Normalization of Deviance

Posted by NealS 1 year ago to Culture
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I just learned that down the main hall of the VA Hospital in Spokane WA they have installed a Tampax dispenser in the "Men's" restroom. Is this an attempt to try to "normalize it to veterans? To me "Veteran" always had a analogous meaning as to "History". What's next?

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  • Posted by dansail 1 year ago
    There was a news story a couple weeks back of a tampon dispenser installed in a Connecticut high school boys' bathroom. It lasted twenty minutes before being torn off the wall and dropped in a toilet. I'm not sure the veterans would resort to such a response, but the folly of the policy should be made plain.
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    • Posted by 1 year ago
      Right now if a veteran or anyone else, right leaning, would get caught tearing it down especially on GOVERNMENT PROPERTY, they would go to prison for a long time, and probably without charges. (Remember Jan 6th)..... Thank goodness I believe all this garbage will eventually come to a head and get over with, hopefully in the next administration. I just hope I live long enough to see it, and be able to realize it.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year ago
    It's getting to the point you can't go anywhere or see anything on any media without being subjected to the "normalization of deviance". Civilization in decline is not a pretty thing. I'm grateful I've lived in and during the time of the greatest civilization earth has ever experienced, but now I see it's on the way out. It doesn't have to be that way, but we should know in a decade or two how it's going to be.
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 1 year ago
    The title of your post states everything that needs to be said, they are trying to Normalize Deviance.
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    • Posted by 1 year ago
      Thank you, I'm kind of proud of the description, "Normalization of Deviance". it just popped into my head.
      Today we stopped at an AT&T store, my wife was having issues with her phone. The sweet guy with grommets installed in his earlobes, and a ton of tattoos really seemed to know his stuff. And the other day a guy, bare legs, in a dress was shopping in a market. This one was trying to get attention, promoting people to say something. I just turned in the other direction every time he attempted to pop out in front of us.

      And a week ago a guy was challenging the don't ask law on a service dog. When the dog jumped up on a counter at the deli, one of my coffee friends yelled at him to get his dog down. It provoked him to come over and yell at us, "it's a service dog", and start chest heaving the guy that called him out. When the guy tapped our friend on the chest with his finger and aske to make something of it, another coffee buddy grabbed him by the arm, and that's what started the fight. Unfortunately, my other friend got knocked backwards on his butt. The area was surrounded by about 10 of the stores male employees almost immediately. The manager, after verify we id not get hurt and did not want him arrested, took the guy out side and convinced him to never come back to this store again. He said he wouldn't, and drove away with and out of state plate. Management said they would save the video. How much more of the woke garbage will we have to put up with? i took an oath to protect this country and people in it, but the people are different now than the ones when I took that oath. At least they behave differently.
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      • Posted by Eyecu2 1 year ago
        I see this "Normalization of Deviance" on a daily basis. I currently work as a high school teacher and I am constantly told to accept this or that. All while being told to raise the rigor of my teaching and then told that my expectations are too high. That I must make allowances as this child or that is "Special." When the truth is that they have been made lazy by being told how "Special" that they are. Just today I was told that my assignment was too hard for a senior girl and that it had to be modified. The assignment was a 5th grade level math puzzle, and designed to assign 12 of the puzzle. I had assigned 2 of the 12 to this student but apparently it was still to much. I did as I was told but responded that she will graduate in 3 months and life won't care and make it easier for her.
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        • Posted by 1 year ago
          It would seem to me, as these children are identified, they would go into a special ed class, not just mainstreamed through and out. I have a 42 year old daughter (conceived after Vietnam) that still lives with us. She was in a Special Needs class with a learning disability and graduated high school at age 21. She learned most of her exceptional skills later in life. She's a computer whiz and extremely dependable family member.. Her special needs class mostly taught her life skills, how to make change, and they took field trips to the market and other businesses. Special Needs does not equate to deviance in my book. If they are deviant but capable, mainstream them, but expect the same outcome as anyone else.
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          • Posted by Eyecu2 1 year ago
            Please do not get me wrong, there are individuals who have special needs. The thing is that the amount of students who are or should be counted as special needs are a small percentage of the population. I currently have 6 classes with 130 students, 105 of which have been identified as special needs in some way or another. With this many being labeled they must be mainstreamed as. When the minority becomes the majority they are no longer the minority and are the norm. I would argue that the vast majority of these labeled students are labeled due to low involvement or expectations from their parents. It is just easier to get the kid labeled and put them on a pill. Then the kid is guaranteed to pass in school and nothing is expected from them.
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            • Posted by 1 year ago
              Yes, my daughter. I agree with you wholeheartedly. My daughter really learned little, other than some life skills, in her "Special Needs" class. She probably would have learned more being mainstreamed, but not able to pass any of the tests. After she graduated I actually (and don't tell anyone) told her mother (my wife) to stop answering for our daughter, to just wait for her to answer when I ask a question of her, she will eventually answer. Sure enough, she talks more to me now. I also bought her an iPad and that taught her how to read, and tell me things she learned. Now she's a whiz on her latest MS Surface Go3. She is very capable now of many things, still a little too quiet, and due to her slow decision process she doesn't drive or mainstream to certain things. I used to phone call her at home just to make her talk to me. "What kind of desert would you like me to bring home tonight?" Or, "Would you like to go out to dinner tonight? For What? Where? Go ask mom."

