TGIFfunnies 2/23/24 EDITION: The After Know.

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 11 months, 2 weeks ago to Humor
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Just sharing a few things I found out after I Knew it all . . .

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    Posted by $ BobCat 11 months, 2 weeks ago
    All great. Especially the last one " ...old roads...old ways..." that's where I am in my life... the old ways and enjoying the old roads!
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    • Posted by $ sekeres 11 months, 2 weeks ago
      "Henry and the Great Society" https://www.milestonebooks.com/item/2... is a thought-provoking story of "old ways" versus the perils of debt and societal expectations. It's told from a Christian perspective, but the contentment of simple things with a few friends and family reminded me of Galt's Gulch.
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      • Posted by $ 11 months, 2 weeks ago
        "He cares not whether it is read or heeded, but he must hear himself say the things he has been made to believe."

        Oh but I, do hope my words are read because I do care about my readers that I might share what I have learned.
        . . . OlduglyCarl, (for this moment for I am sure someone somewhere already said such a thing.)

        Thanks for the comment and the link, Sekeres.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 11 months, 2 weeks ago
    Love 'em all, OUC! I've definitely picked up on a few things since I knew it all in my teens. I actually met a couple who did a fourth from the end to escape their drug abusing obnoxious kids. It was a long time before any of us knew where they went. Had to do a double take on that trash can, LOL! Anyone is welcome to call and pay my bills. I think I've been on that road in the last one. Wish I was there again. Thanks OUC!
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 11 months, 2 weeks ago
      Me dino did a double take on that trash can too and there are still a lot of dirt roads like that down here in north and central Alabama. South Alabama is what Snuffy Smith would call "the flatlands."
      Paying bills on the phone only made me think of three different Hispanics who called to say I had won that Publisher Clearing House jackpot. All I had to do was to give them my checking account information. No way, Jose!
      Some Caucasian guy with a northern accent also called to say I had won some surplus governement money giveaway Adam Schuff. I strung him along for days just for the hell of it.
      He even showed me super expensive sporty cars I had also won on the PC. Kept wondering when the jerk would make his move.
      Finally I was given instructions on how to wire $750 from a local Walmart to another in El Paso and he asked me of I thought of that. I was not profane. I told him that sounded like one big pile of baloney and hung up.
      He called me back screaming, "Why can't we talk like big men? Big men!" Me dino hung up on him again. I imagined that maybe he told his Mafia boss he had a live one and --well, I don't care. Hey, did I go off subject here?
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      • Posted by mccannon01 11 months, 2 weeks ago
        I almost got sucked into a scam when I got a call saying my grandson got himself in jail in Phoenix and needed bail without his dad knowing. Uh-oh, at that time my son lived in Phoenix and had three sons and I guessed which one it was and thought, "Oh no, what did ----- get into now?" While trying to get more info things started to sound not quite right, but anyway he told me the DA Mr. So-and-so would call me back about transferring the bail money and ended the call. I looked up Mr. So-and-so and he was a real DA in Maricopa County, which is Phoenix and called his office myself. I was promptly informed none of my grandsons were in jail and this was a sophisticated scam being run from offshore. When they called back I started to ask them questions and they realized I was messing with them and hung up. Don't know what, if anything, the Maricopa County DA did.
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        • Posted by $ allosaur 11 months, 2 weeks ago
          Those were lower lowdown scumbags than the ones who called me. Way sneakier too.
          Me dino just plain could not do that to someone else.
          But them I'm not a sociopath without a conscience or a soul.
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  • Posted by $ Snezzy 11 months, 2 weeks ago
    Why is the nice lady using her sewing machine from the back side? They don't work that way. Or else she knows something we don't know about them.

    Old-fart note -- I've used one of those treadle machines, my grandmother's White, and the main difficulty is that there is no reverse. You have to sink the needle, lift the pressure foot, and swing the fabric all the way around.

    Do any young folks at all have any idea how to use a sewing machine? Or how to darn socks?
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    • Posted by mccannon01 11 months, 2 weeks ago
      Yes, I learned to use a sewing machine in 9th grade high school. It was called textile & fabrication shop and was one of 9 exploratory shops where the student can learn a little bit of various trades and industries. Others were machine shop, electrical, foundry, drafting, gas engine mechanics, welding, and a few others. The student was expected to select a "shop" or field of study to be explored in more depth in 10th - 12th grade. I made my denim shop apron in that exploratory class, which I still have and use today.

      I also have used my grandmother's treadle machine (Singer) when I was a teenager, RIP grandma and the sewing machine wherever it is. Yeah she is using it from the back side!
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