Listen to John Bush talk about Freedom Cells - only if you are action-oriented about personal solutions. NOT for whiners, pontificators, excuse-makers, political martyrs...

Posted by BrettRocketSci 1 year, 1 month ago to Culture
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This community is awesome and beneficial in many ways. I'm grateful for it. But I'm also grateful for learning about the Freedom Cell network and the Tom Woods School of Life. You'll learn about both of those in this recent episode of the Tom Woods podcast where he interviews John Bush, one of the co-founders (with Derrick Broze) of the Freedom Cell network.

I look forward to seeing if anyone decides to check either of them out after watching or listening to this podcast episode. Both groups have provided many benefits and rewards to me over the past 3 years. Local friends and connections, business and financial gains, a stronger local network... those are the big ones I can quickly say.


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