              I may be wrong, but I personally believe that half (or a lot more than half today) of the LGBTQ++ (I don't know the rest of the letters, it seems to change daily) community is learned, confused, or just retaliatory, now guided and accepted (normalized) by the deviant part of the human race. Hopefully they’ll come around later in life. And lastly, if it’s okay to disagree, I still can’t agree with allowing them to represent the people or the nation. We should be represented by “normal” people, by people that represent themselves like the people we want to be. And right now we need a pragmatist like Trump taking this country by the horns and fixing the mess that's being created. We don't need any politicians, Republicans, Democrats, or Independents running the show. Sorry for getting off subject, it's my once or twice a year time to express my rant.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 1 year ago
        Interesting story. Service dogs are supposed to be held in check at all times by their owner. A dog placing its feet on a deli counter would be as if you did the same. It isn't sanitary and should never be done.
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      • Posted by JohnWesley 1 year ago
        I joined the USAF when JFK was President. Now I am embarrassed that I ever wore the uniform. My America no longer exists.
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        • Posted by 1 year ago
          I look at it as I thought the country was good back then, on the right side of humanity. I think today is just a blip, similar to hype around a pandemic. It'll get back somehow. At least this should give US some idea of what to do to fix politicians. The problem remains that those that learned form it will not be here to fix it. Those remaining need to wake up. I'd love to be around when the movie of today comes out.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 1 year ago
    My brother is a retired USAF Major. This had not come so far when he retired, but he was already beside himself over the lunacy of it all. I want to har the whiny trans who gt cramps. I am waiting for the first pregnanaty trans.I usually live and let live, have know gay forlks for years, but this is too much even for m, it is an assault on Nature.
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  • Posted by rhfinle 1 year ago
    Just be sure they're the unscented ones - better for plugging bullet holes.

    I suppose they are so guys can buy them for their girls, that are too embarrassed to be seen going into the ladies room to purchase tampons.

    Seriously, this is just more shifting of the Overton Window. That's a good thing to know about, although the lib-tards don't want you to talk about it.
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  • Posted by $ gharkness 1 year ago
    Oh dear. Will have to ask hubby next time we're there (we're frequent fliers at the Tucson VA), or, well, HE is. I often accompany him to be his driver.

    Wonder what they think men are going to do with those (don't answer)!
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    • Posted by 1 year ago
      Sorry, I have to answer. We used them in OCS to insure there was no lint in the barrel of our rifle for inspection. One time I had to run MB4, the punishment tour for Artillery OCS, because my Tac Officer claimed he saw lint in my barrel. He never even looked in it, but I am grateful anyway.
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