Pathos: self-deified C tha God, Marxian Gov Shapiro rebut Haley’s Trump denigration on woke Disney’s Karl-ABC This Week; perennial D. Brazile, Our Lady of Debate Questions, officiates “round table”

Posted by bubah1mau 1 year, 1 month ago to Politics
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Haley’s damnation of Trump included the highly debatable remark: “You know, first of all, understand that NATO is a 75-year success story.”

Speaking for myself: sorry, I don’t know that at all.

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  • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 1 month ago
    That's right, Little Nikki, use Orange Man Bad's phony yet legalized election interference harassment against him for all the time being taken up over that.
    All of the Deep State, the Jackass Party, the RINOs, the illegals who seek citizenship toward creating a Marxist one party rule, those who let themselves be enslaved
    under the Yoke of the Woke and all out to shred our Constitution are cheering you on.
    Oops, me dino left out the pedophiles and other assorted perverts and I'm sure other vile and/or treasonous things I didn't think off. Got some place I need to go soon.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 1 month ago
    Sorry, I really tried, but I just can't finish reading this transcript as the conversation is so full of condescending arrogant snobbery of I-Hate-Trump cheer leading as to render it totally useless as a "news" item. No news here, but perhaps a bit of humor as another Lilliputian tries to tie down the giant Trump with meaningless word salad.

    With that said, the sudden death of Navalny is no joke. I do question why the heck Putin would do this at this time because it is such a bad move. Unless he didn't.
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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 1 month ago
    all this crap talk of Russia in space with nukes....
    you'd have to be an idiot to fall for it

    one 5 MT to 25 MT burst over Chicago and the EMP would take out just about all unshielded electronics in he US, 200,000,000 dead in a year in the US, Canada

    and that attack, assuming we have a leader in the oval office, not biden the usurper, would be responded in kind.
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  • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
    Consider that Putin rose to power AFTER NATO refused to react, trim its horns immediately after and during USSR dismantling under Russian anti-Stalinists, bolstering Putin’s assertion of NATO expansionism/Russian nationalism as his fundamental claim to power.

    Haley and all Dems continue in their attempt to make Trump synonymous with “chaos.”

    Consider the CHAOS now erupting in the Middle East, and that CHAOS that erupted in eastern Europe after Bribe’m’s Afghanistan CHAOS, and an emboldened Putin began a blatant, armed takeover of Ukraine. Consider the CHAOS at the US southern border where Mexican cartels earn billions transporting millions of unvetted invaders to Bribe’m’s welfare security “promised land.”
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    • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 1 month ago
      NATO has zero reason to exist at this time, no USSR, no Warsaw Pact

      Russia for what ever reason cannot take Ukraine, it is a shell of what the Soviet Union was, it cannot march over Europe, so Putin is zero threat to Europe
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      • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 1 month ago
        Putin has no desire to March into Europe and he has no interest in taking all of Ukraine. FEAR sells. How do you know Russia is a shell of what the USSR was? The USSR was a failed tyrannical deep state hell hole. I uphave heard Russia has developed some nasty hypersonic weapon as we have been working hard at hyperinflation and gender identity.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 1 month ago
          I agree. I have to admit after the Russians threw out communism and the USSR broke up, I wished them good luck and then pretty much ignored Russia until Putin stepped into Ukraine. Now I'm taking another look and I'm finding an extremely modern and vibrant nation of people advancing along at a very rapid pace. They have their problems like any nation, but generally I think they are on the right track. Independantly. I don't think the globalists like that at all. I can fully understand why the American left hates them because they are an example of the left's failures and how to get rid of them. Putin is still a dictator, but that's nothing new for Russia. That may change, too. People, including Americans, are starting to move to Russia - I'm amazed at that given what I knew as I grew up.
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          • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 1 month ago
            Yes , I totally agree but I would offer this correction “American Left hates” More accurate is the Uniparty left and the Uniparty right both hate Putin.
            Putin is a sovereign patriot to Russia , Trump is a Sovereign Patriot for USA , Xi is a sovereign Patriot for China. They are leading their Nations in its best interests. Btw did you Know Soros said Xi is the greatest threat? Each country has been infiltrated with deep state implants. Xi has been Making thousands of arrests for corruption in the CCP . I am not singing praises for these leaders because most of what I have heard is lies from my enemy the main stream media.. I do know The Globalists hate Sovereignty. One of the reasons for Mass immigration is to take away a nations identity. Same with history cxl it is their tactic. FuQ em.
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  • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
    I regret that I didn't put "rebut" in my lead into this thread in quotes.

    Clearly, Trump-haters Penn Governor Shapiro and Charlemagne tha God are just piggybacking Haley's anti-Trump rhetoric, and in no way attempting any refutation.
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