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  • Posted by $ pixelate 1 year ago
    Implantable chips, no larger than the smart chip on your modern credit cards would suffice. You would not actually need a display or keyboard at all ... the data is fed and tracked via satellite uplink. Essentially, your "CBDC Card / smart chip" embedded sub-dermally, gets replenished with your monthly stipend (UBI - Universal Basic Income) and then you can "spend it" across the nation / world where State installed kiosks (similar to the self-serve checkouts at Walmart)... transportation is similar, swipe your palm over the keyless entry car door and the robot-AI-driven vehicle takes you where you wish (voice activated) and your card is debited accordingly. Another benefit to the smart-embedded-chip is that it can contain your medical history -- actually, that would be in the Cloud... the smart chip need only contain the fundamental identifying information for the individual. This can be rolled out in small batches of the population -- similar to the way the UBI has been tested throughout communities. The bottom quartile (in net worth and income) of any geographic population will welcome the simplicity and sense of entitlement that this technology will bring. As the middle class, actually, anyone in the lower 99% of net worth, is eliminated, more of the population will end up with a lifestyle matching that of the bottom quartile. It's called a Feudal Technocracy and other variants. As long as the transformation is rolled out gradually, it's implementation will be successful. By around 2030, the acceptance of CBDC-like credit instruments will be nearly universal. As I see it, different topic, the world is heading over an Energy Cliff. We are witnessing Peak Cheap Oil, the EROI (Energy Return On Investment) has been falling for well over 100 years, and depletion rates for shale oil and gas runs around 40% per year per well. The CBDC offers a way to fine-tune consumption of an every diminishing resource since the CBDC Chip specifies not only the Credit that an individual "owns" but how they are allowed to spend it. I could be off by a few years -- universal adoption could be later, 2035 perhaps. Enjoy the Decline.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 1 year ago
    South Dakota is also looking at a bill to reverse their code giving your property to the banks - something EVERY state needs to do to stop the global cabal.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 1 year ago
    Well it looks like Indiana and Florida led the charge
    I can't get my head around CBDC. It sounds very complicated. What if a person doesn't own a computer or a 'smart phone'? How would they manage this money system? It seems to exclude the lesser affluent persons. Is that the real goal? The government better look out or they might be in the position of having to supply everyone with a computer or a smart phone free of charge. Sounds fair to me.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 1 year ago
      I would expect every government busy body control freak socialist/commie/fascist wouldn't mind if everyone had a government issue device to track you and everything you do. I figure "they" will be happy to just hand one to you, but in the long run it will not be free (and neither will you). I would suggest you be nice to them in every way or the Matrix will have a reset on your financial standing. You won't be able to buy a Popsicle on a hot summer day without their permission.
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    • Posted by $ 25n56il4 1 year ago
      Since I got my personal internet for my phone and my computer I haven't gotten any of those strange announcements that my computer is in trouble that seem to come from the Islanders somewhere.
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  • Posted by term2 1 year ago
    I want to eliminate the monopoly that government has on the issuance of money. Let the market make available money that cant be arbitrarily printed at the whim of some stupid bureaucrat AND is a rel store of value (not bitcoin which is just a few digits in a computer somewhere...)
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