Is the Electoral Fix Already In? The Criminal Buydem Administration Having Already Stolen One Election, Will Do ANYTHING To Retain Power Including Stealing Another Election. D.C. NIFO

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 1 month ago to Politics
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"For over a year, the Biden administration and its surrogates have dropped hint after hint that the plan for winning in 2024 — against Donald Trump or anyone else — might involve something other than voting. Lawsuits in multiple states have been filed to remove Trump from the ballot; primaries have been canceled or invalidated; an ominous Washington Post editorial by Robert Kagan, husband to senior State official Victoria Nuland, read like an APB to assassins to head off an “inevitable” Trump dictatorship; and on January 11th of this year, leaders of a third party group called “No Labels” sent an amazing letter to the Department of Justice, complaining of a “conspiracy” to stop alternative votes.
The Semafor piece offered a rare glimpse into the Zoom-politics culture that’s dominated Washington since the arrival of Covid-19. If this is how Beltway insiders talk about how to keep Joe Lieberman or Ben Chavis out of politics, imagine what they say about Trump?

We don’t have to imagine. Three and a half years ago, in June and July of 2020, an almost exactly similar series of features to the recent NBC story began appearing in media, describing another “loose network” of “bipartisan officials,” also meeting “quietly” to war-game scenarios in case “Trump loses and insists he won,” as the Washington Post put it.

That group, which called itself the Transition Integrity Project (TIP), involved roughly 100 former officials, think-tankers, and journalists who gathered to “wargame” contested election scenarios. The “loose” network included big names like former Michigan governor and current Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, and former Hillary Clinton campaign chief John Podesta, who in his current role as special advisor to President Joe Biden overseeing the handout of roughly $370 billion in “clean energy” investments is one of the most powerful people in Washington.

The TIP was hyped like the rollout of a blockbuster horror flick: In a second Trump Term, No One Will Hear You Scream… Stories in NPR, the Financial Times, The Atlantic, The Washington Post and over a dozen other major outlets outlined apocalyptic predictions about Trump’s unwillingness to leave office, and how this would likely result in mass unrest, even bloodshed. A typical quote was from TIP co-founder, Georgetown law professor, and former Pentagon official Rosa Brooks, who told the Boston Globe that every one of the group’s simulations ended in chaos and violence, because “the law is... almost helpless against a president who’s willing to ignore it.”

Podesta played Joe Biden in one TIP simulation, and in one round refused to accede to a “clear Trump win,” threatening instead to seize a bloc of West Coast states including California (absurdly dubbed “Cascadia”) and secede. Podesta’s “frankly ridiculous move,” as one TIP participant described it, was so over the top that a player leaked it to media writer Ben Smith of the New York Times."
The Buydem Administration Are guilty of TREASON.

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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 1 month ago
    Huge article worth reading and so are the comments. In the end this is from the article: “We’re about 30 seconds away from the Armageddon clock when it comes to democracy,” said Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Defense, William Cohen, adding that Trump is “a clear and present danger to our democracy.”

    The way I see it is the Neo Communists and their minions and cronies are about 30 seconds away from installing their single party totalitarian rule and Trump represents the last speed bump in their way. They must destroy him and everything backing him.

    Edit add: My fear is the commies have found a way to rig the election regardless of how many votes Trump will get. All the I-Hate-Trump propaganda is just a hope to pare back the actual number of Trump votes to make cheating easier to pull off.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
      As long as voting machines are being used they will be used to cheat in favor of the Deep State.
      No person or device that had any connection to the 2020 election (including voting machines)
      should be allowed to be used in any way in any phase of any election in the future.
      If armed citizens are needed to prevent another stolen election then so be it.
      Cheaters are traitors and deserve capital punishment.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 1 month ago
        Hmmmm, in my memory I can only recall armed Black Panthers standing around polling places to make sure Obummer got in. Also, as I recall, Eric Holder didn't do a thing.
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