N.Y. Gives Trump The Anne Boleyn Treatment

Posted by freedomforall 9 months, 1 week ago to Politics
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"It is often noted that this is the first time that a former U.S. president is being tried for a crime, although Ulysses S. Grant may (or may not) have been cited for speeding in his carriage. The federal government chose not to prosecute Bill Clinton, who lied under oath during a sexual harassment lawsuit and then dissembled again about sex before a grand jury. Clinton lost his law license, settled the case on unfavorable terms, and was sanctioned by both federal and Arkansas state courts.

So, this is a first. And let’s be honest about who is doing what to whom and why.

The prosecutor elected in New York County of New York state indicted Trump, after Trump announced his 2024 run for president, for allegedly violating New York Penal Laws 175.05 and 175.10 seven years ago.

That local prosecutor, Alvin Bragg, is a member of the Democratic Party – and the voters who elected Bragg and from whom the jury will be chosen support the Democratic Party. In 2016, the people of New York County voted 87% for Hillary Clinton and 10% for Donald Trump, and in 2020, 87% for Joe Biden and 12% for Donald Trump. In other words, the jury pool is chosen from one of the most partisan jurisdictions in the country – a place where almost all the judges are Democrats as well.

So the Democratic prosecutor elected in the second most Democratic county in the United States will try the former Republican president and current putative Republican Party presidential nominee before a Democrat-appointed judge and a jury drawn from a pool 87% of whom voted against him (and who are being asked if they watch Fox News or listen to talk radio in the screening process).

One wonders if the law even matters. But let’s review the two statutes at issue to highlight what the law requires the prosecution to prove. First, the prosecutor must prove that Trump violated the relevant statute, which requires a finding that he falsified business records with intent to defraud – that he “makes or causes a false entry in the business records of an enterprise.”

By the way, falsifying business records in the second degree is a misdemeanor, not a felony. Moreover, New York’s statute of limitations requires that misdemeanor prosecutions be commenced within two years of the commission of the act, meaning that under the last provision, this case should never have been filed."
Traitors in NY. Big surprise.
Hope that charges are dismissed, Trump is elected POTUS (again), and he legally defunds the state of NY.
SOURCE URL: https://realclearwire.com/articles/2024/04/16/ny_gives_trump_the_anne_boleyn_treatment_150804.html

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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 9 months ago
    I'm not a lawyer (and I didn't stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night), but I've got a question. Considering that it's a misdemeanor, and that the statute of limitations has expired, would it be possible for a court (or even one judge) to step in and order the charges dropped? If the case should never have been filed, is there some way a court somewhere up the food chain can step in and end this idiocy?
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    • Posted by mccannon01 9 months ago
      I agree, rainman0720, but it will take an appeal procedure to get that done because the judge in charge now will not recuse or listen to reason. I figure the main reason for this whole charade is to remove Trump from the campaign trail and to entrap him into tripping over some procedural trivia to add more charges and waste more of his time. That Soviet judge is incredibly obvious in his hunt for a crime or his willingness to create one where one isn't.
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      • Posted by $ rainman0720 9 months ago
        I completely agree with your conclusion: Every day he sits in that courtroom is another day he's not on the campaign trail, and (or so they think) another win for the Dumbocrates. But Trump has an advantage that those idiots cannot overcome: We already KNOW who and what Trump is; he doesn't have to campaign to tell us what candidates usually tell their audiences. We saw how the economy was humming under his leadership. We saw how he was attempting to stop the bleeding at our southern borders. We saw how he wasn't going to take any shit in foreign matters. We saw record low unemployment rates for Blacks and Latinos. We saw how Blacks were closing the wage gap faster than at any point in history.

        So, IMHO, keeping Trump off the campaign trail really isn't doing much to help that worthless addled piece of shit currently residing in the White House, because it's not keeping us from learning or knowing what a Trump presidency would look like.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 9 months ago
          Good points and I agree that we know who he is, but the challenge for him is to get more of the Ds to vote R this time. That's not an easy trick when he's stuck in a court room where the MSMM (Main Stream Marxist Media) will slant everything it can as anti-Trump even if it has to slice and dice testimony to do it.

          "...keeping Trump off the campaign trail really isn't doing much to help that worthless addled piece of shit currently residing in the White House..." I think you're right about that and think Xiden will be replaced somehow.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 9 months, 1 week ago
    Lop off his head to ensure continuity of the current regime. Yep, that about sums it up.

    "One wonders if the law even matters." Stop wondering. It doesn't.

    As one reads the article, just replace the words Democrat or Democratic with the word Soviet and it all makes sense.
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  • Posted by mhubb 9 months, 1 week ago
    Upper NY needs to break away from the NYC area
    maker its own state
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    • Posted by mccannon01 9 months, 1 week ago
      I hear you, mhubb, but the main Upstate population centers (Albany, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, and a few others) have morphed into commie communities almost, but not quite, as bad as NYC. There are plenty of towns and counties in NYS that could certainly be counted among what remains of Free America, but don't have the population to make a difference anymore.
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    • Posted by 9 months, 1 week ago
      Another senator and 2 more electoral votes for NY?
      Secession has much more appeal to me.
      Let the Deep State controlled population cowtow to D.C. and learn
      the lessons of communism while the freedom lovers practice free
      markets with decentralized limited governments.
      The D.C. centric power must die before real freedom will be restored.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 9 months, 1 week ago
    My father traveled all over the U.S. and even over to Saudi Arabia building subdivisions for oil workers. Every time he left the U.S. he cursed NY. He even hated for his plane to land there. He said those people were crazy and he toured Germany just prior to WW!!. He came home and told mother 'We are going to fight a war with Germany"...mom said...We just did! He replied, 'Year but this time there is a crazy man named Adolph Hitler!. Was daddy correct? nb
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