THE AFTER GLOW: The Great Unwrapping

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 2 months ago to Entertainment
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We Sang and Danced, we were critiqued upon our Caroling, opened gifts that missed the mark, learned valuable lessons, made interesting revelations, protected our interests but in the end, Awed by creation:
Thankful for the ultimate gift of Forgiveness.
. . . . . and don't forget the gift from the cat!

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    Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 2 months ago
    OUC You were born into a strange world.
    Like a candle, you were meant to share the fire.
    Cuz you were born to change this life.
    You were born to chase the light.
    You were born...to meme the gulch.
    Dark to light.
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    • Posted by $ 1 year, 2 months ago
      To Meme the Gulch . . . that I am, for these kind folks.
      Can't express myself through music anymore but now I can with my writing and my assembling of the memes of others.
      You are a poet and until now, I just didn't know it.
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year, 2 months ago
    I just watched "A Charlie Brown Christmas"
    After all these years, the story suddenly took on a whole new meaning for me. It crystalized what I had been thinking and doing for the last few years. Now it all makes sense.

    Opted out of the whole Christmas gifting grift a few years ago. Never been happier.
    We realized we buy what we want, when we want, over the coarse of the preceding year.
    What was the point of buying something we didn't need, simply to put a box under the tree?
    Running around trying to compete with the stampede of people who feel obligated to buy into this craziness out of shear tradition just wasn't working for me anymore.

    As a child growing up in a single parent home in an inner city housing project, surrounded by extreme poverty, Christmas was never a joyous time in my neighborhood. If you got one small toy, it was a miracle.

    Trying to make up for it in my adulthood was an object lesson in disappointment, because you simply can not buy happiness. Happiness comes from within, or it does not come at all.

    Took me way too long to figure this out.
    I have alienated my family, as they are still into the whole "you must not love me, If you don't buy me a gift" thing.

    My Uncle set this 'no gift president' when he was my age, I didn't understand it then. I totally get it now.

    Christmas is the celebration of the birth of our savior, our lord Jesus Christ. A time to gather with friends and family to share the gift of love, eat and drink (perhaps a little too much) tell tall stories and otherwise enjoy time together we normally wouldn't do otherwise.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 2 months ago
    That cat reminded me of one me dino had during the Seventies when I was newspaper reporter/photographer for seven years.
    I lived in a house sectioned off into three apartments and I was the only one upstairs with a long outdoor flight of stairs that took a hard turn to the left halfway down.
    One morning going to work I opened the door to find not a dead mouse but six or seven little dead baby rabbits. Cat loved me so much it carried each baby rabbit one-by-one up that long stairway to my door.
    Ghastly. Mother Nature can be a cruel mistress.
    Another time I heard a creature screeching "Jay! Jay! Jay!" before, again going to work, I opened the door to see a blue jay fly off from being very close to my cat, who was hunched down flat on its belly ready to spring.
    When I returned from work, blue jay feathers were scattered from where I saw my cat hunched to spring all over that stairs with some also on the ground.
    Struck me that the blue jay's antics had frustrated my cat to the point of tearing it to pieces once it got its paws on it.
    Years later a Siberian husky killed my cat. I was tempted to shoot it but I didn't. Knew the neighbors that owned it.
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year, 2 months ago
      Mom had a 22 pound cat with tiger stripes. This cat was as mean as the day was long. This was one cat that did not like to be patted or cuddled.
      I was the only one who he would allow to be touched by.
      Seven of us were out in the back yard on a fine spring day and watched "Sandy" leap ten feet in the air, rotate in mid flight, claws up, and snagged the bird right out of the air. My kid brother is a bird watcher. I think he's still traumatized over the event.
      The back porch was 15 feet off the ground, Sandy would pop up onto the deck from a standing crouch.
      He would tree other cats. It's 'buddy' was the neighbors German Shepard, they would go out hunting together.
      Sandy lived over 20 years.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 2 months ago
    So BIDEN is the Grinch...
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 2 months ago
      Me dino thinks our Puppet-In-Chief plus his handlers plus Obama calling the shots from his Washington D.C. home is altogether the Grinch or why Obama's third term lives where he lives in the first place.
      And me dino just thought up a name for that third term house. It's the Rainbow House! Just ask Michelle.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 2 months ago
      Me dino thinks our Puppet-In-Chief plus his handlers plus Obama calling the shots from his Washington D.C. home is altogether the Grinch or why Obama's third term lives where he lives in the first place.
      And me dino just thought up a name for that third term house. It's not the White House but the Rainbow House! Just ask Michelle. Also, I recall Obama lighting up the White House with rainbow colors for several nights.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 1 year, 2 months ago
    There used to be a place where a person could sign in with the handle he/she had on the site. But today, when I signed in, I saw no place to type it. Why the change? Or did I do something wrong? I don't understand.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 1 year, 2 months ago
    Over the course of my 74 years I have shared my home with many critters, most of them rescues. Each cat has its own personality. Most of my four-foots are friendly lap warmers (all cats at the moment), but there was one I rescued as a 4 week old kitten who NEVER warmed up to anyone. After 6 years as an indoor cat he bolted outside and we never saw him again. Cats aren't evil. They're just rugged individualist who face the world on their own terms and devil take the hindmost.
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