When Military Rule Supplants Democracy

Posted by freedomforall 1 year ago to Government
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"If you wish to understand how democracy ended in the United States and the European Union, please watch this interview with Tucker Carlson and Mike Benz. It is full of the most stunning revelations that I have heard in a very long time.

The national security state is the main driver of censorship and election interference in the United States. “What I’m describing is military rule,” says Mike Benz. “It’s the inversion of democracy.”
Five points to consider that you might overlook;

First– the Aspen Institute planning which is described herein reminds me of the Event 201 planning for COVID.

Second– reading the comments to Tucker’s original post on “X” with this interview, I am struck by the parallels between the efforts to delegitimize me and the new efforts to delegitimize Mike Benz. People should be aware that this type of delegitimization tactic is a common response by those behind the propaganda to anyone who reveals their tactics and strategies. The core of this tactic is to cast doubt about whether the person in question is unreliable or a sort of double agent (controlled opposition).

Third– Mike Benz mostly focuses on the censorship aspect of all of this, and does not really dive deeply into the active propaganda promotion (PsyWar) aspect.

Fourth– Mike speaks of the influence mapping and natural language processing tools being deployed, but does not describe the “Behavior Matrix” tool kit involving extraction and mapping of emotion. If you want to dive in a bit further into this, I covered this latter part October 2022 in a substack essay titled “Twitter is a weapon, not a business”.

Fifth– what Mike Benz is describing is functionally a silent coup by the US Military and the Deep State. And yes, Barack Obama’s fingerprints are all over this.

Yet another “conspiracy theory” is now being validated."
See link for transcript and for link to video interview.
SOURCE URL: https://brownstone.org/articles/when-military-rule-supplants-democracy/

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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year ago
    we did just hear biden the usurper say "domestic enemy"

    now the issues is all sane people know the REAL domestic enemies are the democrat party and RINOs (so where are all you Oath Takers???)
    and biden the usurper said he'd never surrender to domestics enemies

    so it is going to be an interesting election season....
    perhaps leading to a democrat started Civil War
    when the send the US Military after We the People and Trump
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    • Posted by 1 year ago
      If that war were to happen, there will be hundreds of thousands of military veterans to oppose the D.C. slavers.
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      • Posted by mhubb 1 year ago
        doubt it
        their Oath has not caused them to act now, as it should
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        • Posted by 1 year ago
          Yes, I think they should have already acted, too, but their 'training' and trusting the chain of command to interpret the Constitution has held them back.
          Enlisted in service are sworn to 2 things: (1) obey the POTUS and their officers, and (2) protect/defend the Constitution. That is a dilemma when the POTUS is a traitor to the Constitution.
          Officers are only sworn to the Constitution and should have no such specific dilemma, but the 'service' brainwashes nearly all to 'obey' the chain of command. This creates a dilemma for officers, too.
          When they leave 'service' they don't consider the oath they took, and those veterans will be the first to consider their families above their chain of command.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 1 year ago
          I know what you are saying here, mhubb, and it's a tough call who in the military or veterans will pick what side. They will pick when the hot war starts - let's hope it doesn't. Many of the leaders of the first Civil War came from the same military and knew who they were fighting on the battlefield.

          Edit add: It is my understanding that, especially under Obummer and Xiden, pro American military leadership has been gutted and replaced by commie regime career types. Not all, though.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year ago
    Huge article I skipped around with the idea of reading fully later. However, I ran into this little piece in the article:

    "Mike Benz:

    Later. Donald Trump won the 2016 election. So

    Tucker Carlson:

    Well, you just told a remarkable story that I’ve never heard anybody explain as lucidly and crisply as you just did. But did anyone at NATO or anyone at the State Department pause for a moment and say, wait a second, we’ve just identified our new enemy as democracy within our own countries. I think that’s what you’re saying. They feared that the people, the citizens of their own countries would get their way, and they went to war against that.

    Mike Benz:


    I now have a deeper understanding why an American multi-star general (now retired) I was acquainted with, who had close connections to NATO, had a love for Hillary Clinton (State Department at the time), Obummer, and a complete disdain for Trump. We haven't communicated in years. His wife has such a virulent hatred of Trump she unfriended my wife on FB. So be it.
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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 1 year ago
    Stunning, frightening, and illuminating. Has America passed the point of no return? Will anything short of armed revolution reverse this momentum toward dictatorship?
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 1 year ago
    If you think you would enjoy military rule you better check out the films from what happened in Waco, Texas. I cried my eyes dry. And guess what? My Army X2 was sitting beside me sympathizing with me. He served 20 years 3 months and 28 days and died from exposure to too much Agent Orange. The Korean Conflict and two tours in Viet Nam. nb
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    • Posted by mhubb 1 year ago
      did you forget George Washington???
      he handed back the power he was given

      US Grant?? he easily could have taken over after Lincoln was murdered

      get a damn clue
      i am talking about PEOPLE FOLLOWING their DAMNED OATHS
      not becoming worse than the thing they are trying to topple

      and NOT ACTING TO STOP it....yup, great choice there ...
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