Antisemitic riot at Columbia reaches boiling point as agitators take over academic building, barricade doors

Posted by $ rainman0720 10 months, 1 week ago to Education
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Maybe I'm being a bit naive, but I actually think this is a good thing. Now that these worthless pieces of gargage have trespassed, it's time to show them that there are real world consequences to their actions. Eventually, unless they decide to do an impressiion of the Donner party, they will have to come out of the building for food. But since they are now fully contained in an area, the rest is easy.

The police let them out one at a time, checking for ID.

If their ID indicates that they're students at Columbia, they are immedately expelled with no refunds of any tuitions or other fees.

If the ID pretty much shows they're not students--I am 67; if I was there, it's a safe bet I was there to stir up shit--then they are immediately arrested.

If they don't have ID, then they're held until ID is produced. Once that ID is made available, then they're either arrested or expelled from Columbia and released.

Problem solved.

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  • Posted by mccannon01 10 months, 1 week ago
    Let the left academia eat its own. This college has been nurturing this Marxist hate America crap for decades and it's reaping what it has sown. I hope this costs the college a huge fortune. I also hope this wakes up American left leaning Jews as the majority of them have voted for what they are now getting. If I recall my history a lot of German Jews supported the Socialist Workers Party in 1933, too. That didn't turn out well. Let's hope they are smarter this time.
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    • Posted by $ 10 months, 1 week ago
      I agree with your "let them eat their own" philosophy. Warms my heart when I see it happen. And it's not just this college that has been fomenting this; it's all across the country. And you're absolutely right about something else: they are now reaping the fruits of their labors.

      And I just saw a crawler where Columbia has asked parents and students to stay away from campus. If I was a parent of a Columbia student, I would immediately file a class action lawsuit accusing Columbia of breach of contract, and demanding a full refund of every dollar I've paid to them.

      The sub-headline of the article: "The students are demanding that Columbia divest its financial support of Israel, become more transparent and provide blanket amnesty to the protesters."

      Amnesty? Really? Not a snowball's chance in Hell am I granting them amnesty.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 10 months, 1 week ago
        Class action lawsuits for refund of tuition and other expenses. Good strategy to slap those lefty academics in the wallet if only it will be done. I also wonder if we will ever hear about it if it does happen. Curious, also, if there are tax dollars being funneled into these institutions if that can be recovered on behalf of the tax payers - given these Soviet schools reside mainly in Soviet venues, like New York, California, DC, and Massachusetts.
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        • Posted by $ 10 months, 1 week ago
          I've seen several reports of rich Columba alums ending their contributions to the school in light of what's happening. And if I had to bet one way or the other, I would bet that the ONLY reason Columbia is doing anything to end this is due to the loss of hundreds of millions in donations. Money talks.
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  • Posted by CrustyOldGeezer 10 months, 1 week ago
    IF not students and NOT CITIZENS of the United States, their flight lands at gitmo with TRIBUNAL scheduled for sometime in the next decade... or later.

    Bread and water and 15 to a cell.
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