Election Interference Like This Country Has Never Seen Before...

Posted by Dobrien 10 months ago to History
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How unfair is the recent judgment that New York Attorney General Laetitia James and Judge Arthur Engoron just hit presidential candidate Donald J. Trump with last week?

It's this unfair: to appeal the $354 million fine imposed by Judge Engoron, Trump has to put up the entire amount of the fine plus about $100 million for the bond while he appeals this insane judgment.
As law professor Jonathan Turley discusses in his post here, Trump has to hand over a $455 million deposit. That is a sum of almost half a billion dollars.

That’s right. Trump has to hand the court nearly half a billion dollars to appeal this judgment. And this court won’t an IOU or a check. Trump has to come up with the cash.
SOURCE URL: https://briancates.substack.com/p/election-interference-like-this-country

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    Posted by Arthgallo 10 months ago
    Howard Rourke would have a solution, so would Hank Reardon. All the Trump building in NY would suddenly implode without the loss of life. a small sign would remain, take it, its yours.
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 9 months, 4 weeks ago
      Some of you might know this fun fact:
      The Twin Towers at the World Trade Center were losing money hand over fist.
      They were occupied at a fraction of their capacity
      They sold for pennies on the dollar.
      Not a year before the attacks, Larry Silverstein insured for full value against terrorism, something no insurance company ever does, especially given the fact they were already struck by terrorists not seven years prior!
      Silverstein received double indemnity.
      He Literally made out like a bandit.
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      • Posted by 9 months, 3 weeks ago
        Yes This has been well documented. Silverstein also hired Marvin Bush’s and (Walker yes that same Walker ) as in Herbert Walker Bush , security co. The security company, formerly named Securacom and now named Stratesec, is in Sterling, Va.. Its CEO, Barry McDaniel, said the company had a completion contract" to handle some of the security at the World Trade Centerup to the day the buildings fell down."
        Feb 4, 2003 — Walker III, was also a principal at Stratesec, and Walker, Marvin Bush and al Sabah are listed in SEC filings as significant shareholders
        …. Bush-Linked Company Handled Security for the WTC, Dulles and United

        Marvin P. Bush, the president's youngest brother, was a director at Stratesec from 1993 to fiscal year 2000. But the White House has not publicly disclosed Bush connections in any of its responses to 9/11, nor has it mentioned that another Bush-linked business had done security work for the facilities attacked.

        Marvin Bush joined Securacom when it was capitalized by the Kuwait-American Corporation, a private investment firm in D.C. that was the security company's major investor, sometimes holding a controlling interest.
        KuwAm has been linked to the Bush family financially since the Gulf War. One of its principals and a member of the Kuwaiti royal family, Mishal Yousef Saud al Sabah, served on the board of Stratesec.

        The managing director at KuwAm, Wirt D. Walker III, was also a principal at Stratesec, and Walker, Marvin Bush and al Sabah are listed in SEC filings as significant shareholders in both companies during that period.

        Marvin Bush's last year on the board at Stratesec coincided with his first year on the board of HCC Insurance, formerly Houston Casualty Co., one of the insurance carriers for the WTC. He left the HCC board in November 2002
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    • Posted by bobsprinkle 10 months ago
      Is there no insurance on the properties/buildings?
      It would be great id Trump could walkaway with h huge pile of cash and move completely to Florida. Also leaving NY a huge mess to clean up
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  • 10
    Posted by $ 25n56il4 10 months ago
    Isn't this a violation of the Constitution about unfair fines and forfeitures? Lord, these people are monsters. Hitler was an amateur by their rulings. nb
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    • Posted by 10 months ago
      2 tiered justice system? Trump can still handle this and he will continue to be the target of relentless lies and deceit,at great personal expense. MAGA But that said he will win in the end. They are so panicked they stoop to this kind of nonsense and y9u will see much more .
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      • Posted by mccannon01 10 months ago
        Indeed. I expect the fire to get hotter!

        BTW - His rallies are still gigantic! The MSMM won't show us but the lines to just get in can be a mile long!
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        • Posted by 10 months ago
          The people have been behind Trump. Never, have we ever seen the support this Patriot gets from the people. This Cabal is a cornered wild animal they know it Is win or lose and all the marbles are on the table. But I digress been saying this for last 7 yrs. Anyone who is objective would conclude it’s the cabal vs the slaves. It’s a small club and you ain’t in it. John Galt’s Oath comes to mind. "I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."
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  • Posted by mccannon01 10 months ago
    I heard this theory on the radio while working in the shop yesterday and that is Laetitia James salary doesn't even come near her net worth and the same is for Arthur Engoron. Following the money, some investigators are saying real estate development/investment is part of their income stream and this action against Trump (and the warning it sends to others) may be profitable for James and Engoron. Therefore, just as the original Salem witch trials were a cover for a land grab this modern witch trial is a page out of that playbook. Let's see what happens...

    It would seem that amount of cash could fund a good beginning to a revolution... just sayin'.
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  • Posted by $ Commander 10 months ago
    Would it not be interesting if DJT was removed from the ballots and resulted in wet signature write-in votes? 85M .... or more?
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    • Posted by 10 months ago
      Hmm another, in a seemingly endless variety of potentials. Winning happens slowly and then all at once. Quiters never win. My favorite scenario is the Diamonds are recovered and the 2020 election fraud is fully understood. I was hoping tha Georgia trial would be the venue , but the satanists know this as well and are throwing out Fani Willingly with the scum water. Moves counter moves. 5 D chess.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 10 months ago
    Trying to dampen his war chest before the election. $354M for nothing.

    I still think Trump is a clown and we could do better, but after all this abuse of power, I am a galvanized supporter.

    The only bad thing is that people will forget how bad this abuse is. What we should do is immediately trace every tentacle back and cut off that power and cauterize the stump.
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    • Posted by Tavolino 10 months ago
      I applaud that you are a galvanized supporter with the nefarious judicial overreach. An interesting related incident was reported this morning by James O'Keefe. It appears he joined the gym where Judge Engoron belongs and taped the judge hitting on a female member. He was wearing loose workout pants with no underwear and sported his "proud erection." O'Keefe's membership was canceled, and he was banned from entering any of the national Equinox gyms. Do you think we will hear this on any MSM, lol.
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      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 10 months ago
        Yes, just came across that as well. Funny!

        The only think I don't like about the movie/series so far is the regular Reagan/Bush emphasis, with no (so far) evidence of any kind. While I don't endorse overreach by any flavor administration, this seems to be "media allowed" because it is fashionable to trash conservatives. Seriously doubt we'll see an episode on Obama's IRS conservative targeting
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    • Posted by term2 9 months, 4 weeks ago
      I am behind trump 100% no matter what the left throws at him. God help us if biden wins in November. The populace knows whats up and they arent going to support Biden;s win.
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  • Posted by term2 9 months, 4 weeks ago
    The court just wants to bankrupt him so he cant run for president and get elected. I would vote for him 100% no matter what they do to him. If biden wins, I am SO done with the USA and the crooked left.
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    • Posted by Tavolino 9 months, 4 weeks ago
      The fines associated with the Trump civil case is pure Fascism. There is no clearer connection re the empirical right to property to the abstract right to life.
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