Pence and Dr. Birx helped Fauci betray Trump and close down the country against Trump's wishes. D.C. NIFO

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 1 month ago to Politics
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"Even if Anthony Fauci had been the front man for the media, it was Birx who was the main influence in the White House behind the nationwide lockdowns that did not stop or control the pathogen but have caused immense suffering and continue to roil and wreck the world.

Following her stint at the White House, Dr. Birx, who was Trump's Coronavirus Response Coordinator from 2020 to 2021, wrote a book “Silent Invasion: The Untold Story of the Trump Administration, Covid-19, and Preventing the Next Pandemic Before It's Too Late” about her time in the White House. She also testified before Congress, in June 2022 (after she had to quit her position at the White House as detailed below) about what was characterized as the Trump administration's failure in managing the pandemic.

Regarding what the government knew about the vaccines as opposed to what it told the public, Dr. Birx admitted that agencies gave muddled, contradictory, or incomplete information to the American people, prompting Representative Jim Jordan to ask her:

Why should we believe anything the government tells us about COVID-19?

She also admitted that the government, despite promising Americans that, if they took the the mRNA jab, they would not get or transmit COVID-19, had just “hoped that it would work in that way.”
Fifteen Days to Slow the Spread was a start, but I knew it would be just that. I didn’t have the numbers in front of me yet to make the case for extending it longer, but I had two weeks to get them. . . . I waited for the blowback, for someone from the economic team to call me to the principal’s office or confront me at a task force meeting. None of this happened.”

Analyzing Birx's admission, Tucker concluded she was disingenuous with the president:

It was a solution in search of evidence she did not have. She told Trump that the evidence was there anyway. She actually tricked him into believing that locking down a whole population of people was somehow magically going to make a virus to which everyone would inevitably be exposed somehow vanish as a threat.

Meanwhile, the economy was wrecked domestically and then all over the world, as most governments in the world followed what the US did. "
Another TRAITOR to be tried and exzecuted.
SOURCE URL: https://frontline.news/post/pence-and-dr-birx-helped-fauci-betray-trump

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  • Posted by diessos 1 year, 1 month ago
    Prior to Covid, the economy was doing great, and it looked like Trump was going to be reelected. The deep state needed a way to stop it... So covid was released by China. Trump tried to block travel from China to isolate us, he was thwarted by Pelosi and the deep state. Then Birx and Fauci come up with the lockdown. Pence got sucked into it. Then came the BLM riots with the Blue state's refusing to clamp down. All this destroyed the economy and the Trump administration.

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    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 1 year, 1 month ago
      Completely agree. This was a fabricated event, or of fabricated severity to ensure Trump was disrupted from a second term. Absent COVID, Trump sailed through, virtually unopposed.
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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 1 year, 1 month ago
    Unfortunately...As I have said multiple times..."NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO THEM"!!!!!
    The Republicans will flake and if they don't, the courts will cover for them by allowing multiple injunctions and generally gumming up the process....I cite Hunter Biden as an example.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 1 year, 1 month ago
    I would suggest Dr. Birx was more interested in saving her job, whatever that was than in doing what was right and admitting she had no facts, only presumptions. That is the conceit of a lot of medical people. I know from first-hand experience having worked in hospitals both civilian and military for years.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 1 month ago
    It all boils down to “YOU WERE THE DAMN PRESIDENT DON!!!!!” He could have told the TSA to back off. He could have done lots of things. The Blue Checks on Twitter would have howled but in the end ….. they STILL would have stolen the election. There was/is NO REASON to handle their medical tyranny with kid gloves.
    You know I’m not a Never Trumper FFA… but he does bear some responsibility for being so stupid about what was being hatched right in front of his face. If he gets back in I would expect him not to be fooled again. As I’ve said before….Day TWO of a 2nd Trump Presidency BEGINS with General Milley IN CHAINS! Or it will just be more of the same. Fauci should be Day 3 for Crimes Against Humanity regarding Gain of Function research. I don’t care if AntiFa and BLM start their shit again. Let them burn their neighborhoods and then make a point to block ANY Federal funds to rebuild.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
      I agree that Trump made some serious mistakes, and he still hasn't claimed responsibility for some of those. I respect that you made specific comments about Trump's errors and you have made hundreds of rational posts here (unlike the never-Trumpers.)
      It doesn't all boil down to Trump at fault though. Many of his orders were not followed by traitors in his administration. He was sabotaged by bureaucracy and traitors at every opportunity and all that treason has been covered up by the traitors in the JustUS Dept. The judges appointed in the past 30 years have proven by their actions to be 90% traitors and they have blocked justice and punishment for crimes against the American people.
      First establish control. I'd appoint Generals I knew were patriots over the military and after they cleaned military's house of the treasonous scum and perverts, then have the military arrest, sequester, and interrogate all who acted against the US Constitution. Fill up Gitmo and put them all on military trial for treason. There has been 4 years to assemble evidence. Use it.
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