84 US senators (and Nikki Haley/Dick Chaney) prefer US soldiers camp at multiple Middle East points to remain targets of Muslim aggression. Theory is: “Better a sitting duck over there than here.”
Posted by bubah1mau 11 months, 2 weeks ago to Government
Senatorial vote was called by Rand Paul who wants US forces in general to withdraw from the Middle East, most certainly from Syria
And, MARK MY WORDS...If the Biden administration gets it's way we'll be in Syria trying to overthrow al-Assad very soon. They have a real hard-on for that guy and are hell-bent on monkeying around with Syria's sovereignty...for whatever reason.
Edit add: I have this nagging remembrance of when Trump removed 50 (fifty!) of our troops from the Syrian-Turkey border when the Turks were moving up thousands of troops against the Kurds and all the heat he got from that.
A couple of decades ago, it seemed there was a large Christian community there, and everyone tolerated each other, but now it is like Yugoslavia, another Deep State project that went off the rails.
This is all about "Forever Wars"
We had four years of peace under Trump and you can bet your last Cabal minted Fiat Dollar Bill this is one of the main reasons this Shiite-Heads have the guns out for him.
Our boys and girls are staked out in open ground just begging for one of the hundreds of enemies the cabal government has made over the years to take a poke at them.
War is profitable. Profitable beyond your wildest dreams. I spend my last 35 working the machine, I know process as well as anybody. It is also one of the reasons I took early retirement.
Look around you, this a$$wipe regime spent the two years poking the Bear in YouCrane, Putin didn't bite.
Then they tried dicking around with Xi Jinping in the south China Sea (his recent visit to SanFranTiolet was to tell TraitorJoe to Eff-off to his face) The Twain question has been settled for years, it is Chinese. Period. Our own government has publicly acknowledged this fact on repeated occasions. Yet another example of Old Joe sticking his member where it doesn't belong. Maybe he could find an empty light socket some where...
Next was to embrace the MidEast tar-baby and give it a big smooch. In doing so Diaper-Man has done what no one else has managed to do in a thousand years, unite Sunni and Shia to fight a common enemy: US or more precisely, our dirty, crooked war-pig government.
Did you know this government (that allegedly represents We the People) is presently bombing some little African nation because they took a couple of pot-shots at a navel destroyer (no damage). I don't remember voting for that?
Yessireebob we just love war. We'll start shooting at the drop of a hat. Damn good money to be made there son. /sac/
Hell I bet with a little effort we could every every nation on the planet to hate us.
are the planes at Pearl lined up yet??
they only have 3 years to get that done
Rand Paul is wrong for one simple reason, thanks to the il-legal alien POTUS, 0bama, the middle east came to the US
and biden the usurper has continued that treason
Until you spend 10 minutes listening to Dr. Paul explain BlowBack.
And you remember Benghazi... The troops that couldn't get off the tarmac.
And you suddenly realize it is ALL BS.
Poland and Hungary don't have bases all over... And they are reporting basically ZERO Jihad Terrorism in their countries.
Does that prove this is all BS?
Of course it does.
Expect media silence, and me to be called nasty names for bringing it up!