MEME WHILE: I was just Wondering . . .

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year ago to Humor
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The year 2023 is over It's Feb 2024, I turn 72 years old Monday and I'm starting to get worn out (but hanging in there pretty well), and I still have so many unanswered questions!!!! I still haven’t found out who let the dogs out...where’s the beef...how to get to Sesame Street... why Dora doesn’t just use Google Maps...why all flavors of Fruit Loops taste exactly the same, or how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie pop......why eggs are packaged in a flimsy carton, but batteries are secured in plastic that’s tough as nails... why “abbreviated” is such a long word, or why there is a D in ‘fridge’ but not in refrigerator... why lemon juice is made with artificial flavor yet dish washing liquid is made with real lemons... why they sterilize the needle for lethal injections... and why you have to “put your two cents in” but it’s only a “penny for your thoughts” (where’s that extra penny going??)... why The Alphabet Song and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star have the same tune... why you just tried to sing those two previous songs... what exactly is Victoria’s secret ... and where's Waldo?... Can you hear me now and do you really think I am this witty?? I actually got this from a friend, who stole it from her brother’s girlfriend’s uncle’s cousin who lived next door to an old classmate’s mailman.

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    Posted by $ DriveTrain 1 year ago
    I keep wondering what happened to the "t" in replenish - since it's presumably based on the root word "plenty"; why Mom's iron has a setting on it that says "Permanent Press"; why we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway (I think both of those last two are Gallagher-isms); how and why Victoria's Secret became Victoria's Morbid Obesity Problem; why the air pressure numbers on tires are in print so small you need an electron microscope to read them; why they got the fifth note of "Greensleeves" so catastrophically wrong and why nobody's fixed it; why the morons who paint pavement signs put everything backward, like you can only read words in the order your car approaches them ("What's that one say? Umm...'One.' And this one? 'Way.' And the last one? Umm, 'Only." ~ crunch~ ); why people keep saying "underrated" when they really mean "unknown"; and maybe my King Of All Peeves: When you're choking on something, why people always, and I mean... ALWAYS, say: "Are you okaaayyy?" When the only possible response would be "Oh hey, yeah, I'm ok with taking time out from struggling to get air into my lungs so that, you know, I don't drop stone dead, to engage with you in some small-talk as to my general well-being. So in addition to, you know, kinda-sorta struggling to get air into my lungs so that I don't drop dead, I am also now faced with the obligation to come up with an answer to your question and to try to find a way to croak it out to you while I, you know, continue to attempt... not dying. Sorry if I'm a little slow on the uptake here but... I'm kinda busy? Nnkay? Now if you'll excuse me I'd like to get back to the small task of... struggling to get air into my lungs so that I do not drop stone dead right here in front of your ostentatiously-concerned arse. If you want to be helpful just shut the hell up and give me a glass of water, or maybe grab me by the ankles and turn me upside-down so I can hack this stuff out of my airways. But pleasant conversation about my health is just precisely what I am not into right now, kthxbye."

    Yeah, I hear ya.
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    • Posted by $ 1 year ago
      LMAO, Thank you, I spend time making other people laugh but rarely laugh more than once at each meme they always laugh at.

      Hadn't noticed signs printed on the roads and I never played Greensleves but I laughed AND agreed with everything else.

      Finding myself multi tasking in the extreme lately and now it's time to rest and do it all again tomorrow.
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  • Posted by VetteGuy 1 year ago
    Ah, Yes! I have questions as well. Where have all the flowers gone? Who'll stop the rain? How many roads must a man walk down?

    Thanks for a morning grin OUC. I needed it!
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  • Posted by GaryL 12 months ago
    I hit 72 on 4/3 and it is readily apparent that none of us will get out of here alive. Very few of us will get out looking very good and some of us, like JB don't even know when to get out. I just hope if or when I ever get that "Lost in Space", someone will take me out and not parade me out in front of the masses to make a fool of myself.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 12 months ago
    When I was a little dino, I reckon I consumed at least 10-to20 Tootsie-Pops yet never even thought of counting the licks.
    Me now an aging old dino limping around on a cane would help you out with that lick count but the family doctor I see every 4 months to keep tabs on my Type 2 Diabetes wouldn't approve of that one bit.
    So it is all his fault just like BuyMe and the Jackass Party now blames Trump and MAGA for the open border.
    One can learn lots of Schiff from watching RINOs and Democraps.
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  • Posted by AmericanWoman 12 months ago
    Let us form a group of fellow worn outs...a tad older and have gotten to the point already of not tolerating stuff...speaking my mind oops..wonder why so many follow the crowd and do not think for themself and believe anything they are told as long as its on google ...barf!
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  • Posted by jimslag 12 months ago
    I always get a laugh from you guys, you keep me in stiches with the meme's and the jokes. I appreciate it all.
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    • Posted by $ 12 months ago
      Laughter not only heals the soul but it protects the brain and the body from the ill effects of Stress, anger, depression or bad or harmful thoughts instantly. but these days, with all the BS, one "Ha!" ain't gona do it . . . need a whole lot of "HA's!".
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 11 months, 4 weeks ago
    Oh, I so relate, I turned 77 this year. But my memory is sharp and I get out in large yard even in winter. I do find i want to know more and more, and to= go after it. I want to read research papers, blog, study gov. covreyp of UFOs, wich I know is that, as I saw one in 1956 when I lieved in Roswell, have frequent orbs and triangles over our creek now. I waved one night and instantly one triangle flashed back bright lights! My friends are starting to question and look things up. We meet each morning and discuss politics, science, old music, old TV, We get old series that had real scripts.We share music off our computers, which we are all on daily. I befriend animals in the yard, snakes, deer, fox, bird, and have bat houses. My need to know intensifies with age. I have been asked why I caecare, and I say because there is so much to know. I would like ot talk with a gray ET. I hate stupdiity by choice, which some wear as a badge of honor. Love rousing discussions over coffee. Everyone once in a while one of the group reminds some poeple are dead at my age, he is two eyars younger, and not in as good shape heathwise, and I say I am not ready to quite yet, I have to fight for justice, truth, capitalism, honesty in science. My IQ is in the top 2%, I can explain things to some who do not get things at first, but are so delighted when a little logic points the way for them. I love NCIS reruns, saw Oppenheimer, but have been to Trinity Site and met Brig. Gen. Tibbbits in person, the Enola Gay flew out of Roswell. On my ithbirthday dad knew coronet player Bobby Hackett who played with Jackie Gleason Orch. at time, he was so nice, he was laying the supper club and psent his break at our table. Met Ceasar Romero in a Columbus, Oh Italisan restaurant, where my Gram got us all in conversation, so natureal, so full of joy and love of lifehe was.Saw the frist episode of Route 66 film in El Paso where we lived at the time, and fell lifelong in love with Corvettes, which I have owned 2 of and several Camaros, Take a ton of vitamins, but nary one Covid vaccine! None of our coffee bunch did either. Still love Glen Miller, Elvis, Beatles and despise Taylor Swift who is a stupid person.want to see man discover the ley lines and electric from tapping into them. Love rocks, which we hauled large ones in to our property.Still love going to see Frank Lloyd Houses, mid-centruy and slightly before. The question I would ask an ET, is God over you, or is he a rduct made by mankind, or do ETs rule?
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