NASA fails again... why am I not surprised

Posted by diessos 1 year, 1 month ago to Technology
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With all our modern "advances", younger "smarter" engineers can't design and build a spacecraft to bring people safely to the moon and back. Are you kidding me?

Goes along with another article I saw today about American mediocracy.


and the continued problems with the 737-Max.

America's best days are behind us.
SOURCE URL: https://www.space.com/nasa-artemis-2-moon-mission-delay-september-2025

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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 1 month ago
    From the article: "When it launches, Artemis 2 will send a crew of four around the moon and back to Earth. The crew includes three NASA astronauts — commander Reid Wiseman, pilot Victor Glover (who will be the first person of color to leave low Earth orbit, or LEO) and mission specialist Christina Koch (the first woman) — as well as Canadian Space Agency astronaut Jeremy Hansen (who will become the first non-American to leave LEO)." Cynical me thinks all the "safety" reasons are a smoke screen while a LGBTQ candidate is groomed to replace that "obviously oppressive white supremacist" Reid Wiseman.

    When Obummer pressed NASA to set up a "Muslim Nation Outreach Program" I figured not much will be seen from NASA. Anyone know whatever happened to that program?
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    • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 1 month ago
      I sense a Titan submersible moment coming.
      There were just too gosh darn many 50 year old white guys mucking up the works again I guess. (sarcasm)
      You couldn’t pay me 20 million dollars to go up in that thing. I mean I’d literally throw the briefcase of money back at them and tell them to get off my lawn. It was designed by people who believe men can get pregnant.
      There was a reason the Soviets failed to reach the moon. And at least one dead cosmonaut that screamed obscenities over the radio at Brezhnev as his spacecraft, which he knew was faulty before launch but went ahead for “political reasons”, burned up during re-entry. Google it. There’s a picture of what was left. His last wish was that his funeral be open casket so THEY could see what THEY did. I’m not making it up.

      Vladimir Komarov was his name. RIP

      I’m not going to feel sorry when the inevitable happens.
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      • Posted by $ pixelate 1 year, 1 month ago
        You read my mind "a Titan Submersible moment coming." Ayn Rand, the novelist, the philosopher, the prophet. It's one thing to witness the train wreck in real-time, as it happens. It is another thing entirely to see it from decades out and predict with disquieting precision, the exact location. "Mistakes of this magnitude are never made innocently." -- Rand.
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  • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
    ...some of the life-support hardware will have to be replaced inside the Artemis 3 Orion spacecraft due to failures during testing, an exhaustive process that requires disassembling and accessing many different systems inside the capsule.....

    The life support system should have been tested during the Artemis 1 flight. Just to verify it worked.
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 1 month ago
      All the hardware needs Master/Slave labels reprinted with different wording.

      All FIFO algorithms must be tested for racial equity applications/adjustments. Because being late puts you later in the queue but only white supremacist messages in the machine are on time or early... So CLEARLY FIFO is just another place the White Man is keeping those other critical components of the system down...

      Don't worry... I will be watching popcorn, and expecting a Jan 28th Redux...
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 1 year, 1 month ago
    NASA, if they believe the drivel they put out, should be renamed the National Advancement of Stupidity Agency! Harvard should be declared an anti-unicersity, as they are not educating either. Of course people now are having to rely on research , which they have been discouraged by Google from doing. Truth is now "misinformation" as "misinformation" is call truth. It is really all quite what Ayn Rand warned us whould happen. Look how Elon Musk is having to let foreign entities censor X for what they term "misinformation" if Musk wants to market his cars in their countreis. It is getting very bad, as business must act to stifle truth to make corp. deals.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 1 year, 1 month ago
    We always think the next generation will be smarter, better, but nt after US schol systems brainwashes victimhood and nonproductivity into them, and Harvard esp. finishes the job. NASA has lied for years, the gov. covered up the truth behind Project Blue Book with MKAltra. To this day, they lie. When we were not so good at space flights to space station, we relied on Russia, who were more cuccessful, but Biden proclaimed them the enemy, as Soros wanted it. We know the electric grid is no where near able to handle what Biden wants, but then that is the goal, total collapse, and US folded into a UN run totalitarian gov. with spotty electric, windmills, no read meat and all private property owed by gov. only. Depopulation is state in quotas on New World Order Site and cherred by UN just this year! Being better is not what powers, elites want, they want devolution, and are suing schools to foster iut, /ETs are waiting for us go advance to announce themselves, yet we are seeing a multi decade drop in average IQ, made worse by maskting the school chilrent, which reduced their IQ after one year! Biden says shoot at UFOS, Russia tells pilots they are far more advanced and not to engage. Seems US is on a planned decline course.Definitely Nasa IF LYING and covering up as in the 60s.Until someone removeves the vail of planned stupidity from our edcational system, it will grow worse!.
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    • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 1 month ago
      The biggest reason Russia was ahead in the Early 2000 was by then they had perfected their “Moon” technology because communism had been dead for about 10 years. And that the Space Shuttle was a ginormous waste of time and resources when everything it did could have been completed Faster Cheaper Better. As later proven by SpaceX and Russia itself.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 1 month ago
    In regard to diessos's foxnews link, it does not surprise me dino that a Jackass Party EDUCATION Secretary would completely out of context misquote a name dropped Ronald Reagan by saying, "We're from the government. We're here to help."
    Period! How freakin' EDUCATED is that?
    Me looked that all into equity Demo-donkey up. He was sworn in by another jackass, Word Salad Kackles Kamala Harris, on March 2, 2021.
    So don't be afraid. He is from the government and he is here to help.
    Hey, he may even be around to help Biden "finish the job," according to a Biden Victory Fund donation plea snail mail letter I received yesterday.
    Looking at it right now. Trying to decide what to write in a space that came with it that states: "Please let us know what's most important to you in this fight."
    Heh, heh, heh! It won't cost me a stamp either.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
      heh... yeah if he finishes the job, we won't have to worry about launching rockets, China will have them falling all over us.

      Education is a joke. EVERY millenial and genZ'r i've spoken too say the same thing "Global warming is the existential threat of our generation". Then they major in social work and environmental science. Then when they can't find a job, they become teachers.....

      and the pattern repeats.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 1 month ago
    The problem is that NASA - like most other governmental agencies - has been taken over by people more interested in ideology than mission. I look at none other than Mark Rober - a former NASA scientist who left and now produces extraordinary content on YouTube to interest children in science.

    Our government needs to be dismantled and rebuilt from the ground up to reject leftist ideology and celebrate achievement. Until that happens, it is a lost cause.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 1 year, 1 month ago
    My parents are among those that believe the Moon Landing Was a Hoax. They are not of the science or engineering mindset, I will say that at the outset. But more to the point, their rationale is that they simply cannot stomach the thought that the USA, once both the apex and focal point of science and technology, has fallen to such a low. It is horrifying to watch the former Olympian decay into an old, fat, stupid, lazy dotard.
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