Baltimore Mayor Says Conservatives “Should Be Afraid” For Calling Him the ‘DEI Mayor’ Says his “purpose in life” is to make white people feel uncomfortable.

Posted by freedomforall 10 months, 1 week ago to Politics
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"Yes, really.

Professional race-bator Reid angrily asserted that when right-wingers make fun of DEI, they actually mean just “black people,” claiming, “It’s the reason they complained about Critical Race Theory, it’s not fashionable to be openly racist anymore in America.”

She then welcomed Scott, who dresses and acts like a Black Lives Matter activist, to address the horrifically “racist” fact that right-wingers don’t support DEI in light of the Baltimore bridge collapse.

The mayor complained about “young black men” being demonized and treated as the “boogeymen” by racist conservatives who think that “only straight, white wealthy men” should have power.

“We know what they want to say and they don’t have the courage to say the n-word,” he ludicrously added, before appearing to make some kind of veiled threat.

“The fact that I don’t believe in their untruthful and wrong ideology and I am very proud of my heritage and who I am and where I come from scares them, because me being at my position means that their way of thinking, their way of life of being comfortable while everyone else suffers is going to be at risk and they should be afraid because that’s my purpose in life,” said Scott.

And there you have it, in his own words.

Scott’s “purpose in life” is to make white people uncomfortable and afraid.

But remember, you’re the racist for making fun of him."
Another lame attempt at making everyone into a racist (like himself.)
And the author of the article thinks the bridge collision was the result of maritime incompetence and the maritime company is hiring based on race, not merit.
SOURCE URL: https://modernity.news/2024/03/28/baltimore-leader-says-conservatives-should-be-afraid-for-calling-him-the-dei-mayor/

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  • Posted by JohnRandALL 10 months, 1 week ago
    It seems like almost every major city in America now has a DEI mayor. No wonder many cities have gone to hell, with rampant crime, homelessness, and pot hole filled roads. That includes my city, Colorado Springs. We just elected a new mayor, and he is worthless.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 10 months, 1 week ago
    I've said for a long time that "race is the playground of fools". Both sides are wrong in that interview clip. Who cares what the color of the mayor is? And, not all white people or "right wingers" are racist. I didn't make it too far in that video clip because it was a pile of scroad. THE PROBLEM is that a huge faction of these mental midgets are in our government, in our media and running our schools and local governments. So...I picture MLK doing cartwheels in his grave.

    Yes, there are "DEI" elected officials everywhere. But, government was never going to help you with anything, anyway. No solutions from there. Just chaos, taxes and dysfunction.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 10 months, 1 week ago
    It's pretty hard in contemporary America to find anyone who has benefited more from black slavery (now gone for over 150 years) than the likes of Joy Reid, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, the Obamas, Oprah Winfrey, Fani Willis, Laetitia James, and a host of other black folks cashing in on the past practice.
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    • Posted by mhubb 10 months, 1 week ago
      "we" really should have pick our own cotton...

      what none of these people understand or likely care about is that none of them would exist is that if some of their ancestors had nor sold some of their other ancestors into slavery all those years ago.

      if they traced their DNA they would see they come from all parts of the African continent.
      no slave trade, no mixing of that DNA

      and the simple fact that slavery still exists in Africa does not seem to bother them
      nor does it bother them that 0bama's and Hillary's actions in Libya brought it back to that nation
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  • Posted by DrZarkov 10 months, 1 week ago
    It's sad that MLK wanted to see a society where the color of one's skin didn't matter, where segregation and racism didn't exist, but now the DEI crowd says the color of your skin is the only thing that matters. They promote segregation, with "people of color" (which doesn't seem to include Asians) having separate housing in college, separate holiday celebrations, separate professional meetings (which makes it very hard for a multiracial company to work together). When all of that purposeful impediment to cooperative effort results in failure, they of course blame it on "white racism."
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 10 months, 1 week ago
    Some mayor is an idiot for a racist who hates white people while most people down here in the Deep South have learned how to get along.
    My neighborhood is a solid mix of whites and blacks and we respect each other just fine.
    When me dino grew up in Alabama during the Fifties that was unheard of.
    No one asks for what skin color they are born into.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 10 months, 1 week ago
    It would appear the Mayor sets the bar pretty low for his accomplishments.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 10 months, 1 week ago
      What accomplishment? Oh, you mean getting voted into the leadership of a black democrat city by just being a black democrat?
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      • Posted by AmericanWoman 10 months, 1 week ago
        Kweisi Mfume...huge part of the destruction of Baltimore!
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        • Posted by mccannon01 10 months, 1 week ago
          Not surprised. I believe there was a time when the NAACP was a needed organization, but somewhere along the line it took a serious left turn and this guy helped steer it that way.
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          • Posted by TheRealBill 10 months, 1 week ago
            Pretty standard for "movements", which NAACP was an outgrowth of. They grow beyond their original purpose to become a self-feeding bureaucracy that exists to further itself. If they acknowledged they were successful in the original goal and shut down it would be one thing - the right thing. But they never do.

