The FAKE Noose Again

Posted by deleted 1 year, 2 months ago to Politics
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I posted on this back in 2021. I just came across a better photo proving beyond a doubt this noose was a prop to make a point. A fat spiraling knot tied around a white cloth to make it stand out at a distance. It's not a real barrel knot.

The evidence is everywhere to be seen but who really cares to see?

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  • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 2 months ago
    Today this story is another rerun , that’s what it is taking to wake people the FuQ up. The men that assembled the distasteful decoration were allowed to construct that intended symbolism right in front of the DC police or what ever other law enforcement that was clearly on the scene . Constructed in the very early morning hours of J6 . Then they walked to a coffee shop across the street from FBLie offices. When the finished. J6 was the staged insurrection to cover up the Nov 3 2020 insurrection. We are at war , I have said it for years here. Trump said “I am a war time President” he was not kidding. This war is as deadly as any, yet the battlefield is between your ears. Psyop’s , censorship, infiltration, bioweapons , mass shootings, terrorism, you name it. Ok , Irregular warfare . It is for all the marbles. The WEF has told you what the goal is. “You will eat zee bugs”. 15 min cities. No gas for the peons. Unaffordable transportation. No guns . Etc.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 2 months ago
    The way I see it, hanging the opposition in effigy is a time honored American tradition going way back before the Revolution. I hate to see "my guys" in the noose, but hey, I'll grimace and suck it up. The MSMM only makes a big evil deal out of it when their guy is in the noose. Too bad for them, LOL!
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    • Posted by 1 year, 2 months ago
      I still want to know why, with thousands of cell phone videos, not one video has surfaced of that gallows prop being built. How did it get there? Some one dropped it off at 3 AM? No one has asked. MSM has not called for an inquiry into the gallows-prop builders. I found a blog with lots of people wondering this. Also commenting that the noose is a fake knot. That the whole structure wasn't designed to hang someone it was designed to look scary. I'm hanging a dead horse.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 2 months ago
        Good point. Now that you point it out, I think this was built way in advance somewhere else, disassembled, and then brought to the site and assembled. Notice it is bolted, not nailed, and has nice steps and deck. That takes planning and time to pull off. No nose twinkling here - it takes work. I doubt it was dropped off the back of a pickup - even if it was it won't get built during Trumps speech on the same day on a whim.
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        • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 2 months ago
          The men that assembled the distasteful decoration were allowed to construct that intended symbolism right in front of the DC police or what ever other law enforcement that was clearly on the scene as street video clearly shows. ReConstructed in the very early morning hours of J6 by three men Then they walked to a coffee shop across the street from FBLie offices When they had finished. J6 was the staged insurrection to cover up the Nov 3 2020 insurrection.
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          • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 2 months ago
            Thanks, Dobrien. Ha, constructed in the early morning hours and then they went to breakfast. Whomever they were, they knew something was going to happen or the scaffold was a giant coincidence with the protest. I vote it was all staged and I'm hoping the ploy continues to unravel. I doubt if the real guilty will be brought to justice, but at least I hope the innocent will be set free. The more I learn about this the more I rethink my original thoughts regarding the scaffold. Not an effigy protest, but a nefarious setup.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 1 year, 2 months ago
    It reminds me of that one clip of the handful of white guys with big Trump flags with one kneeling on another's neck as the BLM protestors (protesting Floyd) were marching by. It was so scripted (and none of the peaceful protesters happened to attack in protest this one time) that it made me wince.

    At a small town just east of here there was a small group of antifa/BLM that congregated in the street. Some local boys counter protested and they ended up shaking hands, hugging and having a friendly conversation and getting along just great. Then, out of the blue, here came a guy with very dark hands wearing a KKK costume carrying a Trump flag. It was cartoonish. I roared when I saw it.

    I checked out of all the psyop crap long ago.
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  • Posted by term2 1 year, 2 months ago
    I am disgusted by this whole "get trump" affair. The leftists waste OUR dollars on this charade while Putin ad Xi laugh as our country for being stupid.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 2 months ago
    Doesn't matter who put up that stupid noose.
    Libtards some of whom art college professors or just have Harvard degrees shalt proclaim this is proof that white people are racist and therefore deserve to be marginalized if not altogether cancelled.
    OMG! My skin is white! Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!
    BTW, that reminds me, making as much sense, a Catholic who didn't like me saying I'm ex-Catholic once told me that my being baptized as a Catholic baby meant I always had to be a Catholic.
    Well, goo-goo! Me dino born in the USA.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 2 months ago
    There's a sign on the stand that says it is art... No, its a threat. And just like the Palestinian sympathizers, it should be removed and those responsible prosecuted for those threats. This doesn't constitute free speech any more than a burning cross or noose on a black person's lawn.
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