Medicine Has Been Fully Militarized

Posted by freedomforall 1 year ago to Government
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"Among its many harsh lessons, Covid has taught us this: if you substitute Pfizer and Moderna for Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, and swap the NIH and CDC for the Pentagon, you get the same result. The “medical-industrial complex” is every bit as real as its military-industrial counterpart, and it is every bit as real a problem.

As a physician, I am embarrassed to admit that until Covid, I possessed only an inkling that this was so – or more accurately, I knew it, but didn’t realize how bad it was, and I didn’t worry about it too much. Sure (I thought), Pharma engaged in dishonest practices, but we’d known that for decades, and after all, they do make some effective drugs. Yes, physicians were increasingly becoming employees, and protocols were dictating care more and more, but the profession still seemed manageable. True, healthcare was far too expensive (gobbling up a reported 18.3 percent of the US GDP in 2021), but healthcare is inherently expensive. And after all, we’re saving lives.

Until we weren’t.

By early-to-mid 2020, it became obvious to those paying attention that the Covid “response,” while promoted as a medical initiative, was in fact a military operation. Martial law had effectively been declared approximately on the Ides of March 2020, after President Trump was mysteriously convinced to cede the Covid response (and practically speaking, control of the nation) to the National Security Council. Civil liberties – freedom of assembly, worship, the right to travel, to earn one’s living, to pursue one’s education, to obtain legal relief – were rendered null and void."

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 1 year ago
    As an engineer who's worked the second half of a long career in the industry I agree with this and figured it out almost 20 years ago. They killed my dad. Permanently disabled my son. I've sat in large meetings with top management of a healthcare organization where they openly discussed a complete violation of the Nuremberg Code (in a government office, mind you). The industry has been white-washed and given liability protection for a program that I'm sure has damaged more of America's children than anything else. Because of my work I get the inside track on bad occurrences in medical facilities - the failures that kill one or more people. The biggest ones are ALWAYS in children's hospitals. Many of these are discovered after internal coverups are attempted. This industry has America by the short hairs and if you don't go into it as a patient without being an informed consumer they'll gut you.
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    • Posted by 1 year ago
      👍 Yet another reason to go Galt in a non 1st world country where those elected actually care about their people.
      These places will almost always be described as dangerous by the US State Dept.
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 1 year ago
        I'm thinking Uruguay, possibly. It was on a very short list when I was looking at property just before what I was sure was going to be a victory for Hillary in 2016. Panama was on that list, too. But, it's moved down. You almost never hear of Uruguay in the news and the descriptions I've read sound promising.

        Edit. Holy shite!!! I just checked real estate prices there (haven't looked for a few years. Looks like monied people have heard good things about Uruguay....
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        • Posted by 1 year ago
          Yes, the prices have gone up in Montevideo and the nearby beach resorts.
          Uruguay does tax residents on world wide income. No tax break there.
          iirc, Uruguay has no extradition treaty with the US.
          (Panama's prices have gone up, too, but iirc Panama doesn't tax worldwide income.)
          Right next door to Uruguay, Paraguay has the easiest residence for expats visa that
          I have seen (that doesn't cost a fortune.)
          Unfortunately, the climate in Paraguay has extremes in Summer (over 100F) and Winter (below 32F.)
          Paraguay does allow firearm ownership, but you need a permit and the firearm
          must be bought from a dealer in Paraguay (about double US prices.)
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  • Posted by JohnRandALL 1 year ago
    As a physician, I agree also. I was suddenly forced to get the shot, or retire, Sept 30, 2021. I refused the shot, and was "retired" (court marshaled) by the medical industrial complex. I, along with everyone I know that refused, do not regret refusing the shot. But I know many that regret getting it.
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  • Posted by $ kddr22 1 year ago
    As a physician I agree, I was forced to move my office of 24 years because I spoke out against the machine of lockdown and distancing/masking for young children, I see the struggle and ongoing issues these children face from absolutely stupid decisions.
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