The FAKE Noose Again
Posted by deleted 1 year, 2 months ago to Politics
I posted on this back in 2021. I just came across a better photo proving beyond a doubt this noose was a prop to make a point. A fat spiraling knot tied around a white cloth to make it stand out at a distance. It's not a real barrel knot.
The evidence is everywhere to be seen but who really cares to see?
The evidence is everywhere to be seen but who really cares to see?
That was a nice touch.
At a small town just east of here there was a small group of antifa/BLM that congregated in the street. Some local boys counter protested and they ended up shaking hands, hugging and having a friendly conversation and getting along just great. Then, out of the blue, here came a guy with very dark hands wearing a KKK costume carrying a Trump flag. It was cartoonish. I roared when I saw it.
I checked out of all the psyop crap long ago.
Libtards some of whom art college professors or just have Harvard degrees shalt proclaim this is proof that white people are racist and therefore deserve to be marginalized if not altogether cancelled.
OMG! My skin is white! Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!
BTW, that reminds me, making as much sense, a Catholic who didn't like me saying I'm ex-Catholic once told me that my being baptized as a Catholic baby meant I always had to be a Catholic.
Well, goo-goo! Me dino born in the USA.