TGIFfunnies 1/12/24 EDITION Truisms

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year ago to Humor
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They are an "Ooooh yeaaaah! smile, haha", kind of funny.

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  • Posted by 73SHARK 1 year ago
    I before E is just an example of why two vowels shouldn't be together in a word.

    When asked if I known a foreign language, I respond English.
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    • Posted by $ Snezzy 1 year ago
      Some of our pony-ride clients are from India. Occasionally I'll tell them, "I know one of the languages of India." Excitedly they'll say, "Which one?" I answer, "English."

      English is an official language of India, and it unifies people whose first languages are any of perhaps 20 major ones and 600 minor ones.Someone once said, "The last Englishman will be an Indian."

      Science courses in universities in India are usually taught in English, but not so in China and Japan.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 1 year ago
        When I was working in China the engineers and techies virtually all were fluent in English. I spent some evenings teaching conversational American English to their children. It was a wonderful experience.
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    • Posted by $ 1 year ago
      On many fronts, that is a correct response.
      Yes, out of 14,17 or 20 million illegal intruders, all speak a different language. Also, all of the English language is made up of the words of every other language in this world. That makes the English language unique. The other thing that makes the English Language unique and mentally empowering is that the English language is the most metaphoric language of all languages.
      If we were to give Julian Jaynes his due, we'd agree that metaphors are the single most important driver of and indication of left/right brain cooperation which lead to self introspection and a connection to one's mind.
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      • Posted by katrinam41 1 year ago
        At my writers' workshop a few years ago, one young college co-ed asked me why I used so many big words in my manuscripts (meaning words with more than seven letters). I explained that my choice of words was a crafting of the exact thought or concept that I wanted to convey. English is rich with subtle meanings, making it a difficult second language to master, but that is its greatest beauty. Our college students have no concept of what the language used to be, only how to use it as a weapon with as little thought as possible.
        The memes are great, and they bring great sadness with their meanings. Thank you, Carl, for humor and thought provoking all in one place!
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        • Posted by $ 1 year ago
          Thank You.

          You are correct about our language. I have vowed to write the book I've been working on, a follow up of The Fight for Conscious Human Life, in the simplest way possible. If it's possible with specific words with one meaning so that if read in the next cycle, the rebuilding of civilization after the coming natural catastrophe, it will be easily understood with no qualms or misunderstandings; so that everyone that reads it will know exactly what happened in this cycle and what to watch out for during the progression of the new 12K year cycle.

          They need not miss anything due to metaphoric references to cyclical events. We now know what the end of the New Testament was talking about during the last 100 years with perhaps 20 years left to get our affairs in order.
          Those that survive should know from the start, everything they need to watch out for, natural, political and spiritual . . . and do it right for once, have the advantage, for once and progress through conscious thought, behavior and world views hoping to endeavor to reflect the image of humanity to the fullest extent.
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  • Posted by AmericanWoman 1 year ago
    First...love Sen John Kennedy...speaks his mind...speaks the truth....every state needs one of his nature to keep all the others in their place....last one sums it all up...agree kddr22
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    • Posted by $ Snezzy 1 year ago
      I mentioned that particular Senator Kennedy to someone who has spent time, by invitation, at Hyannis Port. He spat into his coffee. Is (modern) liberalism a disease of the brain, or is it a failure of moral judgment?
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      • Posted by AmericanWoman 1 year ago
        Oh no,,,,horrible truly horrible Senator should have but know he would not tossed the coffee in the person's face....its a illness of hate, moral judgement all of that really...once its in you its like Satan eats your soul.
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      • Posted by $ 1 year ago
        I am beginning to think . . .BOTH. Not to mention, extreme hubris, if anything, they have DEvolved.

        I keep looking for "Reasons" for this behavior assuming these creatures are human and capable of conscious introspection; capable of understanding all the natural and cosmic laws that make life in this universe possible yet they have flown in the face of the very laws that made it possible for physical life, planets, stars and everything else to exist.

        Sorry for the (Ayn) Rant!
        It has weighed heavy on my mind.

        Just realized, Hyannis Port Massachusetts is where the "Kennedy's" (as in President Kennedy, asshole Ted Kennedy: who's old Oldsmobile left in Cape Cod Canal almost took out the Queen Marry ship) Spent their summers.
        Not the Kennedy we are speaking of, whom is from Louisiana and not related.

        Funny, Ted K. and the Father were crap creatures but John and Robert were real human beings.
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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 1 year ago
    OUC, you have outdone yourself. This entire group is wonderful. In any other week, any of them would probably be the week's best, so I can't single any of them out. (Having said that, if I knew where to get a Biden voter glass, I would definitely order one.)
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    • Posted by mccannon01 1 year ago
      I have the same problem this week, rainman0720.

      I'm going to a birthday party this afternoon and having that glass would be an awesome "conversation" starter, LOL. Lefty mostly peaceful expressions of love and diversity would likely catch the place on fire and I'd be arrested for inciting a rio... er... mostly peaceful demonstration.
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      • Posted by $ 1 year ago
        Behave today Buddy, save the arrests for something worthy.

        I am glad that everyone appreciated the observably true memes. I haggled with myself over which to publish, the last remaining funny memes or the growing list of just memes that were making a true statement. Since simple funny is hard to find and these memes were good and weren't dusty yet . . . I went for it. Took me a while to decide on how I was going to order them . . . leaving the last meme making a surprised impression.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 1 year ago
          Ha yes, OUC! A family gathering is not the ground to die on, LMAO! Although the wife thought that glass meme was hilarious she would not be amused if I pulled off a stunt like that. That glass has me thinking... in the past I've made stencils out of sticky-backed vinyl, applied it to glasses, and then sand blasted the image into the glass. I think when the weather around here gets better I'll make a few of those glasses to pass around before election day.

          Now that you got me thinking, a word on the last meme: It seems like a meme version of "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do."
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          • Posted by $ 1 year ago
            Yes, exactly. When I saved that one, I thought, they are clueless so forgive them . . . even though it smacks of hubris.
            PS, I will buy one of those glassed from you. Just let me know. (no rush) Might be a way to generate under the table cash?
            I have a ton of trees down in my woods. I will be cutting, splitting and selling this spring thru summer to do just that.
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            • Posted by mccannon01 1 year ago
              I'll let you know when I get around to making them.

              I am a consumer of said cut wood, since I have 3 working fireplaces in the house and a wood stove out in the workshop. Wish we lived closer. The busy body control freaks here in the Peoples Republic of NY threaten every now and then to outlaw burning wood for heat!!!!
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  • Posted by NealS 1 year ago
    The irony of the moon shot meme is that most of the moon shot was designed and manufactured using the metric system. That's where I learned it in the early 60's. I'd guess it's the same today? Oh, that's right we've already been to the moon, in fact, when I was in Vietnam. Sorry I missed it.

    "NASA used the metric system for their Apollo moon missions. The decision to use the metric system was made to ensure consistency and compatibility with international scientific standards". Apollo Missions started in 1961. Eight years or more later, when I worked for 3M in the early days they tried to get the nation on the metric system by changing a lot of road signs in Minnesota to metric. It failed, to our loss. It's a lot easier to teach metric rather than the size of some king's shoe, and all the other idiosyncrasies in the SAE system.
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