Buckle Up for 2024

Posted by $ Abaco 1 year, 1 month ago to Culture
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I think Mr. Dice hits the nail on the head here. I've been hearing of national divorce for some time now and, sad to say, I think it may be one of the very top viable options. At this point, I'm willing to give the marxists California and Oregon. New Jersey. New York. Where else? The one truth that is inconvenient is that the marxists will never be satisfied. Ever. Even if given California with all it's beauty, ports, and natural resources they'll run out of wealth and eventually have to invade neighboring states unless they can stop the departure of the educated, working families. This will be repeated in other parts of the country. Either way - and I'm not happy about it - I remain ready and willing to liquidate everything and relocate to political higher ground if I need to. By moving to a more libertarian region I simply just bought time. I think about 20 years.

If you look at the open borders, unprecedented debt, impending massive wars around the world, the social security ponzi scheme, and the complete unwillingness of the ruling class to do anything about any of it you can't help but agree that something's gotta give pretty soon. My prediction for 2024 is domestic terrorism. While the tsa has insisted on grabbing my privates and tossing my sunblock in the garbage for the past 20 years, we've literally let in millions of military-aged men from all parts of the world.
SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_juO1yoJ8k

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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 1 month ago
    "Even if given California with all it's beauty, ports, and natural resources they'll run out of wealth and eventually have to invade neighboring states..." It's already underway, IMHO. As Commiefornia continues to march to the Marxist drum and go broke it will petition the Fed Gov to loot other states on its behalf, which the Fed Gov will gladly do in the name of national security or some other gaslighting ploy. I see NY already on that band wagon as well. As Rand pointed out in AS these looters are champion whiners and know exactly what they are doing to steal wealth until there is nothing left to take. Stalin's play book covers the same ground as illustrated by looting Ukraine into starvation to make himself and his commie minions look good on the world market. Follow that up with the murderous gulags eradicating whole swaths of population. Like productive Rand ran from the Soviet Union, many producers will run from the likes of Commiefornia and the Peoples Republic of New York. Running out of places to run, I suspect, isn't too far off.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 1 month ago
    Joining forces with other productive people to resist the engineered collapse of the fedgov is one of the only peaceful choices available.
    The fedgov is as likely to allow such to happen as Lincoln was in 1860.
    They would rather murder 50 million innocent people than let them go peacefully.
    They did that on a small scale in Waco, and have done it overseas repeatedly.
    This is proof of who the villains (and traitors) are. D.C. NIFO
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  • Posted by katrinam41 1 year, 1 month ago
    A national divorce sounds great, but implementing it would bring on the civil war it was intended to avoid. Who wants to move from their comfort zone to a new, unfamiliar place full of strangers? What about jobs? Property values? Infrastructure needs? Who gets to keep the coasts? How does an entire country shift like the desert trek of Moses (and he only had a million or two to worry about). How does the transferee protect himself/herself from looters and thugs waiting for their opportunity? What about re-doing all those conflicting state/county/city /local mounds of tangled laws? And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Better to make your choice and move on your own to the area that meets your criteria. With hope, a few like-minded folk will decide the same and settle in your new area.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 1 month ago
      The Deep State is doing just as Lincoln's union did to the South and FDR's fedgov did to Japan and the con-gress did to Jan 6 peaceful demonstrators.. They are pushing everyone who doesn't agree to be enslaved up against a wall and daring them to resist with force which would be the excuse the tyrants want to eradicate all remaining vestiges of the republic.
      Unless the 100 million who value their freedom resist forcefully, but without firearms, the freedoms once known will be stolen by the Deep State and replaced with complete slavery.
      Unfortunately the people who run the state governments must have the guts to resist the power of D.C. and protect their own people from slavery by starting the move toward secession. So-called "Red" states must all join together and place secession legislation on their ballots and to require ID's of all voters in such elections. In a so-called 'democracy' the people must be allowed to speak even if it means the end of the 'union' that Lincoln forced on the formerly free people of the States United.
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      • Posted by katrinam41 1 year, 1 month ago
        Ffa, you have a solution. It's a workable one if the secession idea can be pushed rapidly, before that point of no return is crossed by the deep state. That point is coming fast, almost upon us. I was in a RedState until our rino governor showed his true colors this week. This is one more reason to hurry. Our elected officials are falling like a house of cards in the face of this screaming hurricane of insanity.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 1 month ago
          It will take courage, and that has been lacking in all but a few politicians. If a few states can lead, the fly-over states could follow. The Gulf coast and Florida could become the center for free trade between North America and the rest of the world (since the Pacific coast states are controlled by the Deep State.) imo, that free trade was Lincoln's fear and one reason he caused the Civil War.
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          • Posted by katrinam41 1 year, 1 month ago
            The Cowardly Lion found his courage. I doubt that most of our jackass politicians will be able to do the same. To quote the old cowboy, they couldn't get piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel...
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    • Posted by $ 1 year, 1 month ago
      Yes. Very interesting. I made the move and understand what you're saying because I addressed much of it in my head. Moving from one state you've lived in your whole life to a different state invokes a very powerful anxiety in people. Is that a healthy or natural fear? I'd say no and yes, respectively. I love where I ended up and, almost instantly, I did feel a lifting of pressure that had sat on my chest and shoulders for years. I appreciate your commentary...
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