GM CEO Just Shut Down EV Production
Posted by deleted 1 year, 1 month ago to Business
GM can't get it done, Ford is soon to follow. Musk is still the leader, yet everyone is experiencing cold weather battery problems and some people are having battery fires.
It's telling that the 3 big manufacturers met with Biden for government aid, and they are shutting down or about to shut down their EV lines. More government investment wasted, stolen? Or just economic reality setting in?
Musk who was not invited, is still doing fairly well at it. His EVs are still subject to the same battery problems.
I don't mind people who want EVs having them. I just don't want to have to pay more taxes so they can drive them. I don't want gasoline vehicles outlawed.
If anyone could come up with a stellar battery EVs could be viable. But so far, we would just be trading oil dependence for mineral dependence...not to mention all the oil needed to mine the minerals...
Yeah let's stick to nuclear and hydrocarbons. Let those who want to invest in renewables invest as they please.
It's telling that the 3 big manufacturers met with Biden for government aid, and they are shutting down or about to shut down their EV lines. More government investment wasted, stolen? Or just economic reality setting in?
Musk who was not invited, is still doing fairly well at it. His EVs are still subject to the same battery problems.
I don't mind people who want EVs having them. I just don't want to have to pay more taxes so they can drive them. I don't want gasoline vehicles outlawed.
If anyone could come up with a stellar battery EVs could be viable. But so far, we would just be trading oil dependence for mineral dependence...not to mention all the oil needed to mine the minerals...
Yeah let's stick to nuclear and hydrocarbons. Let those who want to invest in renewables invest as they please.
They cost more to run.
Chew through tires 4X faster than ICE autos.
Long trips are simply out-of-the-question. Full stop.
The dangers of LiOn Batteries continue to be a cause of concern. They are fragile and so expensive, if they have to be replaced, for any reason, the car is a total loss.
They are too damm expensive for what you get. Car companies lose money on every sale, and this is with massive government subsidies (i.e. your tax dollars)
EV's have an order of magnitude more computers than their ICE types.
As anyone who has worked on cars, new or old, you know electronics and the harsh environment automobiles exist in don't mix.
The days of backyard mechanics are long over.
Todays mechanics must take advanced electronics courses to start mucking with modern cars.
The CAN bus (been around for 25 years or so) runs everything.
My 2004 MINI Cooper S had no less than 28 computers in it. When the battery went south, the whole car went haywire. Some things worked, just not the way they were supposed to. Until I replaced the battery, it was undrivable.
My new cars are too new to worry about yet, but when they start getting long in-the-tooth, it's going to be big trouble.
EV's have one huge disadvantage, if you strike debris on the road and ding the bottom where the battery lives, you have to replace the battery...
In the KIA Iconic, that's a $60,000 repair bill. It's not covered under the warranty. The car is essentially totaled. I'm not sure if insurance covers it.
Like another car, as soon as you drive it off the show room floor, it's worth some % less of what you just paid. If you had only 100 miles on it, sure you'd be close.
Typically people are averaging 20K/year.
In a few years it might be worth half of what you paid new. (Model dependent, some cars hold their value better than others)
Correct me if I'm wrong there.
I don't see an insurance company giving you full new price on your used (totaled) car.
Fun fact, by 2027 it is estimated AI will be using 30% of the grid capacity.
Get out your #2 pencil and do the math.
Total Grid Collapse.
Only traction control keeps them from doing a burnout at every traffic light.
Then there is the regenerative function used to assist braking action, capturing energy back to the battery instead of brake wear.
Great concepts both, but brutal wear on tires.
I do like the regenerative braking, and if they used less powerful motors I would be ok with that. The Lithium batteries arent really a good solution to be used in something that gets into accidents when the batteries catch fire and explode. Gasoline is a great storehouse of energy, as is diesel. Lithium batteries are a far cry from the energy density of gasoline, or the energy per pound. When better energy storage is discovered, I will be more interested in electric vehicles.
Shut down GM and give any proceeds to the People it was stolen from.
GM stockholders should sue the CEO for every penny paid to the incompetent moron.
CO2 is good, not bad.
All the "climate" experts are lying Deep State scum.
Every cent stolen by government and given to buyers of EVs should be taken out of the hides of the traitors in government- one piece of flesh at the time- then execute them for treason.
nothing was done about that as 0bama's crap did not stink....
No place will be safe for them.
I've gone back and forth with this whole 2024 election thing, and I've drifted back in the "who gives a shit? dems will steal another election" mindset. Which means we can't get rid of this lunacy and idiocy known as woke-ism, since fair elections are a thing of the past. Which means reality itself doesn't win, since it's not a fair fight.
Oh, I'll swing back the other way and back & forth several times between now and November. I will vote; I'm just not sure whether I'll be hopeful or apathetic.
People on the street have to live with the results of the leftist ideology. They cant go to the French Laundry for a $500 meal, so they have to cook at home cause eating out is too expensive post-inflation.
Ford Is SHOCKED And Faces Dealer Backlash Over EV Fiasco!
On every job application there was always this yes or no question: "Do you have reliable transportation?"
Me dino could always mark "Yes." Why? I never owned an EV in my entire life and never will.
Why? I am not a glutton for punishment. Not even now that I am fully retired.
Wonder where Californians will buy their new cars when Newsom's edict goes into effect...maybe CA can pass a law that you can only purchase USED cars, much like their recent law on buying pets.
(So EVs suck the big one in cold weather. And if you live in an area subject to hurricanes, you run the very real risk of your EV spontaneously combusting. Makes me appreciate my gas-powered cars and their 550 mile ranges and thier non-spontaneous-combustability all the more.)
Anyway, the article below regarding exploding EVs is from September 2023. Here is an excerpt:
"Dunedin Fire Rescue, located in Pinellas County west of Tampa, confirmed crews responded to a fire Wednesday afternoon, hours after Hurricane Idalia blew by in the Gulf of Mexico.
'If you own a hybrid or electric vehicle that has come into contact with saltwater due to recent flooding within the last 24 hours, it is crucial to relocate the vehicle from your garage without delay,' the post by nearby Palm Harbor Fire Rescue reads. 'Saltwater exposure can trigger combustion in lithium-ion batteries. If possible, transfer your vehicle to higher ground.' "
Here's the full article:
Net Zero is a mathematical and physics folly.
The EVs just have a conceptually longer tailpipe in terms of emissions.
So many of the dangers and pitfalls of EVs are identified and explained on this channel:
Teska us bit gine free, they are still having iseus with fires. Alos, their foreign dealers want to censor X in return for selling Musk's cars, looking for what they define as "misinformation," which too us is truth telling likely.
If you don't like what they made you do, they essentially tell you to quit whining and just find a way to do what they want AND avoid the stupid consequences of their mandates. So as long as Biden gets electric cars, its up to us to find a way to get the materials, produce the electricity, and make it all safe= OR just don't drive...