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  • Posted by $ Abaco 1 year, 2 months ago
    Haha..."war on terrorism". The border isn't just open. We're welcoming in hundreds of thousands of military-aged men from many nations that you and I wouldn't be allowed to do business with. And, almost none of them are applying for a job here.

    Hold on to your hats...
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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 2 months ago
    damn biden
    damn all those that willing joined his cabal of traitors
    damn those running biden the usurper

    and damn those that refused to act to stop him when they KNEW the election was stolen from Trump
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year, 2 months ago
    DiaperMan controls nothing, not even his bowels.
    The WarPigs are playing fast and lose with our military with (apparently) little or no oversight.
    I heard Jeff Kuhner this am on (WRKO, Boston) that the our rouge TV generals want to start bombing Iran and every country that they associate with (i.e. Yemen).
    I can't imagine what could possibly go wrong?
    Russia has already said they will defend Iran against outside aggression.
    Is this the plan? To get us in a shooting war with the Russians?
    And let's not forget the newly formed alliance with China after Bribe'Em's continual missteps in YouCrain.
    Are they just plain insane, or do they want WWIII to hobble the inevitable Trump second term?
    We may not live to see a November election.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 2 months ago
      +1 to all that, tt. The pattern developing (developed?) is looking a lot like a very serious external war is in the works. "They" have less than a year now to get it to go hot and make it look like anyone's fault but their own. Do "they" need an external war to prevent an internal war? If it does start will Trump be able to stop it? If it does start will Trump have a less chance of being elected? For sure Xiden won't be able to lead if/when things go really hot, neither will Kamala. Looking for a slick commie (D) to show up and it won't be Mike O. Maybe you have a point, tt, and that is to start a hot external war and dump it on Trump. Things are getting more insane every day.
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    • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 1 month ago
      Russia is a hollow shell of the Soviet Union
      their navy is empty
      their air force is nothing

      so unless they plan to use nukes for the sake of iran....

      now, the best move, we get Trump, Trump acts to seperate Russia from China, after all, China HATES Russia almost as much as it hates Japan, at one point there were more troops on the China, Soviet border than any place else in the world, THEY have long memories

      the United States is the only nation that has never really screwed with Russia and bled for China and helped China, that we now have issues with the government of China, they still honor the Flying Tigers

      complicated three way problem
      we and Russia should be allies in this
      could be
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      • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year, 1 month ago
        Have you worked for the military? Recently?
        I spent the last 35 as a civilian military contractor for a major military research laboratory.
        I can assure you, the Russian military is no joke.
        You may underestimate Russia at your peril, but are not welcome to risk my butt in doing so.
        And no, we are not buddy-buddy with China, despite all of Buy-Dumb's treasonous pay-offs.
        FBI director yesterday just warned of extensive Chinese hacking into our critical infrastructure saying, I quote, "they are punishing us" For what? I have no idea. But when it comes to choosing sides, China will not be on our side.
        Does BRICS ring a bell, Quasimodo?
        They are planning and counting on our demise, as we speak.
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        • Posted by DrZarkov 1 year, 1 month ago
          At one point, the Russian military was a credible force, and sometimes our own military painted a picture of twenty foot tall Russians, but the Ukraine "special operation" has shown holes in the Russian armor. First, Putin was misled by flawed intelligence to believe that his troops would be welcome in Kyiv, and the whole thing would be over in three days. What happened after that has been a nightmare for the Russian troops.

          It turns out that much like the flag officer contingent in most countries, the Russian generals and admirals are more politicians in uniform than real insightful tacticians. First, thinking more in terms of ceremony than effectiveness, the Russian special forces and airborne troops have been misused and decimated in blundering assaults totally unsuited to their training. Now, most of the troops on the front line are inexperienced conscripts used as cannon fodder in a war of attrition, where the generals are gambling that the smaller Ukraine forces will run out of bodies first.

          As an American Air Force veteran, I was shocked to discover that while I expected the Russians to quickly establish air supremacy, they couldn't even muster air superiority over the battlefield. Apparently this is due to corruption that has depleted support and neglected maintenance, gutting what was once the second most powerful air service in the world.

          The Russian military is no paper tiger, but it's become obvious that they've been seriously undermined by corrupt bureaucrats, and are now paying the price in blood.
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          • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year, 1 month ago
            We also have our share of blundering Generals.

            My Laboratory located was on a large Air Force base on the east coast. I had a lot of interaction with the boys in blue. They gave us Russian missiles to reverse engineer. I'm guessing from the time-frame, they were likely from Ukraine after the wall fell. They were simple, but effective designs, robustly built.

            The last thing I want to see is a shooting war with the Russians to definitively answer that question, one way or the other.

            We've had enough bloodshed.
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            • Posted by DrZarkov 1 year, 1 month ago
              We are conducting a war with Russia, by proxy, spilling Ukrainian blood instead of our own. Cynically, it's viewed by many in our government as a kind of bargain.

              We are learning (or should be) a new way to conduct military action. This should be thought of as the first "robot war." The intense use of drones is proving to be an effective method of combat, with a country with no navy winning the battle in the Black Sea against the dominant navy in that body of water. The flying "kamikaze" drones have done what usually requires tanks, artillery, and man-carried antitank weapons. Unmanned ground vehicles are starting to show up, but that part of the battle is just beginning. Russia seems to be slow to learn how to counter these weapons.

              In the first major assault on Avdiivka, the Russians were puzzled at how the Ukrainians seemed to be invulnerable, with each wave of Russian assaults stopped by massed machine gun fire, even after intense artillery fire was directed at the Ukrainian fortifications. It wasn't until several days of costly losses that the Russians discovered that the machine guns were being fired remotely, with Ukrainians only periodically resupplying them with ammo via tunnels. According to Russian sources, they had heavy casualties while the Ukrainians had none.
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  • Posted by term2 1 year, 2 months ago
    If I was king, I would send a text to Iran saying unless they stop funding their proxies, BAD things will happen to Iran. They would ignore that of course, and then I would just take some very strong action directly against Iran. Take out their nuclear capabilities period and probably their ability to sell oil
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    • Posted by DrZarkov 1 year, 1 month ago
      First, stop their money supply, putting a halt to the release of Iranian funds in foreign banks. Second cut off all "humanitarian" aid under the pretense none of it will find its way into the hands of terrorists.

      Iran has only four oil refineries. Stop those and their money supply dries up. The US would have to increase production to offset the loss of Iranian oil to world markets, but I'm sure we could manage.
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      • Posted by term2 1 year, 1 month ago
        I am sure we could manage. It shows weakness to let Iran get away with what its doing. Attila the hun would not have this problem...... No one would mess with him
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    • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 1 month ago
      30 B-2s, full loads of GPS guided bombs, aimed at their leaders

      deep penetrators on their enrichment plants, over and over and over
      we have the plans for Grand Slam, build then
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      • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year, 1 month ago
        Not sure why you are so gun-ho into starting a major regional conflict that may very easily end up getting us into another World War?
        Say we kill the current leadership, who fills the vacuum? Someone more radical?
        Do you have financial interests in the Industrial-Military-Complex? Otherwise I don't see why we should rush head-long into killing another million or so (mostly civilian) people, as the last two Gulf Wars have done.
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        • Posted by term2 1 year, 1 month ago
          I guesss I am just tired of the middle east crap. Its gotten out of hand because of our weak leadership, which as it predicted winds up in war. the idea is that Iran has to realize its playing with fire with such a certainty that it stops tweaking the tail of the tiger. That is something that Trump was better at than this weak kneed enfeebled Biden creature. He will get us into a war.
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