            People have the same problem, which is of course why it exists in movements/movement-centric organizations. They wrap their identity into the role, and cannot separate it. We've all head, I suspect, about the fireman turned arsonist to be the one to save people from a fire, but likely don't think about other jobs.

            Consider a "child protection services" worker. Once they identify themselves as being there "to save children" all children become in "need" of being saved. They see their role as believing whatever they need to to think the kid needs their help. We see it in cops who become overbearing allegedly to "protect you" and violate your rights under the claims of " just doing a welfare check."

            The NAACP, like unions and HOAs, have outlived their usefulness to their original purposes and have become a shell of their former self, perverted to serving the self-glorification of the people who take it over.
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  • Posted by AmericanWoman 10 months, 1 week ago
    HA!!! Born in Bmore...grew up around there with many friends who were black....some in High School would gasp when I talked straight a black person or called them out just as I would a white for something said or done....my response what they are no difference then anyone else...do not fear them we are equal.
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 10 months, 1 week ago
    I am not afraid to use the N-word and neither am I a racist. I just don't see any reason to cause the conflict that using that kind of language would ensure. I am however aware and able to identify racism in others. The sad thing is that often times minorities are guilty of what they accuse white people of, and just make matters worse.
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  • Posted by jimslag 10 months, 1 week ago
    He keeps up that attitude and somebody is going to reach out and make him see Jesus
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    • Posted by mhubb 10 months, 1 week ago
      but not for long...

      wonder how long it takes to be send down?
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      • Posted by TheRealBill 10 months, 1 week ago
        Given that, when you really read the christian scriptures, you don't die and go to one or the other immediately - you're awaiting judgement day which, so far, is thousands of years for some - it could be a while. ;)
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        • Posted by 10 months, 1 week ago
          Is there more than one 'waiting room?'
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          • Posted by TheRealBill 10 months, 1 week ago
            They aren't terribly detailed about it, but from my understanding (been years since I studied it in depth), it will seem to the person to be instant, but much time will have passed. Kind of like going to sleep and waking up the next day - or being in a coma for years.

            It is known as the "eschatological gap" but has a parallel. To possibly oversimplify it:
            The early christian theologists thought judgement day was soon - imminent even. Thus they didn't really think about it as something that may be thousands of years from their time. As a result of that thinking they wrote about dying, then having a big judgement day when you'd be resurrected into a new body representing which "way" you went.

            That language is perhaps surprising to some, but it is true that early christians did not reject reincarnation, so the idea that you'd be reincarnated to a new body was not perceived as being at odds with the basic theology.

            So much of that language is around there being a period of "limbo" where you are not conscious at all until judgement day. But then it became apparent that judgement day was not nigh. Because they didn't expect it to take long they didn't think through the process, and left it vague.

            This is similar to the Marxists of the early 20th century realizing Marx' inevitable and pending spontaneous revolution was not going to happen - at all. So they reworked their belief in to a local revolution - Mussolini being one of the first to pioneer this at the government level.

            So for hundreds of years, until the second Constantinople Council IIRC, reincarnation was an accepted part of Christianity - for some that was to solve the problem of not going to heaven immediately. IIRC the term used was apocatastasis which is essentially "die and reincarnate to work out your bad karma until you're as pure as Christ." IIRC the Gnostics were quite adherent to that belief. For the catholic church's solution they asserted the soul did not exist prior to your quickening (the moment a pregnant woman can feel baby's movement in the womb), thus precluding apocatastasis and reincarnation as a whole.

            Yet they still struggled with trying to interpret the alleged rules that came from that. Combined with the notion that we are all born in sin, the question of "what about babies who die" became a problem, as did people who had repented but still felt guilty. This is where the ideas of Limbo and Purgatory came from: trying to resolve the dissonance of "a baby has committed no sin, why should it go to hell?" and similar questions around repented people. Included in that dissonance set are people who were goo people but did not live in a society that knew about "the only way to heaven" at all.

            It was all quite messy, as you'd expect looking at it from the future. So to answer your question: "it depends." ;) But ultimately when you look at original scripture at no point does it speak of things like going up or down immediately or that your ancestors are "looking down from above" after they die, and similar claims modern christians hold fast to - completely unaware they contradict the actual gospels. :P
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