Gears of the Refugee Machine Brought To America By A New World Order Determined To Destroy America and The Traitors In the US Government Are Conspirators
Posted by freedomforall 1 year ago to Government
"American citizens are being exploited by the globalist elite that view countries as anachronisms. So convinced are they of their own moral superiority that the wishes of America’s ordinary people carry no weight. What we on this side of the border view as a chaotic influx of illegal immigrants is in fact a planned effort, a coordinated attempt to break down the integrity of the United States, the only country in the world still in a position to defeat the globalist agenda.
It is a difficult battle since much of America’s elite has been seduced into believing that globalism imposed from the top down is the ideal way to achieve the “unification of all humanity” — an idealistic goal that would just happen to put many of those same elite in control of the envisioned New World Order. The ordinary American who disapproves of illegal immigration wants it to stop but many of the national leaders want it to continue (although they hide their true intentions).
For all its flaws and weaknesses, for all its corruption, the United States remains the final bastion for protection of individual rights. The system being imposed from the top down will inevitably sacrifice the will of the people to the globalist vision — and that will prove to be the essence of tyranny and a wellspring of untold suffering."
"American citizens are being exploited by the globalist elite that view countries as anachronisms. So convinced are they of their own moral superiority that the wishes of America’s ordinary people carry no weight. What we on this side of the border view as a chaotic influx of illegal immigrants is in fact a planned effort, a coordinated attempt to break down the integrity of the United States, the only country in the world still in a position to defeat the globalist agenda.
It is a difficult battle since much of America’s elite has been seduced into believing that globalism imposed from the top down is the ideal way to achieve the “unification of all humanity” — an idealistic goal that would just happen to put many of those same elite in control of the envisioned New World Order. The ordinary American who disapproves of illegal immigration wants it to stop but many of the national leaders want it to continue (although they hide their true intentions).
For all its flaws and weaknesses, for all its corruption, the United States remains the final bastion for protection of individual rights. The system being imposed from the top down will inevitably sacrifice the will of the people to the globalist vision — and that will prove to be the essence of tyranny and a wellspring of untold suffering."
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- 2Posted by Dobrien 1 year agoThanQ FFA. Yup We are in WWlll It’s Irregular Warfare. Good vs Evil…. Sovereign vs Globalists…. Who is Chris Miller? Who is Ezra Cohen Watnick? Is the central bank still in control? Why Ukraine? Does the Petrodollar prop up our fiat currency? Infiltration and invasion. Sometimes you have to take people to the precipice to get them to demand change.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by mccannon01 1 year agoExcellent article. The USA needs a leader that can address this issue once and for all, but as long as the commies maintain a grip, we're done.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|