Is this TheBig One? Iran Has Launched Drones and Nalistic Missles at Israel.
Posted by katrinam41 10 months, 2 weeks ago to Ask the Gulch
Well, has the red balloon gone up in the Middle East this afternoon? Over 100 drones and ballistic misses are headed to Israel, launched from Iran, and some are reportedly impacting in Jerusalem as I type. How far do you think this may go? Israel promised retaliation if attacked by Iran. Will Russia and China get involved? Will we help shoot down those waves of destruction with our resources in the Gulf? This may get very interesting before too long...
and biden's sending billions to iran funding their terrorism and murder of babies
I heard Iran gave Israel a full days notice prior to the missile launch.
First: why would they do such a thing?
This gave Israel all the advance notice they needed to shoot down every drone and missile.
Was this a show of force?
A heads up for what might happen without advance warning?
I'm confused.
a REAL leader would have taken out the sites....
(you know, the guys in DC, Israel likely does not have the ability to hit many places all at once like we do)
I'm thinking the Iranian drones are modeled after ours and paid for by the Obummer and Xiden billions given to Iran.
islam is and always will be the enemy
from time to time we might agree with them on some issues
but not for long
Iran's investment in Hamas is about to be eradicated so desperate measures may be in order to save what's left of it.
Taiwan better pay attention.
Both Saddam and Iran, with their proxy terrorist groups, were puppets of Bush and the CIA. They were both CIA creations to foment FEAR as motivation for war.
imo, the term RINO was invented by the deep state, but it shouldn't be applied to people who betray the constitution. The GOP aka Republicans have betrayed the constitution from the day of the party's inception. "Republicans" are not friends to patriotic Americans nor to constitutional limits.
"Real Republicans" will betray you in a heartbeat for power and/or wealth, just like Democrats.
The recent FISA re-authorization was done with the support and approval of the GOP. If the GOP had opposed it, it would have failed.
Ditto for the recent massive approval of the insane budget with more billions for Ukraine, irrational climate nonsense, and pork to re-elect the scum in D.C. that betray Americans every single moment of their lives.
I agree with your sentiments regarding those you call RINO's; they are evil and betray Americans, but they are the heart of the Republican Party.
Crooks. The FED is being destroyed as is their fiat currency that always was designed to fail. This is being sped up to show the people with their heads up their asses who the enemy is. We are long past the tipping point with our debt. With BRICS the alternative to the fiat US dollar is money backed by valuable commodities.
I wonder what was said by whom in that hours long meeting with the pretzel and his staff. Not that our current pretzel is anything but twisted and incoherent.
no matter what was launched
reports the US and other nations helped stop them
after all, you see something in the sky from iran, you have no idea where it is going, you stop it.
biden the usurping traitor's "don't" seems less than weak right now.....
you do NOT stop a wider war by being a weak POS clown
nor by inviting the world into NATO
The lackadaisical manner in which the drones are launched after Israel being forwarned way ahead of time, not to mention the billions given to iran to launch the missiles is Telling; all of it, telling.
I can see them now: Israel/usa/cia/iran all at a bar downing brews while all this is going on.
When does an enemy warn in advance when they
plan to attack and what the attack will include?
It's almost as if they didn't want to cause damages,
or as if it was just a test to determine Israel's weak
points for a real unannounced attack in the future.
I'm sure the Israeli people are now reassured.
Sorry, I missed the celebration yesterday on
Assassination Day. Bread and circuses!!!
at just the age to wreak havoc here and they'd get assistance from young useful idiots.
why would anyone want to hold Israel back
they were attacked over and over and over
"As Israel emerged largely unscathed from a blitz of Iranian drones and missiles, President Joe Biden warned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about the U.S. position on an Israeli response.
Biden told Netanyahu in a Saturday phone call that the U.S. would not participate in and does not support an Israeli retaliation against the first-ever attack on Israel launched from Iranian soil, according to Axios.
“You got a win. Take the win,” Biden said, according to a source Axios identified only as a “senior White House official.”
giving iran more support
What would Buy-dem's response have been if Iran had launched 1000 rockets and drones against New York or Washington DC?
"Take the win"? Hypocrite traitor.
More like:
Iran would be flat radioactive glass and both the banksters and the military
industrial complex would be cheering behind the media censored curtain.
The climate change preachers would be able to rejoice at the loss of
the hydrocarbon fuels and all the other oil producers would be delighted, too.
No doubt they'd blame the entire incident on Trump and his Russian puppeteers.
No, enslavement of the patriots by the scum in D.C. is definitely worse.
In that case most of the things you mention would have happened, too.
But the enslavement won't happen unless the Deep State uses nukes against the American people.
Then likely the American people would respond by nuking D.C.
The foreign enemies then wouldn't invade for decades in fear of
400 million firearms and billions of rounds in the hands of American patriots.
I don't want civil war, but it's already happening.
they can use them against someone else first
the return gets us
hide and cone back out later
but we need a cheaper way to stop them
like a laser system
we stop them before they start