Anti-Israel Protesters 'mostly peaceful" protest is now a full-fledged insurrection in the proper usage of the word. Columbia University faculty has aided and abetted this takeover.

Posted by katrinam41 10 months, 1 week ago to Education
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With faculty members forming a human barricade to keep the unlawful camp in place, violence breaking out unchecked, building occupation spreading across the campus, Columbia University is now being held by true insurrectionists. They have stated that they plan to capture as much of the campus as possible. All in black, living in identical tents, thousands of which have been set up at colleges across the country, these vermin need to be stopped now. Where is the Governor who should be deploying the National Guard?

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  • Posted by mccannon01 10 months, 1 week ago
    I hope Columbia University drowns in this cesspool of its own creation. These Marxist academies nurtured these indoctrinated little beasts, so may they be cooked and eaten by them. The authorities should stand down and let it happen. Why should innocent police officers or National Guard volunteers suffer injury or worse on these idiot's behalf? Faculty members "taken hostage"? So what! They are being held by their own creation.
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    • Posted by $ splumb 10 months, 1 week ago
      Hear hear!
      Grab some popcorn, sit back and watch the left eat its own.
      The professors created these Frankenstein monsters. Let them reap the whirlwind.
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    • Posted by 10 months, 1 week ago
      I do agree, except for one small point. The students who are not involved should not be punished for that madness overtaking so many campuses. They paid for an education, but I think they weren't looking to this kind of learning. At the very least, those who want to leave should have protection as they clear their dorms and lockers. Once that's done, let the rats take over and let the decent students' parents sue for the return of all tuition and damages. And then, ffa has the right of it. nifo.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 10 months, 1 week ago
        Looking at the decades long evolution of this college's political history, IMHO, the "students" opting to go there were hoping to buy a big-time college name to put on their resume - actual education be damned. They are part of the disease that is left wing college indoctrination. If they think otherwise, then as you say let them take the institution to court for redress. If I were an employer I would be extremely careful hiring anyone from these places, if at all. Too bad left-ruled government wouldn't hesitate to waste taxpayer dollars on what passes through the bowels of those institutions.
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        • Posted by 10 months, 1 week ago
          Buyer beware serves just as well for college as it does for a used car. Most parents had no clue until very recently that their kids were getting brainwashed from that first day in kindergarten. Some big names have begun pulling their financial support as alumni. Let us hope the less famous folks get the message and do the same.
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          • Posted by mccannon01 10 months, 1 week ago
            Indeed. Maybe this "flare up" has made the left's machinations visible enough for the people paying the bills sit up and take notice of just what they are really paying for - and future employers to know what they are buying.
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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 10 months, 1 week ago
    I'm gonna go slightly off-topic. With all these not-so-peaceful protests breaking out, it makes me wonder just how much of a coordinated effort it is, all being run by the DS. The Dums know they can't beat Trump in a fair fight. And despite what the MSM is telling us, I think more and more people are painfully aware of how inflation is just killing us all, especially at the grocery store. So how's this for a conspiracy theory: The DS is running this whole show in order to have an excuse to invoke martial law, thereby giving them an excuse to bypass the election process. I've seen the martial law theory put forth in other posts, and this whole college/university situation feels like the time might be near for the Feds to step into the fray. Or, I might need a larger size of tinfoil hat...
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 10 months, 1 week ago
    It's obvious to me that these children are not Christians and haven't read the Bible. If the had they would understand what is going on with Israel and Persia (excuse me, I forgot the Ayatollah, Iran is the correct identification).nb
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  • Posted by 10 months, 1 week ago
    Perhaps Glenn Beck is more of a Gulcher than he knows. This is what he had to say about campus take-overs.

    © 2024 Blaze Media LLC. All rights reserved.
    "Don’t save Democrats from their own campus disaster
    Blaze Media Illustration | Getty Images
    Don’t save Democrats from their own campus disaster
    MAY 02, 2024
    The only thing that could rescue the Democrats from this nightmare scenario would be footage of Republican governors sending in police to silence protesters violently.
    My dear conservative friends, we need to have a talk. This is more of an intervention than anything else. You must stop protecting institutions that are committed to destroying your way of life. The university system hates you. It always has. It will continue to hate you until it is dismantled brick by brick and replaced with something else. Something better. The universities will just never be into you, and if two factions of the left want to destroy themselves while shutting down college campuses, that’s what we in politics like to call a win.

    You don’t need to ride to the rescue. You aren’t the white knight in this scenario. Just grab some popcorn and enjoy the show; I promise this will work out in your favor if you let it."
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