Follow The Money The CIA is the World's Filthiest Laundromat

Posted by Dobrien 11 months, 3 weeks ago to Education
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I believe the CIA is running the biggest money laundering operation in the world.

They shouldn’t be called the Central Intelligence Agency. CIA actually means ‘Criminals In Action’.

I will continue to make the case that George H.W. Bush is the architect of the modern day CIA and shadow government.

In my last article, I talked about the Iran-Contra scandal and how the shadow government focused the American people’s attention on illegal arms sales while all the evidence of massive money laundering got swept under the rug.

The shadow government knew that fighting communism and freeing hostages would gain ‘sympathy’ from the American people, so they wouldn’t really demand justice, and they were right.

Those illegal arms deals are now a footnote in history.

But something happened a year before these Iran-Contra investigations that actually did strike some fear in the shadow government. It was a different set of Senate hearings that were digging into something related to Iran-Contra. These hearings would expose evidence of something the shadow government desperately wanted to hide from the American people.

What was it?
SOURCE URL: https://badlands.substack.com/p/follow-the-money

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  • Posted by $ allosaur 11 months, 3 weeks ago
    Me dino agrees Criminals In Action is a correct altered name for the CIA acronym.
    But since it has been weaponized as has the entire DOJ by an Obamanation, methinks "Commies Integrating America" has some merit as well.
    On second thought, the word twisting Jackass Party and the Fake News that works for them may contrive that my use of "Commies" combined with "Integrating" would prove I'm racist as nutty for nonsensical as that sounds.
    So maybe I should call that "Commies Infesting America" since it seems to me that the CIA works for the Jackass Party as well.
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    • Posted by Tavolino 11 months, 3 weeks ago
      Check out the 4-part Netflix doc recently released titled; "American Conspiracies: The Octopus Murders." My cousin who was an independent reporter in the DC area was murdered in 1991 and immediately ruled a suicide. He uncovered a number of connections stemming from the software company Inslaw and surveillance by the Justice Department, including money laundering, Iran Contra, drug dealing, and much more. Pure evil dating back to the 80s.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 11 months, 3 weeks ago
        Not many were awake to the corruption at that time. Sorry to hear about your cousin.
        Thanks for posting, DOB. 👍
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        • Posted by Tavolino 11 months, 3 weeks ago
          Thank you. It was a great distress to his mother who had previously lost two other children (unrelated to this case). While his brother Tony is interviewed throughout the doc, he has always been rather passive as not to cause further grief for the immediate family.
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      • Posted by 11 months, 3 weeks ago
        Shortly before his death, Casolaro told people that he was nearly ready to reveal a wide-ranging conspiracy involving the Inslaw case, Iran-Contra, the alleged October Surprise conspiracy, and the closure of BCCI.

        This BCCI story is bigger than most people realize, and unfortunately, not a lot of people even remember it. There’s a reason most people don’t remember much about BCCI.

        The cabal changed the narrative.

        Timing is everything.

        George H.W. Bush was president at the time, and he should have been feeling the heat over this scandal. Guess what happened in 1990 that changed the narrative and dominated the headlines for the next year?
        The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.
        Operation Desert Shield would fill the headlines for several months, and then Desert Storm would completely wipe away the thought of the BCCI scandal from the media narrative.

        Mission accomplished.

        The biggest bank scandal in history was forgotten because of a war.

        Have you heard of the BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce International) banking scandal?

        According to Wikipedia:

        Investigators in the United States and the UK determined that BCCI had been "set up deliberately to avoid centralized regulatory review, and operated extensively in bank secrecy jurisdictions. Its affairs were extraordinarily complex. Its officers were sophisticated international bankers whose apparent objective was to keep their affairs secret, to commit fraud on a massive scale, and to avoid detection.

        In addition to violations of lending laws, BCCI was also accused of opening accounts or laundering money for figures such as Saddam Hussein, Manuel Noriega, Hussain Muhammad Ershad, and Samuel Doe, and for criminal organizations such as the Medellin Cartel and Abu Nidal.
        Police and intelligence experts nicknamed BCCI the "Bank of Crooks and Criminals International" for its penchant for catering to customers who dealt in arms, drugs, and hot money.

        Did you catch some of those customers of this crooked bank? Guess who else had accounts at B.C.C.I.?

        William von Raab, a former U.S. Commissioner of Customs, also told the Kerry Committee that the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency held "several" accounts at BCCI. According to a 1991 article in Time magazine, the National Security Council also had accounts at BCCI, which were used for a variety of covert operations, including transfers of money and weapons during the Iran–Contra affair.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 11 months, 3 weeks ago
    After reading much of this it seems you don't have to be an Einstein to understand the fentanyl epidemic's pipeline and cover. The old drug cartels are still in business as described in the article, but to update to the present day add on Xiden and his crime family enabling China and every other world criminal organization and a whole host of other DS actors. Banks? Whole countries like Ukraine are used to launder money in the new schemes. Heck, China is a supplier and a likely launderer when you look at it.

    Note: That meme is quite appropriate.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 11 months, 3 weeks ago
    I believe the Truth Teller, Whitney Webb is the daughter of the Webb guy in CA who reported on the CIA using/controlling the gangs to run the drugs in this country.

    Don't worry, they got him after discrediting him.
    I think there was a book/movie about what happened. COLOR ME not surprised...
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  • Posted by $ jdg 11 months, 3 weeks ago
    The whole concept of "money laundering" is BS. It assumes that movements, or possession, of wealth are the business of anybody but the owner.

    We need to replace our tax system with one that can be run with little or no surveillance. A sales tax could do the trick. A property tax certainly would. Whichever it is, it must replace all other taxes.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 11 months, 3 weeks ago
      I'll go along with a sales tax idea, but property taxes is pure fascist as in government pretending you own something but you really don't. My mortgage has been paid off for years, but if I don't pay those property taxes my wife and I will find ourselves out in the snow faster than you could say W-T-F!
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      • Posted by $ jdg 11 months, 3 weeks ago
        I'm not a huge fan of any taxes. But I mentioned property taxes to show that even if (through some innovation in ways to hide wealth) the government didn't know who owned any other type of asset, they will always be able to track real estate, if only because it physically exists where their police can seize it. Thus property tax is the ultimate answer to complaints that tech such as crypto would make tax collection impossible.
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    • Posted by 11 months, 2 weeks ago
      What part is BS?
      Money laundering is the process of illegally concealing the origin of money, obtained from illicit activities such as drug trafficking, corruption, embezzlement or gambling, by converting it into a legitimate source. It is a crime in many jurisdictions with varying definitions. It is usually a key operation of organized crime.

      Money laundering involves disguising financial assets so they can be used without detection of the illegal activity that produced them. Through money laundering, the criminal transforms the monetary proceeds derived from criminal activity into funds with an apparently legal source.
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      • Posted by $ jdg 10 months, 2 weeks ago
        I explained that. Neither government nor the public have the right to know where you have stashed or spent your assets or why you did so. It's none of their business.

        And this is especially important now that government is planning "social credit" schemes and CBDCs, which are attempts to impose total surveillance by making every transaction visible to them and stoppable by them, and making every asset seizable by them. If they succeed there will be no more freedom of any kind.
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        • Posted by 10 months, 2 weeks ago
          The money laundering is the stolen taxpayer dollars being appropriated by a non legitimate congress to foreign nations and then recieve money back from them in political “donation's”. If you would read the article posted you would perhaps understand that.
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