Solution Housing Crisis Illegal Immigrants.

Posted by Ben_C 1 year, 1 month ago to Humor
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The solution to house the illegal immigrants is simple and does not add to the budget deficits.
• Create a pool of registered Democrats from voter registrations records nation wide.
• Provide each illegal immigrant with the name of a registered Democrat based on lottery.
• The named Democrat will be required to house, cloth feed, and educate the assigned illegal immigrants.
• The named Democrat that refuses the requirement will be fined $55,000 annually to support the illegal immigrant elsewhere.

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  • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 1 month ago
    Why should anyone house hoards of invaders?
    If they can't be sent back to the place of their birth, ship them
    to the Aleutians and let them build their own housing.
    They get a similar chance at the pursuit of happiness that the
    colonists in Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Hampshire,
    New York and Vermont did.
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    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 1 year, 1 month ago
      Because we can't get rid of them, and can't stop them for now, so our hero here has come up with another idea: "Let the scum that want an open border, deal with the open border.", and the rest of us move on.

      This sure as shit would get Progressives voted out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 1 month ago
      I'm starting to appreciate your Aleutians as a final destination plan, but a stop over in Gitmo for processing to determine whether or not asylum/entry should be granted at all should still be part of their journey. Granted is a trip to the Aleutians. Not granted offers several options: - walk through the gate to Cuba, await transportation to their home country or elsewhere they may be accepted, remain in Gitmo.
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year, 1 month ago
      Sounds complicated and difficult to implement.
      For example, how long did it take for the beautiful people to get the Crimaleins off Marthas Vineyard? Days? Hours? Minutes?
      You will never get a Leftist, committed or not, to sacrifice a penny for the "Greater Good"™
      Ain't happen'. No Way. No How.

      To solution is simple and direct:
      Get them the EFF out of our country!
      The cost of rounding them up and dumping (litterly dumping them) right over the frickin border where they crossed over.
      How much will it cost?
      Hell, a tiny fraction of what WE, YES WE, are paying now! Never mind what it gonna cost in the coming years and decades.
      WE can afford to spend thousands each to round up and ship out each and every illegal, and it will still only be pennies on the dollar, rather then allow them to stay and suck off the teat of legal Americans for decades/centuries to come.
      You and I where never asked if we wanted 30,000,000 non-english speaking, uneducated, unskilled, poor, unmotivated, and as news reports come out every day: diseased, mentally defective and murderous coming here simply as economic refugees.

      Our forefathers specifically banned economic refugees, for good reason.

      Why are the DemonRats doing this?
      To destroy the country? Check!
      To bring in Sex workers (including children)? Check!
      To Bring in Slave workers? Check!
      The Bring in voters for greater dependency (i.e. Democrat Voters)? Check!
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  • Posted by AmericanWoman 1 year, 1 month ago
    Recently the Mayor of Monument, CO stated firmly they are not a sanctuary city. On one website that I have to go to when I need a chuckle as most are from CA transplanted to CO with mega million dollar houses with tons of lands eaten up surround them as well, they are the ONLY ones that scoff at this decision. But, do they offer to give up what they have to these grifters...Invaders....NO.
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  • Posted by GaryL 1 year, 1 month ago
    Easier to just have every illegal who enters this country have a Sponsor, probably a Democrat, who will be responsible for everything including any criminal activity the migrant gets into.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 1 year, 1 month ago
    One idea that is being floated . . .
    Financial incentives (federal fiat funny money) will be offered to homeowners to "rent" out their extra rooms to the illegals.
    The rent-offset payments will continue until all of the cancer cells are voluntarily absorbed into the available homes.
    Then the crack (fiat funny money) is halted.
    Existing laws will prevent the homeowners from expelling the invited cancer cells.
    Enter the engineered widespread social - political - economic mayhem.
    Wash - rinse - repeat.
    All of this nonsense is orchestrated by design.
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  • Posted by mikeofallon 1 year, 1 month ago
    Even IF this could be instituted, we'd need to deal with the cost and tragedy of the crimes that never would've happened. Remember Martha's Vineyard would not even take the 10 "migrants" (out of 50) that they had housing for.
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