Disease X. Not an illness, but a plan.
You all need to be “managed”.
At this point I know so much about the technical aspects of pandemic control that I could write my own ticket. Even now (with no actual illness). But, this isn’t about that. This is about controlling people. This needs to be monitored very closely…
At this point I know so much about the technical aspects of pandemic control that I could write my own ticket. Even now (with no actual illness). But, this isn’t about that. This is about controlling people. This needs to be monitored very closely…
"X" is the plan
But have the Evil Cabal "manage" our health care...? They can go EFF themselves.
Given the (illegal) G@in 0f Functi0n crap they've been pulling fore the last 30-40 years...
If you trust the people that are trying to kill you, you're already hosed.
Fear. It is the fuel these bassturds use to manipulate the world.
Don't be a sap. Use your head. You know (or ought to by now) how to stay healthy.
Eat pure wholesome foods (No GM0, no pre-processed meals), Exercise, Get 8 hours sleep, Zinc and vitamin E (if you are so inclined),
Keep stress at a minimum:
Kill your TV.
Don't listen to the Lame Stream Media Lies.
Cultivate those friends that stay positive and helpful.
Avoid doom and gloom naysayers like the monkey plague.
Start in D.C. with a giant bonfire of the entire JustUS Dept.
Working for military for 35 years, I've heard rumors. Read White Papers. Seen Things. Helped test Bio Weapon detection devices (they don't work on viruses, too small)
Bio-Weapons are a happening thing. Everywhere.
Every first world country has them, or are in the process of developing them.
Much of this work is done outside their borders: A) For deniability purposes
B) Perhaps most importantly, in case of a "leak"
Wuhan China is the number one choice.
They have one of the few Bio-level 4 labs in the world.
I hear people say "Oh damn, China has a horrible track record of leaks"
Damn Skippy they do. But so does every other nation, you just don't hear about it. See reason "B"
and shrinks the sex organs 30% every time a lie is told with intent to enhance the
liar's wealth or power.
My guess is, they'll release the next one in Russia because (1) they don't want it to appear that the Sino-American Communist faction is doing it (again), and (2) because the Democrats HATE Russia for demonstrating that Communism doesn't actually work.
FWIW…level 3 and 4 labs are being built all over. My office is designing a 3 right now. Must be a pretty lucrative deal…