and whole monographs worth of analysis and amplification to understand where that is going. The nation’s fisc is now on the cusp of descending into the maws of a doomsday machine. So how in the world do these elements of Johnson’s offering make even the remotest sense?

Speaker Johnson’s Foreign Aid Boondoggle:

Indo-Pacific aid: $8.1 billion.

Israel: $26.4 billion.

Ukraine: $60.8 billion.

Total: $95.3 billion.

Apparently, it’s because Johnson and a good share of the Washington GOP have succumbed wholesale to neocon paranoia, stupidity, lies and hollow excuses for warmongering. "
SOURCE URL: https://davidstockman.substack.com/p/speaker-johnsons-ignominious-betrayal

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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 months, 1 week ago
    Me dino has noticed lib defamers of Fake News are highly critical of how patriot Marjorie Taylor Greene is so mean to Speaker Johnson for just wanting to "reach across the aisle get along.
    Also recall seeing MTG portrayed as an evilly vulture on a tree branch studying her watch as a poor little diminutive looking Speaker Johnson looks on as if knowing his time is running out.
    Wouldn't mind seeing a meme of MTG as a bald eagle snatching Johnson's RINO butt off the ground and feeding him to hungry chicks in a nest that is labeled "We The People."
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 9 months, 1 week ago
      And not one red cent to defend our borders.
      Rope and a lamp post is to good for these traitors.
      The American Indians had a plan for people like this.
      An open pit, dug very deep with steep sides. You get tossed in. No one is allowed to even go near the pit, just in case they might be tempted to help.
      You die of exposure.
      Lots of time to contemplate the products of your bad behavior.
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  • Posted by rhfinle 9 months, 1 week ago
    The old Republican party should now be called the RINO party. The Freedom Caucus/MAGA crowd is truly the Republican Party now. It reminds me of 1861. The Federals had gone so far away from what the original United States was, that the Confederates wanted to keep the American flag and let the Federals go find another one. That obviously wouldn't work, but would be appropriate.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 9 months, 1 week ago
    On the phone...

    Con-gress: Hello, Wizard of Fed?
    Wiz Fed: Hi, what can I do for you?
    Con-gress: Wave the wand and whip up a few trillion
    Wiz fed: No problem. Are you sure that's all you want?
    Con-gress: Let's not fill the trough all at once. Call you next month.
    Wiz Fed: Okee Dokee.
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  • Posted by mhubb 9 months, 1 week ago
    we get benefit from the aide to Israel
    lots of captured Soviet equipment from their wars has ended up in the hands of the United States for our evaluation.

    the United States was party Never Again when our Troops liberated some of the camps

    that the traitors of both parties spend like drunken traitors on unconstitutional vote buying that has weaken the nation for years notwithstanding.
    this has been allowed to go on as no one wanted to deal with the consequences, most of the voters of both parties being asleep.
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  • Posted by fairbro 9 months, 1 week ago
    Mikey scored a touchdown!
    For the other team.

    $60 Billion is probably enough to keep Ukraine from collapsing until after the election in November. By then there will be another 300,000 corpses.
    Hope the head CongressRat didn't overlook money for burial services, new cemeteries and expansion of existing graveyards.

    Good Job, Mikey!

    What is it about downtown Washington that makes you feel like you're in Disneyland?
    "The most important city n the world," as WMAL used to put it
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  • Posted by fairbro 9 months, 1 week ago
    It appears that Johnson broke with his party's base (went over to the dark side) after a series of meetings with US intelligence chiefs.

    There was a warning sign last week that he was done prioritizing human rights - he cast the deciding vote, last week, to re-authorize the NSA, CIA and FBI spooks to conduct warrantless raids and searches of Americans.

    From RT::

    "In a dramatic break from his party’s hardline conservative base, US House Speaker Mike Johnson this week praised the country’s deep state, called Russia, China, and Iran an “axis of evil,” and vowed to put his job on the line to funnel more than $60 billion to Kiev.

    For months, Johnson has resisted bringing a $95 billion foreign aid bill to a vote, arguing that neither he nor his fellow Republicans could support the bill – which would give $14 billion in military aid to Israel and $60 billion to Ukraine – without it being tied to an overhaul of US border security.

    However, after a series of recent meetings with US intelligence chiefs, Johnson has changed his tune.

    “This is a critical time right now, a critical time on the world stage,” Johnson told reporters on Wednesday. “I think providing lethal aid to Ukraine right now is critically important. I really do. I really do believe the intel and the briefings that we’ve gotten.”

    “I believe [Chinese President] Xi [Jinping] and [Russian President] Vladimir Putin and Iran really are an axis of evil,” he continued. “I think they’re in coordination on this. I think that Vladimir Putin would continue to march through Europe if he were allowed.”

    Johnson’s comments represented a break with the Republican Party’s pro-Trump wing. These supporters of the former president – most prominent among them Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene and Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz – view the country’s intelligence agencies as arms of the anti-Trump “deep state,” and have called for the flow of money to Kiev to be halted.."


    The spooks have him by the shiort hairs.

    The real "axis of evil" is the FBI, NSA and CIA.
    The only solution to these 3 vampires devouring the West is the wooden stake of Openness, and the bright sunshine of Transparency.
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  • Posted by marktayloruk 9 months, 1 week ago
    Surely it's right to support democracies against totalitarians and terrorists?
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    • Posted by fairbro 9 months, 1 week ago
      The Deep State (CIA, NSA, Media, Oligarchs, and associated political parasites) support the "democracy" of Ukraine where the dictator canceled the elections last month, closed down and looted the church, imprisoned its priests, funds terrorist who have assassinated a string of Russian journalists and officials, shells Russian shopping centers, steals andf resells 20% of the money and weapons we send them, conscripts amputees and pregnatn women - some "democracy" - where you are not even allowed to speak your won native language, such "treasonous activity" is a crime.

      If you had to choose a "democracy" to support, this is probably the worst choice of all the countries on the planet.
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